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Everything posted by Eric2203

  1. Hey guys, transferring between 2 of your own accounts is against the rules, like it or not (see the debate on this subject in the General P2P forum here). So there will never be an offline trading system because it would make it very easy to break that rule. What they need is an offline messaging system (why not integrate it to the game as a Post Office ?). Would also reduce the amount of people sharing personal contact info (IM, e-mail...).
  2. It's not Clothes shops selling shoes are in p2p. I wish people would read :( I think you need to re-read this thread. I know it's in P2P. I just said it didn't occur to me before. I didn't know the guy was F2P either. And we're not talking about shops selling shoes, we're talking make-over. So don't trade her, talk to her in Relleka.
  3. So ? They could still save the page. And a no-right-click script doesn't prevent CTRL-A, as you've already discovered.
  4. Most of these look like tracking cookies from ads. Such as the ads here on tip.it. That's why I handle cookies manually, but that's a pain for most people. Tracking cookies won't hurt you. The rest that's there, I don't know. Spybot should give you an explanation.
  5. Oh lol... never occured to me the shoe make-over was in p2p. That's weird actually. I would have thought Jagex would make that f2p...
  6. Clothes shop, Relleka. Shoe make-over (500 gp). Enjoy. :D That makes 4 make-over options in the game with hairdresser, mage and clothes shop. Oh the shoe one has been there for ages.
  7. Something like that would have to be implemented in the game itself. Go talk to an NPC to create a clan. It automatically creates a special bank for the clan that is not tied to any account. The clan creator can add people he allows to access the clan bank. The problems you mentioned in your first post are still possible (rogue members) but at least it would be done without breaking the account sharing rule.
  8. It's not that easy. Consider combat skills. How hard you hit comes directly from your strength level. Imagine how hard these players would hit. It means the strongest NPCs would become more accessible, which in turns means more rare drops, which in turn affects the economy... etc. Then you have the combat lvl which wouldn't be capped at 126 anymore, which leads to other issues in the wild. Then you'll have players for whom virtually no quest is hard... etc. There are a lot of consequences you haven't thougt through. For regular skills, it's a different problem, mainly some having the monopoly when it comes to making the high-lvl items, which leads to excessive amounts of money... etc. And we now know Jagex wants to get rid of excessive richness in RS. Final point: your argument is based on "too many people at 99 already". Ok, so why is there any reason it won't happen again with a new higher cap. It'll only take longer, that's all. Then the same problem will be there. You can only raise it up to a point, not indefinitely. Just like you can't have no limit at all. For the reasons explained above. The solution to your problem is more skills, not higher levels in existing ones. And I am not saying that just because we're all waiting for carpentry and farming. I mean in the longer term.
  9. Yeah but it's considered account sharing by Jagex (yes I know, not like you'd gain anything in your case, but go explain that to Jagex).
  10. MS said they patched against ByteVerify over 2 years ago. I have all updates on my parents pc but no SUN Java so i have to use MSJava. Yet i still get ByteVerify warnings which my AV deletes. Go MS! ;) Sigh... What MS did: close the exploit used by ByteVerify. What happens when a java applet containing ByteVerify is loaded ? Nothing, because it can't exploit the security hole anymore. But ByteVerify is still there and loaded. The MS Java VM doesn't actually remove it, it's not its job. What does your antivirus do ? It doesn't care whether you have a patched VM or not. As soon as it sees it, it removes it and tells you about it. That's why your AV still warns you about it. Doesn't mean the VM has been badly fixed. All it means it that your AV is doing its job. Again, it's not the VM job to remove the trojan. If it had been badly patched by MS, people would have been after MS a long time ago. Just to point out their mistakes. Next time, try to understand how it works before flaming Microsoft without reason (not that they don't deserve it for some things, but you don't have a leg to stand on in this case).
