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Everything posted by eatrunearrow

  1. Jagex has the forum mods locking rants on the RSOF about the wilderness telling them to "get over it", that's their stance on it. WOW. Sad that Jagex has resorted to paying people to stop the hate against their updates. Honestly... Why don't they just man up and realize that their current pvp system in RS FAILS. I've read their sticky on the forums... they say that they want to follow other Games ( WORLD OF WARCRAFT ) *COUGH* *COUGH* but it just won't work. THIS IS RUNESCAPE NOT WoW. Their sad attempts to emulate WoW Pvp FAIL. Why don't they just make an effort to return the game to its former glory... Free trade and Wild instead of paying people to silence the angry mobs. Really if they call themselves "Java experts and game making experts" they should easily be able to come up with a system that detects a RWT'r or something.
  2. WOOT THANK YOU!!! FINALLY someone that truely understands why I rant!!
  3. Question mark makes the sentence a question. Not a statement. Regardless I think saying free speech would get you the biggest bunch of flamers ever is a dumb thing. Tons of games have free speech/VOIP/Vent/etc... and most people are civilized on them. It really just reflects the RS community. I agree we should be able to have the option to have free speech... at least if you're over 13 or something... I love the free speech in games on the 360 ... :D
  4. The adds need to be there if you're a free person but... what gets me is when I'm a member and I go to f2p why do I have to see the adds? And I do agree with you that the adds are annoying though...
  5. I agree, 10 minutes is a long time, but as for clan wars, any world with 1900 + people will have people in it. Such as world 1, 3-5,etc. Oh really? I'll have to check that out... :oops: forget the whole more then one world I guess
  6. Omali... Please do not speak about something you apparently know nothing about. The author is right... I have sat for 10 mins a few times clicking my finger off just to get into that dang crater! When it comes to not speaking about something you apparently know nothing about, you sure are the supreme consigliare. I can tell by your numerous failed, and might I add, locked, threads. Something I know nothing about? Are you referring to the concept of patience, or your fine art of smashing your mouse buttons in a rabid attempt to get into the Bounty Hunter you hate so much. Oh my god, 10 whole minutes! That's like, one third of the time it would take you to get a pizza delivered during a football game day. If anything, Jagex should changed the Bounty Hunter slogan to "Faster than your pizza guy". Common sense should dictate that a semi-popular mini-game is going to be packed during peak hours when only a small number of worlds are available for it (although common sense in Runescape was given its pink slip and thrown out the door the same day people decided they hated the game and/or Jagex but were going to keep playing anyway in a stunning display of immaturity), although I might be wrong. Normally I would pass over a thread like this, but I just felt the need to stop by and point out that point #2 is invalid (There isn't only ONE world for clan wars), and point #1 is just a subjective look by someone with obviously very little patience. Lol oh really? Tell me which world/worlds have people in it other then the one listed by Jagex. I have yet to see any. Also as far as point 1 goes. Some of us don't have all day to sit and wait to play a game. 10 mins is a long time to wait when you only have an hour of time to play in a day.
  7. Because some people used to love slaying noobs like you that stepped foot into the wild in 3 seconds :thumbsup:
  8. Wrong. We had the option to fight our own levels in the wild. We had the choice not to go deep. ( Edge, lvl 1 var. )
  9. There is nobody at clan wars in other worlds.
  10. Omali... Please do not speak about something you apparently know nothing about. The author is right... I have sat for 10 mins a few times clicking my finger off just to get into that dang crater!
  11. And supported by immature crybabies. Rofl, I never bothered to actually click the link in your sig. Went there and realized you run a funorb fansite ROFL. You're the biggest Jagex fanboy EVER. A fansite for their crappy games?? ROFL.
