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Everything posted by eatrunearrow

  1. Gosh I just love how when I pked a whip all I get is a Rune kite. I thought somewhere they said the pvp update would be "profitable" ... oh well... better than nothing I guess. I bet you skillers are happy... haha. Fish, Pots, ammo, runes, are sky rocketing!
  2. Simple fix. Rangers and Mages get the % of dammage increase that Melee does. Rangers and Mages like to slay too??
  3. Oh my, someone insulted people! Shesh. Why don't we go play neo pets online or Barbie horse adventure! Wow seriously this game is supposed to be 13+, it was a joke. WTF kids hear worse by the time they hit 2nd grade!! I'm American myself. And it is true that by 2 Am ( the time this offense occured) all the annoying players ( the younger American kids) had gone to bed. Don't deny this. Honestly this is such a little case you could hardly even call it offensive. I was not A. Being racist B. Swearing C. Asking for personal details.. Honestly learn to take a joke, you're one of the people that would be offended if another country called Americans fat. It's just a joke, yet it is true. America is one of the fattest countries in the world. Everyone must take time to laugh at themselves. Also would you like you're lolli pop now? And a free trip to the quick chat only world so no one can offend you in any way? Really... I was not being offensive. This does not merit a 24 hour mute.
  4. eatrunearrow

    Living Noob.

