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  1. even though I'm only 62 rc, i would be very unhappy with jagex if they made rcing fast, simple, and safe. rcing is slow exp. yes, but this is a good thing for those who are dedicated. Not everyone wants to slog though the 1-44 lvls to make nats, so they buy them instead. other people don't want to rc because it's slow to walk to the alter, and the abyss is dangerous if you aren't prepared. But, the people who do achieve 44 and are either prepared for the abyss, or patient enough to use an alternate route are rewarded. also, let me remind you about pure ess.... so the high required lvls, slow exp, risk(and to an extent capitol for supplies) are balanced by the profit you can make. it wouldn't be fair if.... oh wait, we're talking about jagex. .... as long as it's not like throwing chinchompas covered in rune ess at a group of alters pc exp gain kind of thing. someone needs to make a picture of that
  2. personally, i hate these green dragon autos. they make it to easy to raise crafting, which make's it yet another easily buyable skill. it's the only skill iv'e wanted to 99 in. but after 4 months of spinning bowstings, mining gold to make jewelry, making battle staffs, and killing dragons for hide i get passed by people with massive amounts of cash in much less time. skill capes have changed the economy, many more people want raw materials to train with, and there is'nt enough supply to fill the demand. cue in the autoes.
  3. pyrex summed it up pretty well, it is much harder to get a d chain then a rune plate. Anyone can mine ess or pick flax for an hour or so and make enough to buy a plate. To get a d chain you either have to a)-get 65 slayer -start dt -kill thousands of dust devils and hope you have a chance to get a chain B)-get a very organized team, or pair of 100+ -spend tons of cash on supplies -kill the queen over and over and.... -hope you get lucky both or these methods consume a lot of time and recourses, and still involve luck. If d chains were only 5 mil. then i probably wouldn't have spent so much time in the smoke dungeon. :notalk:
  4. the most i ever lost was prayer robes, warrior helm, wealth, climbing boots, and 6 p pots at bronze drags. although i had my biggest close call recently. i was barrowing and had karil in the tunnels. right as i opened a door my cat jumped on the table, and knocked a cup of hot coffee in my lap. After i got cleaned up i logged back in to see me standing in the middle of faldor with 1 hp left. almost lost full white mystic, rune plate and legs, mage bow and 200 rune arrows, black body and chaps, slayer staff, 1k deaths, and 4k minds.
  5. right now i'm doing a combination of battle staves, to make money, and buying cow/dhides for fast exp. sometimes flax just to do something different. i have made lots and lots of staves, so if you have any questions feel free to ask. my name in game is cetchathach, crafting lvl 69
  6. if pking runecrafters isn't low enough, some one has to suggest stalking us? And while we are talking about morals, i have something to throw out. now, is it imoral for the rcer to 1 item on the pkers, because that's standard procedure for me.
  7. bunch of local bands at the emerson theatre, sick frown is the only one i can remember though. A stage diver took me out with a kick to the face (what loser stage dives feet first) .
  8. by best for one day was only 3 genies. but the second one came just a few min after the first
  9. newbiest way to make money? that was when i cut hundreds of oaks to sell to gen stores, 2gp each! alright!
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