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Posts posted by Ravenkana

  1. No, I call this SPAAAAAAAAAAARTAAAAA!!!




    Well, more like general Greek civilization. You see, the Greeks, at least in their earlier ages, put much store by honor- the proper veneration of gods, skills in battle, athletic skills, good oratory abilities, lavish feasts, the amount of wealth stored, and the giving/receiving of gifts. It seems rather barbaric, in contrast with the Athenian poets and philosophers, but many of the gems for which the Greeks are well known. For example, even in those times every man got his say. True, some held more clout than others, but do not the republics and democracies of our own time work similarly?

  2. Yes well I haven't hit the point of no playing yet. That's a pretty extreme thing for me. It's really just hit the point that I'm not paying them until things pick up.




    Now if by my birthday of 2010, which is in mid may, when I turn 25, if things haven't improved by then, I will move on.

    Eh, I've actually hit that point. Just started college, so whatever freetime I have left is invested in TF2 or a bit of WoW. Mostly TF2. I come to the forums and the site to keep an eye out for any major changes.




    I've just gotten back into Runescape, doing Slayer. Summer of closed beta testing on various MMOs.

    Really? Sounds pretty cool. Is the entire thing closed, or could you maybe say what MMOs you tested?
  3. My Skill Hall is the wrong way around. I didn't realise this years ago, when I built it and filled it with rare stuff, but multiple-year foresight is not one of my strengths. For my marble staircase to look impressive, it needs to face the other way, but that cannot happen, due to the arbitrary staircase-orientation laws set by Jagex. Now, for us real-world people, the task of lifting a mounted (3 deer heads) and placing it on another wall would involve a nail, a hammer and a strong back. Probably a little easier than building, say, an ornately-chiseled wall of pure marble. But sadly, for our avatar brethren, the task involves completely obliterating the entire room, building it anew, hunting (3 more deers) and mounting them. I do not want to kill the KBD, hunt another thousand sharks and buy some more gold leaf in order to essentially move some non-fastened furniture. Perhaps if there were a ton of marble fastened to the floor in the middle of the room, it would be different, but even that wouldn't involve completely removing every elementary particle of the room from existence.




    Also the top of the Rocnar's head keeps poking through the floor. Why? I don't know. It's a rather disobedient Rocnar.




    TL;DR Construction is deliberately poorly designed in order to remove more money from the economy.


    To answer the question, "Why can't we do this?" with "this" being "changing the staircase facet facing the entrance you wish", probably memory. I'm sure Jagex has that somewhere on their list and is working on it with the current memory limitations.




    To answer the question with "this" being "Taking off a mounted object and putting it back on after changing the room," As seen by the party-hat dupe exploit, every kind of item has a unique code. Every rune plate has the same code, but it's unique from say a bronze longsword. Likewise, if we were to get the option of removing and retrieving those items, one could feasibly gain an infinite amount of construction and slayer experience (or whatever skill you used) without doing the skill. Now obviously Jagex could simply remove the experience to get rid of the problem of exploitation, but I think they want every used resource in con to give exp. That aside, Rocnar likes to be disobedient, why would be put into the dungeon if it weren't? :D

    I'd like to point out, on the issue of mounting, unmounting, and remounting items, that even if you got the trophy back, you'd still have to expend cash on the planks. In comparison to flatpacking, any monetary gain would be nullified by time spent.
  4. Yes well I haven't hit the point of no playing yet. That's a pretty extreme thing for me. It's really just hit the point that I'm not paying them until things pick up.




    Now if by my birthday of 2010, which is in mid may, when I turn 25, if things haven't improved by then, I will move on.

    Eh, I've actually hit that point. Just started college, so whatever freetime I have left is invested in TF2 or a bit of WoW. Mostly TF2. I come to the forums and the site to keep an eye out for any major changes.
  5. I gotta say, about 99% of the time Jagex are dumb asses. They're always trying to be unique. :roll: Stupid idiots. :wall: It's called unique for a reason; because you're the only one who likes it.




    MA can be way funner and I even started to make a suggestion, but quickly exited because it's a waste of time. They'll never see it anyway. The way MA is now, you basically send your units to each other in a kamikaze and hope yours win.




