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Everything posted by samari81

  1. First Hyt from darklinglory is now posted :thumbsup:
  2. 100 levels since starting the blog Congratulations Great effort Keep it up :thumbsup:
  3. Wow Yellow Party Hat Congratulations. Keep up the awesome work :thumbsup: You're also very organised and have obviously worked very very hard for your levels, quests, cash anf items. Keep it up :
  4. Best of luck to you with your goals =] Sounds like it's going to be a great achievement :thumbsup:
  5. Thanks : I'll check out your blog now :thumbsup:
  6. Post updated 65 Fishing achieved \ Picture uploaded and posted :) Now onto FM and WC :thumbsup:
  7. I'm online in karmanja fishing spot feel free to Hyt me :) All encouragement and comments are much appreciated. World 81
  8. Best of luck with all your goals Keep it level 3 :thumbsup:
  9. Thanks for the support :) Update: That's my day over for now. 02/08/07 has been a succesful start :thumbsup: Goodnight Tip.It
  10. Wow, 99 hunter, some achievement that'll be. I hope I can mirror your success in my own blog :) You're also very organised 10/10 for effort Great Job :D :thumbsup: :
  11. Thanks :thumbsup: Update: Just passed 5mil Cooking Experience :D If you'd like to hyt me: World: 81 Karamanja fishing spot I'll be on atleast another hour after this post.
  12. There is no personal benefit from Runescape. Once you get to a value of around 10mil and a good total level of 1200+ It becomes boring as you actually have to spend hours on end just to get one simple level which you would not profit from in either real life, or within the game. I've began to realise how much Jagex have brainwashed the youth, just so they can get alot of money from pixels. Sure they put some effort in, but, now they've come up with nothing that's exciting for F2P'ers for over a year. So as of today I am quitting RuneScape. Do not beg me for stuff as I am giving it to close friends. Thankyou to all my friends who have made the time under 1200 total level enjoyable. [hide=Old Blog -.-]Introduction Hey there, my names Samari81 (which is obviously not my real name just my online name : ). I've started many blogs before on the Tip.It forums but never really updated them often so they just always sank beyond the final page and dissapeared. Well, I've decided that's about to change. In this new blog I am going to keep it as up to date as possible and as interesting for you as possible. Now all this text that I write can get boring. But as the blog develops you'll notice I'll get lazy and start to use just simple pictures with captions if needed. Enough nattering, on with the blog \ So, currently I am F2P (Only for a few weeks) So I'm going to concentrate on power levelling F2P skills =] [hide=In the beginning...]I started this blog on 02/08/07 (DD/MM/YY) So, everyone starts somewhere, I've started this blog at a point where I believe I have a decent enough knowledge of the game, and enough experience to start seeing it as more of a game, and making it alot more social, I started this blog with the following stats (Unavailable stats are edited in in red) [/hide][hide=Up to date] Currently my stats are: [/hide][hide=Targets] Here are all my current targets: +--------------+--------+--------+ | Skill | Start | Target | +--------------+--------+--------+ | Attack | 72 | 75 | | Strength | 71 | 75 | | Defence | 61 | 70 | | Range | 56 | 70 | | Prayer | 51 | 60 | | Magic | 60 | 70 | | RuneCrafting| 45 | 50 | | Construction| 20 | 40 | | HitPoints | 69 | 75 | | Agility | 36 | 50 | | Herblore | 31 | 40 | | Thieving | 42 | 50 | | Crafting | 58 | 70 | | Fletching | 80 | 90 | | Slayer | 36 | 50 | | Hunter | 33 | 50 | | Mining | 72 | 75 | | Smithing | 64 | 70 | | Fishing | 64 | 70 | | Cooking | 89 | 90 | | Firemaking | 61 | 75 | | WoodCutting | 73 | 80 | | Farming | 23 | 40 | +--------------+--------+----------+--------+ [/hide] [hide= THE NEW TARGET!] I've decided, I need a target that actually would look good on a cape, so I've decided, one of the harder skills to get 99 in would be woodcutting, I'm free to play currently so I'm going to use willows to get there. I'll do it in stages of the levels: 74-75 75-80 80-85 85-90 90-92 92-95 95-98 98-99 Willows cut: 1k [x] 5k [x] 10k [] 20k [] 35k [] 50k [] 75k [] 100k [] 150k [] 180k [] 185k [] Wish me luck [hide=Levels] [/hide] [/hide] [hide=Achievements Donations & Other ScreenShots] [hide=Levels] [hide=Runecrafting]47 Rune Crafting 21/08/07 46 Rune Crafting 04/08/07 (Got it from new school random - Book of knowledge) [/hide] [hide=Fishing]65 Fishing 03/08/07 [/hide] [hide=Magic] 63 Mage 62 Mage 61 Mage, missed screenshot, didn't realise I had levelled so I'm not sure of the date either.