    I wouldn't mind prayer as much if we had a set of something that lets us go through prayer like melee does. But anyway, the reason people call people prayer noobs is because in a 1 on 1 fight if you pray against each other it's pretty much pointless. It's boring to fight for 3x longer because all you are hitting is like 1-12s on each other.
  5. I AM AMERICAN!!! I said it myself! I just said that all the 8 year old stupid american kids went to bed. I was not insulting AMERICA!!
  6. Ok. So I logged into Runescape today to find out that I was muted... I was like alright... what for? I got MUTED FOR THIS!?! What you see below is me joking in the g.e. with some friends late at night. We were talking about how quiet it was at night and I was like well that is because all the annoying 8 year old American kids went to bed. Which is the truth. eatrunearrow: spam!!!!!!!! there goes the peace ( Said this as a joke since it was so quiet ) One line. This is not spam. eatrunearrow: aka 8 year old americans ( said this because someone said that's because all the idiots are off now) eatrunearrow: im american too but i must admit, they are stupid ( don't see how this is against the rules) eatrunearrow: yep (same as above) eatrunearrow: hey can i have free st0ffzzzzzzz ( the following three lines were a complete joke. someone was talking about how annoying noobs are and it was an obvious joke, and also I wasn't breaking rule one anywhere) eatrunearrow: i'm a noob please eatrunearrow: i dont know how to mine And I can't appeal this because it was deferred?? I'm still in the green zone but I have a 24 hour mute. I fail to see what part of rule 1 I broke!?! I'm so sick of this bs. You can't even make a joke like that without getting muted?? And the worst part is, there is NO WAY that we can send a message to Jagex anymore!! Nice customer support Jagex. I really love it.
  7. I really don't hate skilling... what it was is just to put you guys in our foot steps... for a decent ammount of us.. the pvp of the wild was why we played this game... a lot of people spent hours upon hours for them to be wasted... I just wanted you guys to somewhat understand... but anyway. I have wanted this for years... pking anywhere... I'll be happy with it as long as the rewards are really profitable like they say they will be. Other then that I'm in love with that news post actually I promise I will shut up and stop spamming anti Jagex rants once this comes out :D It almost seems too good to be true like they won't release it but I bet they will :D. For me anyway, I feel like I have just a world war or something.. lol so I feel victorious. :P. P.s. Yes I really do have nothing against skillers... just the people who have never pked in the wild in rsc or rs2 and flame me even tho they never will understand what it was like.
  8. Well this goes out to all of you on these forums that have ... A. Flammed me B. Told me to quit C. Told me there was no point in all the pointless ranting and complaining D. Basically told me to shut up. E. "GET OVER IT, JAGEX WILL NEVER INTRODUCE ANYTHING LIKE THE WILD." Pssht yeah you're wrong ROFL. Well guess what!? My efforts were not in vain! See you skillers in the 99% Pking worlds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA In your face ! In your face!!! 1 small step for Jagex. 1 large step for pkers!
  9. I agree it is near to impossible. But you really don't understand. The problem isn't the bots. They are gone for the most part but that is not how RWT is being done now.
  10. And you must admit, people are more likely to just pay for money, than give out their password. RWT is still weaker than it was. "No. These are updates you want so people will lose what you've lost." Yes you get it that is part of it want a cookie ;)? However, I am being serious about these sugguestions. What else are they going to do when the credit card companies start to threaten not working with Jagex again? This is a logical thing that will have to be done. Yes I agree, people are more likely to just pay for it then give out their password...although yeah now you can't do that so people have to adapt, looks like a lot of people have adapted I guess lol. And hey money is money. As long as people get it, they will pay.
  11. You under estimate how desperate many people are. It's not a big deal to give out your pass to them, you just have to have your recoveries set and you're fine. And Yeah I'm sorry I missed that. Well, yes I realized people train skills for other reasons then the wild. I will never fully be over the wild being gone, I'll admit that. That really doesn't have anything to do with my topic at hand now does it? Lets keep this on topic now. These are logical updates that would stop RWT. This isn't about the wild being gone, for once that has nothing to do with my topic. This is about the fact that RWT is back and I'm sugguesting a logical update to combat it. It can be justified by the same reasons you people tell me. 1. Skilling will still be there 2. Get over it. 3. Leave if you don't like it. 4. It was to fight rwt.
  12. Yes it's not as big as it used to be, yet. But at the current rate it's going it won't be long. I'd say it's already here pretty good considering RWT sites hold 6 out of the 10 results on the first page of google.. But how, pray tell, would it grow with the trade limits in place? 1. You meet them in bh. They have an army of about 10 people and you kill one and they protect you until your penalty goes away. 2. They will log onto your account and will make you x ammount of money depending on how much you pay by using your account. They will also get you x ammounts of other items such as 20k yews. 3. They will do quests for you. 4. They will train skills for you to 99. 5. Lending out Armadyl godsword for max hours I know they will do other tasks for you also. You may not realize it , but a LOT of people are doing this. Many people do not seem to realize how big this is. Just because you don't see thousands of little green men running around doesn't mean rwt isnt here. It IS. It's just not as noticible. However, what the credit card companies will soon be noticing is all the stolen credit cards once again. So Jagex will be forced to update the game once again. Edit**** This is why I suggested the time limit on an account per day/ ammount of item produced / max xp per day. This would cripple this new way of RWT. Also I would like to make it clear I have never done any of the following I just said ( on the how rwt works list) I am a legit player and always will be. 0.0 black marks ftw.
  13. Yes it's not as big as it used to be, yet. But at the current rate it's going it won't be long. I'd say it's already here pretty good considering RWT sites hold 6 out of the 10 results on the first page of google..
  14. A lot of people who grind train will get extremely pissed off about this. Again, if you grind for a higher level in a skill, its a bad idea. I know people who get 3m mage xp a day. Again, this effects non-harmful grinding players. All in all, anything people do stupidly, effects good players. 1. Skilling will still be there 2. Get over it. 3. Leave if you don't like it. 4. It was to fight rwt. Sound familiar? Jagex is going to have to do something again soon whether or not anyone likes it because RWT is back and soon the stolen credit cards.
  15. You don't get it. Just because you don't see thousands of little green men chopping yews down doesn't mean there isn't RWT going on. The problem was the stolen credit cards. What i do know is that the updates limit them. A lot more than they were limited before December. The wild was sacrificed, but for something a lot better. What is this better thing you speak of? Rwt is still here and it's growing. It's getting to be as popular as before the updates again. Google results do not lie.
  16. You don't get it. Just because you don't see thousands of little green men chopping yews down doesn't mean there isn't RWT going on. The problem was the stolen credit cards.
  17. Well we all know why they made the updates, yet they made them for no reason. RWT is indeed alive and well. I challenge anyone who denies this to google "Runescape" since I don't think I can post the results here. You will notice that on the FIRST page of results 6 out of 10 of the results are indeed RWT sites. Obviously Rwt is alive and well. 10 Gold sites show up before Tip.it even. So my question is, what are they going to do this time? The same problems are soon going to be popping up everywhere again, if they aren't already. ( The stolen credit cards ) One possibe way to combat this, is to set a limit on the ammount of play time you can be on per day since people will pay RWT to no life on your account and get you a 99. or They could set a limit on the ammount of xp you can gain per day. or You can only fish/wc/make x ammounts of this type of item per day. This doesn't sound like fun now does it? But these moves can be "justified" by the same reasons that the wild/staking/free trade was taken out. But hey guys who cares right? You'll just GET OVER IT that you can only gain so much xp per day or play so many hours per day.
  18. I love how this guy really hasn't got flammed yet. It's obviously because he has his "title" or whatever. If anyone else would have posted this, they would have been FLAMMED to hell.. I also think it's funny that a lot of the regular "get over it" posters have stayed away from posting on this one.
  19. THANK YOU! You obviously know why I'm saying thank you... I don't need to explain.
  20. I do get what you're saying. I do get that it's A LOT harder then it used to be to RWT. However, my point is RWT is just as popular as ever. There are more people going to the RWT sites then the fansites.... the problem of stolen credit cards is going to be comming up again and what is jagex gona do now? They wrecked their pvp system to fight it yet it's failed is what i'm gettin at... and although you may not see it. obviously rwt is getting to be as popular as it ever was. Then why doesn't Jagex remove any form of RWT ever, you know get rid of BH and what not, then everyone will be happy bunnies, there won't be any more rants about how Jagex ruined my life because the got rid of pvp boohoo! What I find funny is that nobody forces you to read our complaints. If you don't like them, then don't bother to click on them and open them even.
  21. I do get what you're saying. I do get that it's A LOT harder then it used to be to RWT. However, my point is RWT is just as popular as ever. There are more people going to the RWT sites then the fansites.... the problem of stolen credit cards is going to be comming up again and what is jagex gona do now? They wrecked their pvp system to fight it yet it's failed is what i'm gettin at... and although you may not see it. obviously rwt is getting to be as popular as it ever was.
  22. Exactly, you tell them one thing how it really was back in the days, and they contradict you and say no it wasnt, you played rsc, you're a criminal for drop trading so gtfo. <3 Did you know that drop trading is against the rules? And who cares what it was like back in the day, now is now...and will never be yesterday. Everyone drop traded... Runescape is the only big morpg I can think of that doesn't let you share items with your other accounts... It was and has always been a stupid rule. "Unfair for new players" OH NO3S P00R N33bZ!!! Oh well. Probably why so many of you people hate the wild because pures like me slayed you when you were noobs. And I loved every second of slaying the innocent newbie the second they walked into the wild.
  23. Sigh... people really are [wagon] to anyone that rants on these forums.
  24. Actually. RWT is already possible. Just google Runescape and the third result that comes up in a RWT site. There are also a few more RWT sites that make the first page. RWT is very much alive and well.
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