    Where's the barracks, the town centers, the upgrades, the resource gathering? It's RUNESCAPE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! The whole game is about resource gathering! :wall: There's even water and trees in game so wtf? :wall: You should play as yourself (the Age of Mythology Hero so to speak), make some level-3 Men who can gather resources and build structures, use Special Terrain for the area to build a structure - such as a Chapel for Prayers, a Workshop for upgrades, a Barracks to make units, some defensive towers - and have the game incorporate your skills. If you send a level-3 Man to "Fish", he can only catch what your skill level allows. Same with Mining, if you can't Mine Runite, then you can't make a Runite upgrade. Any resource you collect in the game should give experience also.




    Anyway... lame game. I just want 300 rank.




    That brings up another thing. You don't get any exp from this game. Not even a little. How dumb is that? Just stupid little improved items that they basically use to coerce people into playing this crappy, crappy game. :evil:

    Well, Jagex is content to leave BA with crappy items that never justify the time spent playing with no exp. so I'm sure they're content to leave MA the way it is.
  6. This could go on an existing thread. "~~**Useless Runescape Facts**~~ 75,000+ views! 1k+ Replies!"




    Here's the link: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=582698&start=0




    Sorry, but I don't really see where the discussion can go with this. :|




    It's not a "useless RuneScape fact", it's a question. I'm not pointing out that his cape is trimmed, I'm asking why, hoping for a good answer.




    It is that way so it can be on the ""~~**Useless Runescape Facts**~~ 75,000+ views! 1k+ Replies!" thread.


    Jagex just did that to see how many people would notice. Consider it an easter egg.. one right out in the open.

    Or mayhaps they did it, never realizing what they had wrought.
  7. You might think FunOrb is stupid and a waste of Jagex's time, but many other people will think otherwise, so stop trolling and acting like your opinion is so superior.




    There are plenty of original games in FunOrb. Doesn't a game with an original and interesting twist from the "backbone" game count as original? Aren't there hundreds of variations of the game of chess?




    And as many other posters have said, you've really gone too far for such a trivial issue. Does it freaking matter to you whether they advertise their OWN game on their OWN website?




    And about the "promise breaking". Have you been playing RuneScape for a few years? Jagex is notorious for breaking "promises".

    First, if Funorb isn't working like planned it should be dropped. Consider Vista. Many people hated it, Microsoft didn't do anything but step up advertising. This didn't work. So they reinvented it as Mohavi. That didn't work either. Finally, they got off their bums and began work on Windows 7. I see a parallel here.




    And you justify them breaking a promise cause they always do. Can you spot what's wrong here? I can: companies, as well as people, shouldn't break promises. It's acceptable on occasion, but when it is a constant, ever present quality about them, you shouldn't accept it.

  8. Shut up. Just shut up. I'm sick and blasted tired of your trolling, k? You are the worst blight on these forums, Omali, every one of your posts on a subject on which you have a differing opinion can be summed up thusly:


    Insult insult insult, GIF, Get Out, insult insult insult, GIF, Get Out.




    someone has an attitude problem..




    Furthermore, original Funorb games bore me. Armies of Gielenor? No thanks, I stick with Civ IV.




    if they bore you dont play them. stick to your civ 4. its not that difficult.

    Thanks for agreeing with me! Omali's just upset cause he runs a Funorb fansite.




    And, on the other issue, it's not so much that Funorb exists, but what it represents.




    First, when Jagex originally announced Funorb, they said they'd never again post Funorb updates on Runescape.com. What was I ranting about again?




    Secondly, I have always been against Funorb. I feel it's a waste of Jagex's resources with very little return for the effort- effort that could be spent on Runescape instead. So the merest mention of it sets mah blood aboiling.




    And, finally, by clicking on the Jagex logo I can see, very clearly, Funorb proudly displayed as a product of Jagex Games Studio. If that weren't enough, under Website Features on RUNESCAPE.com is a link to Funorb.




    Also, leave the blasted thread open. I don't care. I'm sick of letting the trolls tear people apart on behalf of their precious Jagex- it's about time someone exchanged blows.

  9. And, I never thought I'd have to say this, but I'm requesting that any mods who read this post lock this thread. I just can't deal with the rude trivialization of my pet peeves.




    A whine thread that is self-10y3p1c-jpg.gif?




    As for trivializing your pet peeves, you can't get any more trivial than what you laid out in the first post. And calling them Pet Peeves doesn't change my original post, which was that you actively seek out things to whinge about.

