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D. V. Devnull

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Everything posted by D. V. Devnull

  1. Well, I had to convert properly from $US, so... ~258 Russian Rubles ...and please, run it back through Google to see where I was aiming. You'll find it isn't that much higher. :p ~Mr. D. V. "You DID ask for the next integer, after all..." Devnull
  2. 24 days (only 22, if you account for the other thread) away, and not by choice... Argh... *facewall* :wall: 21467 ~D. V. "not happy with their self" Devnull
  3. 1087 Damnit... got pulled away for 22 days!!! *facewall* :wall: ~D. V. "What a headache!" Devnull
  4. 31 * 7 * 5 = 1085 ~D. V. "...ssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..." Devnull
  5. 21478 I hope you all enjoyed the Halloween Candy. :) ~D. V. "Tasty, right?" Devnull
  6. Sorry, it's me. :( @MageUK, perhaps? :) ~D. V. "Why not an Admin?" Devnull
  7. 3*192 = 1083 ~D. V. "...ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss..." Devnull
  8. 23*5*33+1 = 1081 And now... for some unusual hand-signings... :p ~D. V. "hhhhhhhhsssssssssssssssss............" Devnull
  9. 21488 Hey, guys, I just heard about some internet issues. Have any of you been seeing hiccups? :huh: Here's a URL to what I read: :arrow: http://mwomercs.com/news/2016/10/1650-north-american-network-issues ~D. V. "It's definitely news when the internet doesn't work." Devnull
  10. 21492 Ugh... what are all these light and dark lines in my vision from reading on forums? I think I had better take a rest... :blink: ~D. V. "Apparently reading more than they can..." Devnull
  11. How did you see me coming? :blink: @Andrew, please? :) ~D. V. "They probably won't come, but I have to try." Devnull
  12. So... What happens to all the excess boxes? :o 1077 ~D. V. "That's a lot of extra food..." Devnull
  13. *jawdrop* :o You're banned for making me jawdrop, because I didn't see you post something a tad more original. :shame: ~D. V. "I recognize overused bans..." Devnull
  14. Have fun, but don't get either a sunburn or too much sand between the toes. :) 21497 ~D. V. "Nobody wants grainy trouble, right?" Devnull
  15. Banned for surfing on the backs of Tuna that have been strapped together into the shape of a surfboard. :shame: ~D. V. "Dude, that's animal cruelty!!!" Devnull
  16. 1075 Retired, huh? Well, don't let him end up feeling useless for long periods of time... I hear that kills old folk. Heck, I think I've lost a Grandparent or two that way... :mellow: ~D. V. "Take good care of them..." Devnull
  17. Would have been nice... :( How about @Arceus? ~D. V. "Gotta ask..." Devnull
  18. 21512 <*@D. V. Devnull comes back later, and gets a notification alert on a device on his arm. Seeing two instances of @Arceus in the room, they promptly pull out the one from the vat, and smack both instances together so hard that they merge into one being. Unfortunately for @Arceus, the velocity of the collision causes the single remaining instance to be knocked totally unconscious.*> Hmph. -.- ~D. V. "BTW, thanks for the palindrome..." Devnull
  19. I TOLD YOU TO NOT SWAP THAT!!! :angry: <*@D. V. Devnull immediately uses the "TES5: Skyrim"-based 'Nord Word Art' Dragon-Language Shout, known as "Unrelenting Force" on @Arceus.*> FFFUUUUUUSSSS RO'DAH!!! <*@Arceus is promptly blasted into a vat full of some other kind of orange gunk. Unfortunately for @Arceus, they find themself unable to move out of it on their own, as the gunk happens to be preventing all bodily movement.*> I'll have to find out whether or not I can actually pull you out of that later... For now... <*@D. V. Devnull walks off, whistling...*> :-w 21514 ~D. V. "Totally gone 'DragonBorn'..." Devnull
  20. Uhm... what happened here? It sure looks to me like somebody didn't wait for their auto-save during typing to trigger, and therefore didn't get an alert message about someone posting ahead of them. Then the next person got thrown off... nuts... oh well... <*pulls a lever, and dumps orange goop on both @Arceus and @Gandalf14141*> ...this had to happen eventually. :p After correction, we're now at... 21517 ~D. V. "If you swap the 'g' for a 'p' in a certain spot, then I will have to hunt you down." Devnull
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