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  1. Then I would run for cover and point everone to the orginal game. Please use the search button next time
  2. Yes, Jagex changed the format so that if you forgot and left yourself logged in to vote for a poll, noone else could use your account to do other things, like set your recoveries or change your bank pin.
  3. Bah, I'm F2P. Grats on 99 attack though! You deserve it!
  4. Okay, so you didn't believe me the first time. Here is the proof.
  5. *Points to my previous post* Don't forget, threads have replies as well as the original post.
  6. On RSOF, Mod Clark said about this glitch and, while they are working on it, the placed the Wise old man to entertain anyone who is stuck in the Lumberyard.
  7. This is a fantasy game, where magic is oozing from the seams. Teleports and random events are just as possible as what you are saying. However, I see your point.
  8. Shouldn't this go in Clues, Clues and Random Events?
  9. Wahey! I'm in the uber-cool-people section! EDIT: =O! I'm screenied in PM for your nubish Swedishboy cow joke. Good luck nub, but I will beat you. Even though you have a *cough* 23 *cough* level headstart. :P
  10. This would be a great idea! : I have one more suggestion........... You click the "Report Abuse" button, and the screenshot is taken. Then, you tick the rules that have been broken in the popup window, or if you clicked it in laggy conditions or by accident, you click the close button. You do not have to type in the username, which will help with the confusing ones and with multiple offenders in the last minute. :thumbsup:
  11. 1-Star_In_The_Sky 2-Ownt_Emo 3-Elmo_Killer6
  12. RuneScape is a fantasy game, not a medieval game! On Topic: I think this sounds okay, but I'm not sure if it will be incorporated into the game or not.
  13. I think this is a great idea! I've always clicked on the wrong person and got really annoyed.... And ofr the conference thing, we could have like mini Tip.It conferences! How cool would that be!
  14. Hmm....so you're suggesting to make a petititon to send to Jagex and all the hackers will go away? if you're not suggesting, wrong forum mate. Also, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!" Use that as a lesson.
  15. I'm pretty sure it is one pixel down, but for the Gnome Pilot it's quite hard to see.
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