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Everything posted by eatrunearrow

  1. Yes either A. More worlds. Or B. No limit of people in there.
  2. I have spent years on this game... It's why I'm so stubborn to leave it... been playing since classic. The wild was what made this game popular. Runescape wouldn't have went anywhere without it.. but anyway. I would not be ranting if they would simply make a decent pvp. Is it really that hard? It's been 8 months and we still havn't seen much effort on Jagex's part to make anything pvp. A lot of the things in this game are now broken. The items going into an item should not cost more then the final product... what's the point in making it? (Rune items, potions .. etc) This is happening because there is simply no demand for final products nowdays as everyone is either A. Skilling. or B. playing non dangerous mini games in which nobody loses their items. No item loss= No Demand. Rune Scims are now like 15k? What a joke.. also nobody has anything better to do then go for a skill cape. There really aren't many challenges in the game anymore as many things have been nerfed/ taken out. Also. I do love Runescape, it's why I won't leave. I'm just upset they just threw out the portion of the game that made Runescape what it is today.
  3. LOL someone called in the fanboy reinforcements. I can't wait until Jagex releases Mechscape and throws Runescape out the door. You all think Jagex are a bunch of high and mighty gods who can't make a mistake and will defend them to the end. Just wait till they [cabbage] on your "Perfect Runescape game" and throw it out the window to continue to pursue their greed. Runescape is indeed long past its glory days. The new HD graphics were a failed attempt to draw in generation shiny, when they should have been fixing things they broke. Random question. How many of you plan / already have bought the Runescape novel?
  4. I just love how they crippled their whole game to fight rwt and it's very much alive. LOL. :wall: And yeah. I agree with the guy above me. How LONG are we supposed to wait for a decent PVP hmmm? It's been 8 MONTHS!!! I'm going to laugh when Jagex throws Runescape down the drain when Mechscape comes out. They say they won't... but they also said they would NEVER harm our gaming experience in anyway in order to fight RWT which we all know was a flat out lie!
  5. Reading what I wrote, you're doing it wrong. Of course, I should've figured you were an "honor system" pker. Explains why even 8 months later, you're still flinging around like a whiny little child, throwing around the "fanboy" cliche at anyone who disagrees with you, topping it off with a "I'm not going to reply to you" as a copout for this thread being based around a gigantic temper tantrum when you tried to break the rules yet again and failed miserably at it because your head was too far into your own ego to actually read the news and figure out Jagex's motives before you tipped over to ye old Tip.It Forums to blast out a big teardrop on how Jagex hates their customers and is trying to ruin the game, and you're the magical cure maker who can make everyone happy and the game all better because you went through grade school and therefore know more than anyone else on this whole planet and you played during runescape classic which means nobody who disagrees with you did and they just don't get it and obviously don't have a valid say in it because they weren't "honor system" pkers who never broke the code of honor but broke the rules of the game because everyone totally does it and therefore that makes you right and Jagex, once again, stupid for disagreeing with you but please go on and make blanket statements about how Runescape was built around pking or there is no pking or staking or trading or dueling to get by not actually having to supplement your argument with intelligent and coherent reasoning as you're obviously above that point of intellect or logic and it's not up to you to make a valid argument just to remind the rest of us that we're fake runescape jagex fanboys with no lives who don't play with the sole purpose of drop trading from our main to our baby pures we created that can't supply themselves unlike yourself who still hasn't gotten over it and stopped playing or moved on after 8 months. Omali... I hate to break it to you but you are indeed the definition of a fanboy. You even run a fan site for funorb :lol: Also, I can't remember whether or not you have been playing since classic but anyway. ANYONE that played classic knows pking was the heart and soul of Runescape. Yes it has been "8 months" but has Jagex made any decent pvp yet? NOPE so we will still be here ranting until they either A. bring back the wild. or B. come up with a decent pvp for once. Also. I love the fact that Jagex ruined their whole pvp system/ trading system in Runescape and literally crippled Runescape for NOTHING. RWT is ALIVE AND WELL . JUST GOOGLE IT OMALI. the 3rd result when you google runescape is a RWT site! IT's back and well as ever! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  6. I've been saying this for ages ... Glad to know I'm not the only one... I've also been playing since the days of rs1... such a shame what the game has become.
