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Everything posted by Final_Mercy

  1. Ego scorpion: 1. It's not about me, it's about everytime I go fishing, or even do anything! (like castle wars, pking, other forms of "skilling and killing"), I see 2 (sometimes a lot more up to 15.. amazing..) players argue about themselves who has more "life" then someone else it's really annoying, ignore list? nah I want people to get the message to stop giving some fried fish and chips about it. 2. Obviously you don't get my message, nor I do not think you understand the words I have typed; and it's also kind of obvious you care yourself enough to actually post on this topic and that you also care if people think you do/do not have a life.
  2. hm.. the small the pixels, the slightly or greatly better the quality of graphics is on a game, but does reducing and multiplying pixels to make the game more smoother and possibly better cost more? I mean it is just reducing then multiplying...
  3. 1. I'm not death_hippy's clone, even if I like to rant, at least I don't copy his sig's character *vincent from final fantasy 7? or 8? 2. thanks for spamming useless things in my own post, which is, of course -.- about spam :?
  4. I don't care if people disagree with me, I want to know people's opinion and hopefully it'll help change them, not dictate and be some overlord; Use your *if you have one* brain when you type; and we all know how your brain works --" I rule, they drool" Besides I'm also wondering where the good replies went, instead of flames like that/insults/negative replies instead of suggestions saying how positive me or anyone else should think of and reasons in a positive way to point out the facts
  5. I don't give a fish flipper what other people think about me and my gaming. It's just so sad to see how people react to such comments and everything, it's .. disgusting.
  6. Good luck trying to even get accepted to a job with that attitude -.-
  7. Well the experiments will be crowded with pures so I'm not sure about that, the skeletons are level 80+ so I think they might be a challenge, but useful
  8. Well.. actually yeah, that brimbuckle also gives grand tree pods so It's about 84% based on who you get for delivery
  9. Either way, umm.. YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO EITHER OF THOSE. :) :o
  10. You can't alch elf crystal :D I've tried
  11. I post a lot, and like to rant a lot too, I occasionally buy stuff from the forums, it's just I don't post and all, but I see it everywhere, not just applying to myself; SPAM. not spamming like @#$@#%OFMGS$" that stuff; I'm talking about.. the posts I don't see a post like "oh, it's life I mean sorry you got scammed/hacked/betrayed, but it happens, even to us", I see rude comments like "lol nerd, get over it, this is bull*whopper*, what happened to the maturity of forums? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GOOD PEOPLE??? This world may be full of corruption, it's just not that "nothing can be done", it's NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE, Only if someone had the pistachios to do something about this horrid corruption, the world would be great, even with honest gamers and all other. To start a good generation; why don't we all start posting nicely instead of spamming and ridiculing others!
  12. heh so I guess rude and crude's the only thing that matters now, same with the types of replies on this thread... or any other thread like usual.. instead of the more mature and appreciative posts from mature people -.-
  13. My title doesn't describe ME, it describes other people -.- I play a lot more than that :D And what "Thetruthnoob" said was pretty rude; hope you don't talk like that to other people Unless.. of course, you are one of those people who claim to these petty lies.
  14. Greed and unable to accept what they already have for the lose? :S
  15. Let me rephrase that :D What the fishsticks happened to honors -.- :evil: :cry: :?: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
  16. wilderness, it was fine, it was cool, you got a kill, I got a kill.. but.. now look: Everyone's teleing, player jumping, jacking, running, flaming, "safing" what happened now? people are creating level 3 accounts to loot.. but now.. level 100's are looting.. now, 120's are pjing, and now.. level 110's pj too, there's no such thing as bravery or courage, or guts to pk, it's all about cowardice and being the best.. at what? Nothing. Let me also mention the maturity of myself and others, how we are the same yet people deny their; our immature. This does not affect all people but what happened to the good people? Game and reality
  17. not sure if it really matters how you look
  18. Maybe fight vampires? :S they can be a pain or fight werewolves at canifis using those bolts. :twisted:
  19. Stupidity is what makes life miserable, but yet fun =D and worth living.
  20. This rant will be really short but it does go on a bit. Are people really ranting or do they just want attention and have no care about rants. Cause in my opinion, if someone's happy that they have a lot of views/replies on their post, they don't really care about what happened to them. It's actually "good" that it happened to them so they post it on the forums and hopefully have a hot topic. Come on people, rant about something like you mean it instead of trying to get a hot-spot.
  21. On runescape, some people can make symbols like the "copyright" symbol (little c in a circle) and upside question marksr, but sometimes it's just their keyboards have that key. But at the same time ,having number lock or something and pressing special buttons together will be able to write the same symbols that the keyboard is missing, is it the same with runescape? can it be done?
  22. I just said it didn't matter; my topic title is the meaning of the rant :P heck no I don't do that, if I did it that way, pfft, I wouldn't even be playing runescape anymore since I'd be too weak to do anything -.-
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