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    woodcutting in draynor village for ever...
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    making money
  1. underground pass and one small favour are my votes but in the part of underground pass that you need to find your own path mine was strait on the left side | X X X X | X X X X | X X X X | X X X X if im not wrong that how it looks like note: | = correct path X = other squars
  2. i hate underground pass quest because its long and you fail a lot of obsticals in it
  3. i think this is a bad idea beause jagex wont do smaller things like more bank space or the new bank desings ( biggest suggustions on tip.it forums) also they wont update f2p with such a thing
  4. i bet some of the teenagers couldnt answer some of the qestions, and some "underaged kids" would, but jagex dont care about age of people playing its just a law that they must do that. and not all "underaged kids" don't no anything about runescape look at me im 12 nad i know more then you about runescape. i bet some teens beg as well. so this is like the worst idea suggested yet ( i realy cant think of anything worse right off the bat) ~ml417
  5. in cw i was with full black dhide 79 def 80 mage and mage pro prayer on and i was still getting hit by ice barrage so even rangers will have a hard time surviving
  6. have to finish in aid of the m... quest for this mini game Temple Trekking and Burgh de Rott Ramble if im not wrong if you log out the trek you were in ends so when you log back in that messege shows so that means its just a bug that says somthing at the wrong place
  7. it will piss of everyone i will not pla if a random dot pops on my screen every minute let me see im cutting willows not saying anything im lvl 100 a lvl 110 comes and kills me because he can attack me when i dont say anything. also they will just add a talk function not to get attacked best idea is for jagex to hier a team of like 20 people looking for autoers on runescape all the time
  8. second one please put ml417
  9. the file size was too big so i changed it :thumbsup: reduced quality but oh well
  10. thats too big here i resized it: [img=http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/9918/sonicsigcopyak9.jpg] it was 45kb also you need to post a code idk about the dimentions of the sig cuz i didnt look at that :-w but it should be ok
  11. [img=http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/6033/ancientlynxkc9.jpg] had to change it to a jpg so i can resize it but here we go p.s. lets see if you can see the diffrents :wink:
  12. There are currently 151306 people playing! (taken from rs main page) if autoers were gone it would look more like this: There are currently 51306 people playing! (10,000 players out of the game at least) and this is a late time so you will find more autoers and less players) you cant miss autoers they are everywhere
  13. people(male/femal): female wearing: full zamorak armer and rune scimmy doing: standing there so you can see the armer background: something that will go with it extras: na Siggy/avy: avvy
  14. thanks but you forgot to add a code but dont worry i got it the same way i got the last one quoteing it :wink: :-w
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