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Everything posted by Kama

  1. Duke was far nicer on you than he should have been Your point being? The fact that there is a rule against it in RS has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that there is a very real market in RS gold in real life trading. Sooo untrue here. anyone who has no real life responsabilities is good to go. Bill gates on the other hand can hire 10 people to mine for him and do it with no problems. Hell if Duke had drop traded, he would still have billions in assets. Money buys just as many opportunities in real life as it does in this game. A dictionary might you help here. A monopoly is defined as the following: In economics, a monopoly (from the Greek monos, one + polein, to sell) is defined as a persistent market situation where there is only one provider of a kind of product or service. Monopolies are characterized by a lack of economic competition for the good or service that they provide and a lack of viable substitute goods. Gathering resources has nothing at all to do with a monopoly. The only way that guy could hava a monopoly is to have all the iron(an impossibility), not beat out a guy to mine it. This is purely and simply moronic. Sorry to others to flame this directly, but come on here. I think war is bad. I firmly believe it. But to eliminate terrorism, I am happy to support anything. The United Nations forces in the middle east are there to protect people like us. Protect Freedon. This is just a contradiction to your earlier arguments man. The fact that they are there means there is a market for them
  2. What is difficult to understand here people! Monopoly money is worth nothing. It has no cash value. You can`t find a buyer for it no matter how hard you try. RS gp on the other hand has many buyers in real life. That trading it is illegal is immaterial. Trading is going on, it is a fact. This establishes a very real exchange rate with pounds, dollars, yen, or any currency.
  3. Why do you feel the need to express the obvious? The UK`s tax office will start taxing online games about 3 and a half minutes after the IRS does anyway. The rest of you seem to be missing the huge point that assets are taxable anywhere. If I dig a hole in the ground and find a diamond it is the same as getting a d leg drop from metal drags. Assets are just as taxable as cash. Barter is also 100% taxable. You need to pay the associated taxes for the value of the trade. The real world value of RS cash and assets is easily calculated from E**y and a host of other auction sites. The IRS, or any other tax authority for that matter, is not going to listen for 1 second that the value is anything less than the going rate that people are buying it for online. The major point here is that a few people I know have a billion gold pieces. Now, translated to real life money that is about $10,000. If Duke could tell us how long it takes him to make a billion, we could actually think about making a living off playing RS. It is completely financially feasable in China. The average monthly wage is less than $300 in Beijing. That is 30million gp, or about a mil a day. You can cut 3k yews a day and make a decent living. Soon the ability to support yourself off an online game will be much easier and will be come much more frequent.
  4. I was fishing on Catherby the other day and some guy pulled out a toy soldier and was bragging about how cool it was and how none of the rest of had one. Idiot: I have one of the rarest items in the game Everyone:... Idiot: I bet you wish you had one So, at this point, I just walked over and picked it up. He had been winding it and letting go over and over again. Idiot: Hey! OMG! How did you do that! Me: You let it go, I picked it up. Idiot: Scammer! Reported! At this point I reported him for misuse of customer support. I also had every intention of giving the thing back until the guy started badmouthing me. Then everyone chimed in and told him. I mentioned I reported him for false reporting, and for the next 30 minutes he asked me if i really did over and over. Me: I didn't scam. Did you report me? Idiot: No Me: Then you have nothing to worry about Idiot: What if I did? Me: Than it was misuse of customer support Idiot: So I will get banned tomorrow? Me: You said you didn't report me...
  5. Well written but very bad advice. Crafting minds. It is both unprofitable and a complete waist of time. It has a significantly lower ROI, gp per hour and xp per hour return than other runecrafting. Here is why you shouldn't craft mind runes: A round trip to the mind alter takes 3 minutes 11 seconds. That is 18 trips per hour for 2,016 minds per hour(at level 44). For a total of 2,772xp RC per hour. A round trip to the air alter takes 1minute 14 seconds . That means 48.5 trips an hour for 6,790 airs per hour(at level 44). For a total of 6,790xp RC per hour. I ran to both alters, so it will actually take much longer if you are walking all the way to the mind alter. If you sold the runes it would be 40,320gp for the minds at 20gp each, and 135,800gp for the airs at 20gp each. You could buy 1k chaos per hour crafting airs(or nearly 12k minds in the same time ammt of time it takes to craft 2k of them), further raising your xp per hour maging by 165%. Feel free to time it yourself and you will realize just how much more effective your RC and mage training can get in terms of overall xp/per hour and gold per hour. The shop prices for minds starts at 3gp each. You would even be better off mining ess, selling it and buying the mind runes from the shop over runecrafting them.
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