  11. When you use the MS Java VM, updates for it show up in Windows Update (there has been at least one that I know of). Last time I checked, support for it will continue until 2006. Which means possible exploits will get/are fixed. Plus who's to say the Sun one doesn't have exploits ? Maybe as-of-yet undiscovered ones ? Well, at least ByteVerify won't get you, will it? :) Either way, SUN *invented* JAVA. It's a) highly unlikely their implementation will have that many flaws still (as it's been around a lot longer than MS's) and B) Microsoft is, by law forbidden to distribute their Java, as Merc said. So, while they may continue giving updates for people who still use it, I wouldn't count on it. MS patched against ByteVerify. :P Oh I'm not saying the MS VM is better, just that support is still on-going. And I'm also saying that not much is ever 100 % safe, Sun, MS or anybody else. ;)
  12. When you use the MS Java VM, updates for it show up in Windows Update (there has been at least one that I know of). Last time I checked, support for it will continue until 2006. Which means possible exploits will get/are fixed. Plus who's to say the Sun one doesn't have exploits ? Maybe as-of-yet undiscovered ones ?
  13. I'm way ahead of you: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=257107 I started with the same reasoning as you. Might not be entirely true though. Read the whole thread, you'll see.
  14. Lode, -Not fullscreen but in a frame The frame doesn't bother me, but the width of the window doesn't use the full frame. -You can't refresh them because that brings you to the main page There's a refresh button at the top of every forum page. It looks like a couple of arrows turning around each other. -Very lacking search function Yep, despite the thread finder. -No direct link "view your posts" Profile, accessible from main page, but it only holds last 10 posts (not threads) and they disappear if the thread is past page 50. -Very lacking functionality overall Yep, but safe because of that and interfaced to your player's name. Wouldn't mind some basic text effects though. The Werewolf, sorry for repeating some of what you said, but I had a few things to point out. As to the issues raised here, I somewhat agree. But other fan sites have the same problem. Can't say it's less important here than on RS forums. Just less people use the fan sites for merchanting I guess, but that doesn't mean they don't use the official forums for reference. So the problem is simply transferred. Yes they need to change the whole market system there. For one, it's insane how fast the official forums move. Can't keep track of anything. However, even with a drop down system, you could still set a high price range, have a friend reply and pretend he bought it and you end up with the same problem: others start to follow and the prices go up.
  15. Yeah that would be me. I posted that here a couple days before they announced that. I really hope it had nothing to do with what their idea of randomly generated quests. Because this would get boring quickly. Then again I don't know what kind of errands they're gonna ask, but if they used the word errands and not quests, I doubt it'll be much more than just that. Errands. Well, we'll see, I guess.
  16. They wanted to come out with randomly generated quests. But they apparently didn't realize how difficult that would be to implement. Difficult, but it's not impossible... I was gonna say, they did mention it in that upcoming updates news item from last year (which has now been edited by remving all references to any timeline. The one where farming and carpentry were announced). I just hope their idea of randomly generated quests isn't "kill so many " or "get me xxx ". I'd be mad if it was. Better if they don't try actually... I see a problem with that. Central time: people play RS all over the world. Some players will never or rarely see a specific part of a RuneScape day. Self-based: well same thing really, players go to school, work... etc, and tend to play at the same time. There's an easy solution for it though: make a RuneScape day that is not 24h. That way it won't match our real-life patterns and we'll all get to experience various times of an RS day. Would be a bit of a pain though if you need lobbies right now (following your example) and they're harder to fish because of the time of day. That's an idea worth evolving though. Anyway, I like some of the ideas posted here so I won't repeat them. Here's another: an offline messaging system. But here's the trick: incorporate it inside the game instead of making it a boring offline addition. Create post offices (just like we have banks now) in the game. Give the opportunity to players to send messages to each other when offline. But not items. Because then we could all transfer items between several of our own chars, which is explicetely forbidden (no interaction between one player's different characters: it gives an unfair advantage. Ex: my lvl 100 combat gives full rune to my noob miner or whatever...). It would also cut down on the amount of players trying to bend the rules by giving each others websites, e-mail addresses and IM handles. It could have an On/Friends Only/Off option just like online messaging (aka Private Messages).
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