  7. hhhhhh Rofl. I know what is/was 'legal' or not. And that droptrading was bannable was known to me before you even knew about this game (not that i know of anyone who has gotten the ban hammer for it during the 7 years). Unfortunately its the players who had to suffer because of Jagex's stupidity. Basically people were allowed to have several toons but not interract with them. If you tell that to any serious MMO developer today, they would laugh their as*es off. Because by simple logic its non-sence, how such fundamental feature of any MMO, was actually a bannable offence in another. After a while Jagex didn't care about 'char-interracting' anymore, wether they were busy as hell with dupers, botters etc, or maybe Jagex realised their mistake - how pathetic the rule really was but couldnt be arsed to remove it (perhaps in fear of losing their credibility). Nonetheless, everyone did it. And personally i cannot see what's wrong with parsing your OWN stuff that you've earned amongst your very own characters. If you gonna complain about EBAY traders and the gold farmers who you think sunk this game like Titanic, then think again. It wasn't the players fault. It's the developers fault -> JAGEX. They were able to create a decent catchy game, but they couldn't fix the loopholes created by themselves so the game collapsed. And the players got to suffer for it because of the developers incompetency. In 2004 the pressure was too high. 20% of the players were running around in shemale-like outfits. Then you knew something was seriously wrong. So it came, RS2. But RS2 on its own created more problems. So they fix some and get new rightaway. Problem now was, the game changed dramatically. Everyone stayed on rsc as long as they could (2 week transfer time i believe), and in the end, many players quit because the Player Killing (what made RS so good) became [cabbage]*t. So some chose to stay in rsc, some went on with rs2 for a while and then quit, but many did the right decision at that time. They simply began to sell their characters. Causing a massive wave of RWT. And it just began rolling like a snowball, and again, again players had to suffer. For the sh*t JAGEX came up with. And now people like you 'dragoonson', would say "hey its raining" if jagex sh*t on you. Seriously. Fanboys like you are so easy pleased its beyond me. And who knows, i *might* get banned but i wonder who would benefit most from that. Me who's not even playing the game, or you - the happy customer that is being sh*t on, and you don't even notice. THANK YOU THANK YOU. =D> Glad to know there are at least a few people on here that aren't a bunch of brain washed fanboys of Jagex. Everything you say, is what I've been saying... It's the obvious truth but people on here won't accept it.
  8. Trust me... I trained there in f2p from 60-70 range and people WILL steal bronze arrows even.... It is annoying if you're a pure and have to pick up your arrows because obviously the demon will get a few hits on ya but yeah... I don't think Jagex could do anything about this problem ..
  9. The thing I find funny is that now with the trading update... has anyone else noticed that ingame bf/gf's have pretty much become extinct???? LOL . All it was ... was a bunch of 8 year old boys making their characters girls in order to get free things! ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: One time one this super hot "GirL" followed me to around asking to be my gf .... well i walked north and "she" kept following me... and I lead her to her death in the wild LOL..
  10. Yeah that's what I mean't by the Success rate increase in my edited part on the post :P.
  11. Yes like those prayers... We would have to do a mini game/mini-quest similar to how melee gets theirs.
  12. Rangers and Mages are on the naughty list ? :ohnoes:
  13. This has been bugging me for a while now... Melee gets super potions and better prayers then rangers/mages ... why don't we have them? Why can't we have.. Super range pots/Super mage pots? EDIT: Due to a few people who have had some good input the super mage potion would be too over powered. So like newge4 said it could give an "invisible bonus" ( like spells having a better success rate ). Better range/mage prayers... they would give us a def % + and the best range/mage % + prayer .. Also, since F2p gets regular str pots then rangers/mages would get regular range pots/mage pots So simple.. yet we don't have them... and I don't understad why we can't have them?
  14. Why would I do that? I actually read 4 years of straight updates. At least I do read them. Anyway, I thought he said he was referring to F2P anyway. Way to go. And I thought 30k was the max anyway. If it was 800k/hour, then I guess every update was for naught...But what do I know? I haven't read through 2 years of updates, I don't know anything about the trade limits...I know nothing about the RWTing... #-o Ergo, if it's 30k/hour MAX, which I read on an update, then even with your 99 Fletching you can only give 120k/hour. Useful amount, but not as useful as 800k/hour...Well, I'm now officially going to say you, sir have to look up the 2 years of past updates, since you can't even give accurate information... And thanks leatwindex. For everyones information, I didn't stand behind JaGex behind everything, I was actually mad about the updates until I figured out it was the best thing to do. RWTing is not a place in a game. Scamming is not a place in the game, let alone real life...Point is, no matter what you guys say, we understand what you're going through...But old news is old news. :P This game hasn't gone to kiddies. Oh, look at that. I just denied it. 1) Home tele applies to anyone, not just kiddies, moron. It's helpful to everyone...And, it gives no mage exp. No complaints. 2) Newcomber maps have been here since I started playing four years ago, idiot... 3) Tutors. Interesting concept. They can help out everyone, even higher levels who give new information the higher the level. 4) Ya, because JaGex took a lot of harsh action and implemented the GE, people can barely make any starting money. Now they can, then invest in armor and get cowhides or something. 5) Well, if the ditch didn't exist, a level 10 who has been playing for a week could get curious, go in, and die. They lose potential customers that way, because of sudden death. And it doesn't have to be a kiddie. 6) Even putting cartoons, your an idiot. 7) Ya? Don't bless the graves. Guess what? Free stuff. 8) No. The old one sucked. I and thousands upon thousands love it. It's more in depth and adventurous NOT boring. Huh, Nothing really kiddie, it applies to everyone. Congrats, you've reached a new doomsayer level! One more level and you can get the cape, eatrunearrow! =D> 1) It made the game easier for kids who got lost! Boohoo! Now safety is just a free click away! 2) Once again made the game easier. And I've been playing since classic and I lived somehow without a map. 3) I'm bored of this considering all of your points FAIL considering all you do is explain why they added them rather then explaining how they wern't made for kids. I Lol'd at your point 6. All you could do is flame me.