[/hide] [hide=Firemaking] 62 Firemaking [/hide] [hide=Crafting] 23/08/07 - 60 Crafting =]]]]] Finally I can make decent profit in members through crafting!! 23/08/07 - 59 Crafting =] [/hide] [/hide] [hide= Hyts] My first Hyt from Darkling glory through the private chat system My second Hyt came from Ice_And_Spec =] [/hide] [hide= Drops][hide=Rune Drops] Rune Med (FIRST EVER DROP ) [/hide] [/hide] [/hide] [hide=Day by day] 28/08/07 - Giving myself some new targets =] 27/08/07 - Did some Pking with a random clan today 26/08/07 - Did some Pking with a friend today 25/08/07 - Did some Pking solo today 24/08/07 - Bought 25k Extra essence achieved a few mage levels too with the 2k chaos I bought 23/08/07 - Bought 1200 Cowhides =] More than enough for 60 crafting =] 22/08/07 - Plenty of levelling All post updated! First Rune Drop!! =] 21/08/07 - Been away on holiday, didn't manage to update just before and just after, today I have achieved 47 Runecrafting 08/08/07 - Alot of merchanting and selling today. Bought 10k Rune Ess. Big target coming up :) 07/08/07 - Woodcutting closer to 75 =] got willow comp bow from someone being killed by swarm =] 06/08/07 - Only came online to check the new clan chat 05/08/07 - Not online at all today 04/08/07 - Levelled to 65 fishing, 74 woodcutting and 46 runecrafting. 03/08/07 - Not online too much today. One achievement which was lining up for tommorow's 65 fishing 10k xp to go 02/08/07 - Blog Started. Only one achievement which was 5mil Cooking xp \ [/hide] Thanks for reading my blog Keep your comments coming :thumbsup: All are much appreciated. I'll update this post as much as possible Please give me suggestions for anything I could add Or you could even give me tips on reaching my goals alot faster. Many thanks, Samari81 [hide=Special Thanks] Plugpoint92 - Real life friend. Noob Miner ;P. She's going for 85 mining ;o. Plenty of good chats with her. Reeceypoo - Another real life friend, plenty of late nights with him making RuneScape Cash ;D Trewq270/Darnellio - Yet another real life friend. Richest noob of the lot of us doesn't play much anymore. Darkling Glory - Started chatting to me on my first day of this blog, although our timezones are completely different we still manage to chat ;D[/hide][/hide]
  13. Considering 18 days. 8/10 \ :thumbsup: Keep up the great work and soon you'll be as good as Summer_Sleep :
  14. Very nice on the combat side. Just go for level 126 and get those skills up :thumbsup: 9/10
  15. Thanks alot this is just perfect :
  17. Very nice photography I agree with the comment above. Hope you find some time in the near future to do an entire album. A very nice camera too : I wish I had the time and the spare money to do some stuff like this. Great work \
  18. If and when it's back on. I'll be there. I'll also be more than happy to add another 1Million Gp into the fund : RSN: Samari81 Message me or something whenever and I'll be more than happy to arrange to add the cash in :thumbsup: Good luck with your goals too and fingers crosses you'll make it with ease :pray:
  19. He can't afford all the stuff He has full DH He has full Sara And he also has full Sara range or whatever it is. But he can't afford to sell them because he's training his stats with them at the moment. He wants me to put Full DH, full sara, full zammy mage and full dragon into the sig.
  20. Someone's equip screen when they're wearing: Rune Boots Dragon Legs Dragon Chain D Scimmy The Slayer Lanten Thingy And any length natural hair please. If anyone could help that'd be great, a friend wants me to do them a Sig =]
  21. If it were my money. Verac's. As it's a full set.
  22. Definatly run to the center. Most I got was 600 Deaths 780 Chaos and 200 Iron Arrows
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