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Everything posted by Nenga

  1. Lol Runescape. But send that to Seth over on EqD anyway.
  2. On a related note I hate when my family keeps asking me why I dont have a girlfriend yet. It sounds so crazy to them that I really dont want a girlfriend. And by that I mean that i'm not interested in any kind of romantic relationship right now, and they never can actually get that.
  3. You don't have to be a speedrunner to notice that. The target games are a [bleep] on the GC :cry: I never had a N64 so I never played the original. But I never really had a problem with it.
  4. Am I the only one that caught that? They're using the same exact technology. They packed polygons into a smaller space and gave them a new name. Game designers don't make larger polygons because they can't make them smaller, they make them larger so they don't use as many. So your system can actually run the game and it not run at 3 FPS. Also I find it funny that they point out that game designers tend to make the backs of objects less detailed but never show the back of their objects for comparison.
  5. All systems work with a modern TV, even my SNES still works if I hook it up, and I have before. But if you have a Wii you can buy OoT and MM from the store and play them on your Wii.
  6. I don't know if you're being serious or not, but I don't O_o I'm just kinda naturally tan I guess. Confession: I always feel like I'm being watched by some means. Lmao. He still didn't find the hidden camera I put in his room. :lol: Smart people just hack the webcam, they never figure that one out.
  7. I've heard sometime around December. I heard about October.
  8. *optional*: Mention your huge manhood, and threaten to kick their ass. *Way over the top*: Tell them to get hit with a truck full of cancer.
  9. QFT My first interpretation of that acronym is "quite [bleep]ing true." :P But really, what does it mean? Quoted For Truth In other words, either way works :cool: I always though it meant "Quit [bleep]ing Trolling" Wait how do you guys not like cold pizza? Some pizza is even better cold than it is hot.
  10. I wouldn't know since I havent played normal actually. Like I said I skipped straight to proud.
  11. All KH games are so easy I just skip to the hardest mode.
  12. How many hours have you been playing? This is what happened to me, and I've heard it's happened to a lot of other people too: I played maybe 10 hours of the game spread out over a week or two, didn't really like it. I didn't get the hype. I went back to it a couple months later and got up to 100 hours played in no time at all. It became one of my favorite games. I don't know what it is about it. I guess it's just because you have to really get into it or it just gets better later on, but I would find myself picking up the game and playing for a while, and suddenly it was 8 hours later and I had no idea where the time went. I got so immersed. I used the hunting rifle for a large portion of the game. It's really good early levels, but it falls off during later levels when the enemies are stronger. Speaking of enemy strength, what difficulty are you playing on? I wouldn't play on anything above normal. Higher difficulties only make it tedious because they just increase enemy health and damage. Fallout 3's story definitely isn't its strong point. The exploration is where it really shines. Not even doing any quests, just exploring areas. Sorry for all dem paragraphs, but I love this game and needed to respond thoroughly. Those are my initial thoughts after playing a few hours of it, i'll still give the game a chance but my initial opinion is low. Though it could be like FF12 for me, I didn't really like it much on my first playthrough, but after replaying it, it was really fun, one of my more favorite games now.
  13. I do that too. I thought it was pretty common to do actually since I remember someone else saying that as well.
  14. I bought fallout 3 since I heard it was so good. It's ok, I don't see why everybody said it was such a great game though. it's annoying traveling around the world, shops never carry a good supply of ammo so i'm always low. I suppose in an RPG i'm supposed to focus more on the story, but that's really hard to do when everything is so far away from each other and I always have a hard time getting there due to the shortage of bullets. That really sucks me out of the story. Also what does radiation poisoning even do? I've let it feel up near full before and it didnt seem to do anything. Also i'm level 8 now, and still no powerful weapons, i'm still using my hunting rifle and laser pistol, and the enemies use the same crap as me, which is helpful for bullets atleast.
  15. doing it wrong. you tell the girls because it shows confidence. "i'm so secure in my manhood that i openly admit to having read twilight." as a bonus, you get the emotional guy modifier, giving +50% to all relationship status boosting effects. Maybe he's secretly hoping one of his guy friends will come on to him after telling them. This would be the place to admit that.
  16. If we wanted to talk about Runescape we would be posting in the Runescape sections of the forums. Most people in OT don't play that game anymore. Hit the nail right on the head. Off-Topic is for exactly that, off the topic of Runescape. OT is honestly a completely separate community from the rest of the site. If not for people with those skill charts in their signatures I'd forget I was on a runescape fansite. I've actually hidden the RuneScape boards on here because I got annoyed having to scroll. Same.
  17. So we need a different name except brony, besides ex-/b/tards everyone hates it. So all in favor of another name, Say aye.
  18. You level up by leveling your major skills, a bug can make the class menu not show up, so you cant choose any major skills and you can't level up. If you're playing on a computer you can use the console to fix it. Open it and type in "showclassmenu". Exactly like that with no spaces. As far as I know it doesn't happen in vanilla, it's the combination of a mod changing when you choose your class and the vanilla game conflicting. The console is really useful for fixing bugs and glitches. You can also use it to redesign your character, pick your race and stuff. Just be aware that when you change your class with the console it resets all your skills.
  19. Is it really a surprise, this has been a really slow year for video games.
  20. Though to be fair, a lot of people would enjoy seeing Rarity die in a gruesome fashion.
  21. Nenga


    So he should look in his sock drawer?
  22. Well stick with it awhile, I don't know anypony that really decided they loved the show from just the first episode.
  23. I can raeg very hard at a game. Even if I enjoy the game. Although it's a different type of raeg from the raeg I get from playing a horrible game. I can get very competitive at sports too but the difference is I suck at sports. It's not fun if I don't win sometimes.
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