    Shut up. Just shut up. I'm sick and blasted tired of your trolling, k? You are the worst blight on these forums, Omali, every one of your posts on a subject on which you have a differing opinion can be summed up thusly:


    Insult insult insult, GIF, Get Out, insult insult insult, GIF, Get Out.




    Omali, you call others trolls but yourself are the most dire of all.

  10. You know what? This isn't a new thing. I complained about it the first freakin' time it happened. Funorb is, was, and always will be a stupid idea. It takes a lot of games first produced by other gamesites, where you can play FOR FREE, changes things around and calls it a Jagex creation. Furthermore, original Funorb games bore me. Armies of Gielenor? No thanks, I stick with Civ IV.




    And, I never thought I'd have to say this, but I'm requesting that any mods who read this post lock this thread. I just can't deal with the rude trivialization of my pet peeves.

  11. I don't care. Didn't care about last year's HD upgrade either. Furthermore, I find many of the graphical updates to be unnecessarily animated i.e. the new finishing move style abyssal whip attack, the ridiculous appearance of scimitars, and HD characters looking... wonky. The only word I can think of to describe it.

  12. Stop putting up ads for Funorb on Runescape, Jagex. I don't really mind banner ads, but when you replace Runescape news with spiel about how great Funorb is, I kinda get a little pissed. I go to Runescape.com for RUNESCAPE, not Funorb. If Funorb is doing so poorly you have to advertise on the homepage for another game, maybe you need to rethink your gameplan, hmm?


    So, nintendo is an idiot since they place ads in game cases for more of their games?




    Here's something stupid: Advertising for World of Warcraft...on the world of warcraft community site. It's actually quit hilarious to see blizzard waste money like that.

    Nope, didn't see any WoW ads on Worldofwarcraft.com. What I did see was news about a new expansion pack and a link to upgrading your account to Wrath of the Lich King.




    With Nintendo, they release many games. I have seen, and then purchased, games advertised with Nintendo products that I otherwise would never have gotten, the most prominent being Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.

  13. TL;DR Construction is deliberately poorly designed in order to remove more money from the economy.


    No. Its main purpose was/is to remove money, so it's designed well. If you were aloud to move and rotate rooms rather then destroy and rebuild them (with the exception of the costume and pet rooms) it would be doing a worse job by letting you waste less gp.

    Well, a skill made to remove money and nothing else IS a poor design, from the point of view of the players, isn't it? How Jagex views it is inconsequential- they don't actually play the game.


    Yeah, it is well designed in that it does the intended job well. However, purely from a game design standpoint, it is a poor design choice. If Jagex had managed to create a flawless economy in the first place (which would have been impossible, I don't blame them for how everything turned out), it would make far more sense to make rooms movable, or at least rotatable.




    Incidentally, I am going to fish sharks/kill the KBD for a while. I want that Skill Hall to be perfect.

    Good luck!




    Incidentally, that reminds me of this story. After fishing for years, always hoping for a large swordfish, I finally caught one! Then, after getting it stuffed and hung on my wall, I return to fishing. The next day, I catch another one! Then, I catch a third one in the same month. So now I have two large swordfish sitting in my bank with nothing to do with them...

  14. JaGEx is a company, of course their going to advertise on one of their own sites. It gets out the info about their site to a million people without having to pay for advertising.




    They'd be idiots not to do it.

    They're replacing Runescape news with an advertisement for another game site owned by them that you will find out about just by clicking the Jagex logo- something I did in my first year of playing.
  15. Stop putting up ads for Funorb on Runescape, Jagex. I don't really mind banner ads, but when you replace Runescape news with spiel about how great Funorb is, I kinda get a little pissed. I go to Runescape.com for RUNESCAPE, not Funorb. If Funorb is doing so poorly you have to advertise on the homepage for another game, maybe you need to rethink your gameplan, hmm?

  16. TL;DR Construction is deliberately poorly designed in order to remove more money from the economy.


    No. Its main purpose was/is to remove money, so it's designed well. If you were aloud to move and rotate rooms rather then destroy and rebuild them (with the exception of the costume and pet rooms) it would be doing a worse job by letting you waste less gp.

    Well, a skill made to remove money and nothing else IS a poor design, from the point of view of the players, isn't it? How Jagex views it is inconsequential- they don't actually play the game.
  17. I hear tell we're getting another no update week. How much you wanna bet next weeks update will be a sequel to Sheep Shearer called Like a Headless Chicken where you go pick up Farmer Fred's groceries and, as a reward, you get to fight the level 30 Greens Reaper once a week for one hundred farming experience and fifty cooking exp?