  12. Get ready to be flamed by a bunch of Jagex lovers and no lifers.
  13. Couldn't have said it better myself. I could've guessed that, considering the nature of your other posts. A lot of you people don't get why I sit and complain over and over well I don't get you. A lot of you will defend Jagex to the bitter end... no matter what update they make... You're either A. Willing to ignore that it's lame and was a bad move. Or B. Just bend over and will let Jagex give it to you. "Oh I'll just get over it, it's no big deal." How many times are you going to say this? Have you not notice the quality of Jagex as a whole continue to drop over the years.. Do I even need to mention the fact that Jagex has little to NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT now?!? Where is it? The forums? Ha. What a joke... You fanboys of Jagex defend that one. I really want to hear it. What's the reason behind no customer support? Also as someone pointed out earlier they have hid things before that are concrete like the farming poll... where did that go? Gee only Jagex knows? Oh wait we all do... Also havn't you noticed the whole games movement towards kids under 13? Just take a look at the dev diarys with all the cartoons? I mean come on Jagex. We are "supposed" to be over 13 here right? Well I guess most older players have left the game because its turned into a kiddie game basically. Sure runescape is "gaining" in players but how many are actually over the age of 10? I doubt many. wild ditch, home tele, tutors outside of lumby...now we have gravestones.... now you can die and not even lose anything... I was upset with them before the wild update... They have continued to nerf the game for little kids and it's ruined it. Where are the CHALLENGES in this game? It's boring now... there are no real challenges... sure go into bh with all your gear but who does that honestly... it's just a pj fest. I have a question for a lot of you who oppose me also. Why do you sit and spend so much time to "correct me" and a few other people on here. Really... why not just leave us alone? why are you so passionate about it? What does jagex give you back for it? nothing. Are many of you just so stubborn that no matter the update you will always play? I bet they could take out half the skills in the game because RWT used them to make money or something and you would STILL defend them. Honestly you're like robotic Jagex defenders. Any negative word against them and you throw back a volley full of flames. Are they your gods? Do you worship them? And to the people that tell me why do I keep ranting? why? why not just leave and get the heck outa here and stop playing? I've been playing this game since classic. I love the uniqueness of runescape and I used to love the player vs player experience... the rush... the thrill of the wild... I've invested a lot of time into this game and I don't want to leave it and let it go to waste. By the way don't just comment on the things you know you have a smart answer about answer everything if you are going to reply... I used to love this game I am just sick of seeing the quality of it go down hill. Things are wrong and need fixing! and sorry for any spelling errors I typed this up really quick
  14. Ok I know I probably have this in the wrong spot and many may know this already but I didn't.... so if a mod could please move this to the right spot for me on here that would be great, thanks! Mod Stevew Jagex Mod 04-Jul-2008 18:14:13 Last edited on 04-Jul-2008 20:28:18 by Mod Stevew Is there going to be any re-thoughht over the decision JaGeX has made with the Ape Aptoll dungeon for chinning? ========================================= I previously answered this point by saying that this was an intentional 'balancing' update. I have since found out that this change was not part of a balancing change and that it will be corrected shortly. My apologies for not providing the correct answer - I was acting on the best information available to me at the time. I'm happy to put the record straight now - which I'm sure will be welcome news to all of you who have expressed dislike to the content change. Thanks, Steve
  15. Thank you to the few people on here that realize Jagex aren't a bunch of gods that can do no harm... I am simply asking them to stop updating and start fixing.
  16. Lock this. I won't waste space with another rant... other one is good enough.
  17. " A game is meant for fun" well for a lot of us when they deleted the wild, they took out the fun in runescape and we miss that."
  18. Finally an answer that I can somewhat believe! =D>
  19. This is somewhat related to my topic. To the people who are against me. Answer this. Why did Jagex silently update the following? Nerfed Chin training in MM dungeon Multi Combat at blues... I believe there are a few more silent updates.. but anyway. This is just an example of them hiding something... Clearly Jagex is not as innocent as some of you fanboys think they are. And also much thanks to the few people that have agreed with me. They need to stop updating and start fixing.
  20. Haha. "Because they didn't have all the monsters finished." Exactly what I mean.... WHY would they NOT have them finished after all that "time" spent working on the skill?
  21. Exactly. ^. So back to my question that hasn't been answered. Can anyone give me a logical answer to why summoning was released half way finished if it had been "worked on" for such a long time?
  22. We're not "on our knees" for Jagex just because we agree to most or to everything that they decide to do and want to defend it here from your arguments. Saying things like "Get over it" accompanied with an explanation (which I've seen happen in most posts so far) is not considered flaming, so you should maybe calm down. You ask us where you said that you care what our levels are, yet you tell us your levels could own us back then. Sounds like you care about it to me. There's also this: That also sounds like you caring about his only "ranked" level being Hunter, and therefor he automatically would get owned in the wild? So you you see no fun nor a point in "staring at a tree". I guess the same can be applied to various skills. With PvP in Rs "pretty much dead", what in God's name are you doing here? What else could you possibly find fun in this game? Sitting there and chatting with friends? People in the real world don't live with that attitude because things can be changed and fixed in the REAL WORLD, because it's there that things can and will be changed. As for Runescape? No. Why? Because it does not belong to us. We don't (really) have a choice in what happens in Runescape. We have no control over what changes happen to Runescape So, once again, comparing Runescape to the REAL WORLD fails. Look before I get into any response. The above wasn't even directed at you so I don't know why you are answering it. And also ok same question for you then. Did you ever even pk? Tell me , I want to know how much you pked in the wild Bloodkay. Also, did you ever play RS classic?
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