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Everything posted by Overdoziz

  1. The first sniper you get (On both Russian and American side) can kill in 2 shots and has a very high rate of fire for a sniper. Put a medium-ranged scope on it and you're set. At close range you can just no scope since the bullet still goes through the middle. ANd once you've unlocked the UMP you an just use that. :P
  2. In the beta I play with Recon 90% of the time simply because it has the mobile spawnpoint which can get you behind the enemy VERY easily.
  3. It probably has to do with people automatically regaining health (although fairly slowly) and the fact that players die much more quickly instead of losing only bits of health. Especially the second factor makes people not play support. You could rake in points just healing people in BC2, but now most people are either dead or at 100% health.
  4. There's only one gametype with zero bloom, the rest are 85% bloom.
  5. Only one moe Recon level until I unlock the small helicopter. :D
  6. Placing a spawnpoint behind the enemy's spawn makes it sooo easy to rack up kills. I'm glad the mobile spawnpoint will go away if you die in the retail version. Meanwhile, though, I'm going to abuse it to hell and and back.
  7. If someone plays a lot, you'd think that he'd have more experience and be better. I've seen Inheritors with a K/D under 1. How can you even play the game so much and suck at it so much? lol
  8. Finally got my GT linked to my EA account so I can finally check out my stats. Rank 21, 1.719 K/D, 1.4 W/L. 220 kills with the UMP lol
  9. For some reason I also hardly ever look at it even though I do look at the radar while playing other games. Also, I'm not a fan of how spotting works in this game. Worked a LOT better in BFBC2.
  10. I haven't notice it do anything to be honest. It's supposed to be a motion tracker or something.
  11. I've been killed around corners numerous times. It's not quite Halo Reach level netcode.
  12. Because a store doesn't care on which platforms it sells.
  13. You recognized it you naughty person.
  14. I'm talking about Gears 2 and Oblivion because we can't compare the sales of Gears 3 and Skyrim yet. Oblivion sold more than Gears 2. Who cares if it's across more platforms or not. You can say Gears is bigger on 360 than The Elder Scrolls is on 360, but not in total. Oblivion sold more overall. Those 2 extra years it's been out hardly affect the total amount of sales. Again, I'm talking pure numbers here. Not about reasons behind those numbers, because most of them they are irrelevant.
  15. Again, did you guys not read my previous posts? I already replied to what you guys are saying. God...
  16. And again with the meaningless term 'mainstream'. Oblivion sold more than Gears 2. That is all that matters.
  17. So, I cannot play the beta without my 360 overheating. Every other game I play is fine and even other demos work without a problem, but as soon as I play 5 minutes of the beta my 360 overheats. :/
  18. All of my what. Sorry? Hehe, I mean to say could you clarify what you mean? The game isn't called BC3 and it has a squad system and class menu. Some people are calling it a Bad Company 3 instead of a Battlefield 3 as a sort of insult. I'm just saying that the game does some stuff better than the beta is doing. The class menu is a lot better designed in BC2 and the squad system also works a lot better.
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