  18. I agree with the first one. I was so sick and tired of waiting that I canceled my subscription to Runescape. And next week is ANOTHER no update week? Gee wilikers, I hope it's something big like Fur and Seek!




    The second article... I get where you're coming from. I play WoW and I feel it's better than what you described, but you bring up many good points.

  19. When I first heard about it, I thought it was a joke. But, lo and behold!, it's happening.




    And it really is going to change WoW forever.




    So what is this teaching us? That, maybe, a large change to the basics of a game, age old traditions, may be JUST what it needs to refresh itself? Maybe Jagex should try it some time. I mean, most aspects of Runescape are obsolete/broken. Combat is so primitive it's sad. Most skills run at a constant loss. PvP can be the most profitable endeavor, even if you're not particularly good. High level combat is MIA. Jagex has hit a ceiling. The economy is in shambles and the G.E. is still rather flawed.




    Maybe the solution IS to change everything. Remake combat regardless of how much it pisses people off. Release high end content and remake old content to be more dynamic. Fix the G.E. and get off your lazy bums and take a stand against Manipulation clans.




    You wanna know why Blizzard is the industry leader? Cause they learn and do things differently.




    Learn Jagex. Learn.

  20. Now, I do not have the all mighty quest cape, so I do not know every quest. But I have done many, and am familiar with many.




    I just finished red raktuber, and I think I see where the super quest might be going. If you think otherwise I encourage chatting.




    It does seem that the sea slug and penguin coup are going to lead into a big quest. But if it is bigger than recipe for disaster what could it include. What other things might come from connections. Perhaps the ape atoll might be involved since the penguin and monkey cages are next to eachother in the ardy zoo. Does anyone have any really strong ideas?




    The "super quest" involves the Mahjarrat, as that is the "main" plot of RS. The sequel to WGS and conclusion of the Mysteries of the Mahjarrat storyline will likely be the largest quest ever.




    It's possible that they may tie in the Sea Slug and Penguin quests, but I don't think Mother Mallum has much to do with the Mahjarrat. It'll likely be a master or grandmaster level quest to tie the two in, but it won't be "the big one."




    Death to Lucien!!




    Honestly, I don't care a lot about this storyline, I'm just not attracted to it, but a quest with good rewards is always welcome :P

    Ditto. I'm more interested in the Sea Slug line as well as Arposondra or whatever it's called. One because it takes it's inspiration from Lovecraft, the other because it appears as if Glouphrie is mutating animals to make them intelligent.
  21. I think most people whining about jagex not reimbursing items lost to bugs dont realize that your character and items ALL BELONG TO JAGEX and they really dont have to give them to you if you lost them. Personally, i wait at least a few hours after an update before i use runescape and therefore havent noticed a single bug other than graphical glitches (and mobilising armies missing 3/4 of the game modes.) Jagex does a great job of fixing bugs after they show up, and as for more bugs with projects with longer development times recently, thats because runescape is more complex than ever before, and more content will interact weirdly with other parts of runescape. Many more bugs only happen when content is used by many players simultaneously, as others have said earlier.
    So? My characters and account are owned by Blizzard and, if I were to lose items or money due to a software glitch, they'll, cheerfully, fix the problem for me. Furthermore, the bugs are generally there in testing but, if they're not, then the conditions used FOR testing need to be changed. And content acting weirdly is not the problem. The problem is that players lose bundles of cash, whatever is in their inventory, or items that have taken a long time to acquire and Jagex replying to their complaints with a cheerful "Bugger off." Or, on the opposite of the spectrum, we have people receiving free items or items at greatly reduced cost and Jagex not doing a thing about them. Though they may have whipped out the banhammer for free planking.




    Seriously, the bugs, inconsequential updates, and Jagex's policy towards customers have caused me to cancel my membership. So, yeah, you could say that this sort of thing DOES have repercussions.

  22. Jagex does their best and that's all that matters. it's extremely difficult to code java and it's also very difficult to find glitches that involve like using a rubber chicken against KBD.
    He, you're a funny guy. Their best WON'T be good enough when competing against Blizzard, Relic, Square Enix, and many, many others, if this is it.
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