  15. Although his point is wrong (that the game is a kid game since you can't buy gold) all of you can't deny this game has gone to the kiddies. 1. Home tele 2. Newcommer maps 3. Tutors 4. Tutors now give you money for tasks or something??? 5. Wild Ditch 6. Cartoons in Dev diarys 7. Graves = No danger in losing anything hardly nowdays 8. New tutorial thing all together? Wasn't the old one decent as it was?
  16. You do realize IQ means Intelligence quotient, right? Not something stupid like "Intelligency Quest" or "International Quasmaloid"? I think aside from a couple of morons, the other 200,000 or so of us registered in this forum are pretty smart. And most of us aren't children, so our IQ level is in a more mature level...If you're looking for low IQ, go here. Say hi to the other smart [wagon] who think they're leet and brilliant... -.- The fact is, like I said, in classic there may have been an honor system, but I've been playing RS2 since the beginning, no one person just said "/\/0 n00b u c@nt use pr@yr lolololllol n0 f00d lol" no, no, no, no, NO. The only time I heard that was from an arrogant moron who thought they were the only one's who can eat or pray. And The only place of honor was the Duel Arena; you bet and fought with your restrictions, and your own settings...The wilderness? Either avoid the clans, death dots, and PKers or die. Kill or be killed. If thats honor, then you old schoolers have no idea what true honor is... Mervinator is also right, if honor existed, then bounty hunter would have it, since it's basically the only replacement of the wilderness...And if Honor existed, I s'pose the greedy PKers ruined it, then? Again, enough of this old news...Good luck with all of your future crusades, argue over in RS official forums. It's the only place where many people will agree with you... Eatrunearrow: Your doomsaying pisses me off. Everything is always wrong with RuneScape with you. GET OUT! Rant forum or not, you can't just assume people weren't PKers and make an idiot out of yourself. Stop. Please. And I agree with blood kay too. Change is good--Obama says so, no matter how much I hate him...Something tells me the majority of Ranters are republicans who don't like change... :P 1. I am a Democrat. 2. Change is not good when it's done wrong. (BH, G.E, Item lending) 3. It is safe to assume the majority of people against me were never pkers. This is true actually, most of the people that flame me are skillers.
  17. You were never a pker.. You'll never understand.
  18. I'm obviously going to agree with every word you say on here. I've watched the decline of pvp in rs since classic..
  19. Item lending is also an easy way for people to scam. Like the people "lending" items out for money when they just log out after they take your money... it's so easy to do... this update is almost enabling scamming...
  20. I read your thread about your wildy skulled accounts. It gave me a little chuckle. :lol: However yes, there is a lot of prejudice and unfair judging going about on this board. It seems a large chunk of the active posters have an arrogant and cynical attitude and are quick to break down on anything or anyone they disagree with. It leave me concerned as it is very bad for the community. No one deserves being disrespected for having an idea or opinion, unless it is clearly abusive or against the law. Factually correcting someone is one thing, personally attacking them "for being "stupid", "moron" or "noob" is another. That should not be tolerated on this forum. I believe I'm one of these people you are talking about.. that gets attacked for having a different opinion on something.
  21. Yeah like me :twisted: jk lol
  22. Ok for once this isn't about the wild. :shock: I think my rant can be summed up to this example.. Armadyl godsword 92.6m Change today -804.2k I'd advise anyone who has a godsword or any other item that can be borrowed to sell it now. I feel terrible for anyone that was unfortunate enough to buy a rare.. It's obvious there is no demand for them now... and there wasn't much of a demand before item lending... because Jagex won't allow the change of prices whatsoever with p'hats. "Free market?" Psssht yeah right. I feel bad for you people that own rares... As much as I love the more "freedom" to the trade system now sort of with lending its done wrong... people should only be able to lend items to friends that have been on your list for x ammount of time. Now I can pay someone like 20k to wear a p hat and experience the "fun" of having one ... It just makes the glory of having one worthless now...
  23. There is nobody at clan wars in other worlds. Go with friends, though I doubt you have any. And people on the forums call me immature? Look at yourself.
  24. Well for one, this can be compared to WoW because Jagex themselves took it there. If you read their post called "Reguarding the Wilderness." in the RS forums they say that other mmorpg's have moved away from the kill and loot style of pvp... so they are following in their foot steps.
  25. A million paying members huh? Where are your #'s from? Just wondering considering I only see at the max like 160-180k people on at once? And not too many people nowdays have more then one account that is a member considering there is no reason anymore to make a pure.
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