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  • Location
    Jupiter Lighthouse
  • Interests
    playing runescape
  1. Q: What does a white chicken say when he bumps into a wall? A: Bok Q: What does a black chicken say when he bumps into a wall? A: Yo bok man!
  2. So i guess rs 3 will come out in about 6 months, and im really disappointed, because i spent so much time and money in my training (i'm p2p 3 years now). But the new graphics, skills and other things really get my attention, so il check it out anyway, maybe its even better. For the rest, this is a good site, great info and i always get my info on the site. So keep the good work coming. :)
  3. as long as you don't tell everyone to go there, its fine
  4. i have the same problem, but world 2 is also good (not much people, but enough to do it)
  5. best is going through the wildy to edge, but if youre in a full world, or hate taking risk, run through barby or to fally
  6. i've heard that Jagex is already working on that, don't know if it's true, though
  7. if theyre not damaged, you can trade them, seeds (ruined shield or bow) can be made into one of them, if you have enough cash
  8. well, your right, but its just unfair, i guess the next person has, 800-1000
  9. i prefer training on ogres, as they give good exp, and dont hit that good, you will have to bring food, though and some good armour would be better, unless you like to die
  10. what do i need to make full skeletal? and what do i need to do to make it?
  11. i must confess, it does work, but it does take too much time... i prefer making chaos myself, and then using fire blast
  12. its kinda anoying that youre friends always know where you are, like in the wildy, if you dont want them to find you, they always will, so thats a point less, but the rest is nice
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