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Everything posted by logic-is-overrated

  1. The Bible never states the seventh day ending. Thus, if the sixth day was the creation of man, then the sixth day would have ended as soon as man was created, or, evolved let's say. We could currently still be in the seventh day - or time period. Thus if we use time periods - the evolution into what we could call a "human", might have not ended, but hit a certain milestone at the end of the sixth day. If everything else after up until and including now, has been and is the seventh day still, it could make sense. It sounds complicated but is really quite simple, and it may work. If this is still the seventh day then God is still resting. What exactly does it mean then by God resting? The seventh day is spoken about in past tense. It says God rested on the seventh day because he had finished his work. Note again, its spoken about in past tense. I have a hard time believing that vegetation and fruit trees were around for millions of years before there was a sun and I have an ever harder time seeing how the Genesis creation story could be interpreted in the way you mentioned.
  2. This would imply Adam was not intended to live forever. Insane, i am getting from that verse that his immortality ended when he ate from the tree. And Piano, before you insult me, please show me your college degrees in theology. Find better ways to demean people you disagree with. The verse says that if he eats from the tree of life then he would live forever. So if he was originally created to live forever then why would he need to eat a fruit to live forever. And again, would you please show me what scriptures you are using to justify your claim that the 930 years Adam lived were the years after he was ejected from the garden. What I gather from a basic reading of my Bible is that he lived for a total of 930 years, thus "days" in Genesis couldn't be millions of years because Adam lived through one of the Genesis "days."
  3. Easy one. Man was originally created to live forever in Eden. When Adam dies, the Bible says he had lived almost 1000 years (forgot the number, like 965?) AFTER leaving the Garden. The price for Adam's sin was mortality. Where do you get after leaving the garden? My bible says Adam lived a total of 930 years. It doesn't say anything about before or after doing anything.
  4. The problem with the Genesis days being hundreds of thousands or millions of years is the fact that Adam was created on the sixth day, God rested on the seventh day, and the story of Adam continues on after the seventh day. So Adam lived through a complete Genesis day. If you say a day means hundreds of thousands of years then Adam lived to be hundred of thousands of years and if you say day means millions of years then Adam lived to be millions of years. Now, if you believe that a person could live to be millions of years, then fine believe it. But you can't blame a non-believer for not believing it.
  5. ^^What the hell are we suppossed to say about it?^^
  6. One more time, here's my point. Plants were created on the third day. The sun and the moon were created on the fourth day. So, the Bible says plants and then sun. I don't care how those plants survived. If I said anything else in my previous posts I apologize for the misunderstanding. All I care about is the fact that it says plants before sun and mainstream science says no, its sun before plants.
  7. And God didn't make the "Great Lights" as in the sun and the moon until the fourth day.
  8. The Bible says the Earth was created before the sun. Mainstream science todays says it's actually the opposite. The Bible says there was fully functioning fruit trees before the sun. Mainstream science says there had to be a sun before there was plants and trees. According to the Bible, man has been on Earth for about 6000 years and the world is a little over 6000 years old. Mainstream science says the world is billions of years old and humans are hundreds of thousands of years old (I think hundreds of thousand. I might be wrong on that but either way it's way older than 6000 years). According to the Bible, man entered the world by God creating him. Mainstream science says that man entered the world through years and years of evolution. There's a ton more major discrepancies between the Bible and mainstream science but I think you get the point. The fact that science and the Bible differ on major aspects of the christians faith pretty much makes the choice out to be you either accept what scientists say or what the Bible says.
  9. What do you mean by terrible people. The fact that they killed people? The fact that they tortured people? The fact that they manipulated the public by controlling information that was released? Every one of these and probably every other attribute that you attach to them that makes them "terrible" are readily seen throughout the history of the Church. So obviously not having to answer to someone isn't what makes a person cruel, terrible, or whatever else you want to label someone.
  10. Because they'd then be.... brother and sister in-law, and society looks down on inter-family relationships :uhh: I say if they're not related to you by blood then it's no problem.
  11. It's kind of disheartening when you make up a word or come up with some cool idea on your own and you think your so creative and then you find out it's already been thought up. First you're like "heck yeah" then you're like "crap"
  12. Yeah, they talked about it on PTI. I don't know what team it was but they needed 1 run and everybody in the dugout was like "yeah 1 run" and some kid went "yeah, 1 f'ing run." I'm cheering for Georgia naturally since I live in Georgia but after that 11 to 0 Mexico victory over Venezuela, it looks tough.
  13. We don't want you to quit posting on tip.it all together, we want you to quit posting in this topic since you have a serious difference of opinion from the majority of other users who are active in this argument, and everything you say in this topic seems to piss everybody off. And you aren't doing anything that resembles rational debating.
  14. Actually, most of the people "here," as in those in off topic responding to you, don't play runescape. And as for your 8,000 other posts: Seriously.
  15. I enjoy shopping but not spending a lot of money. That's why I shop at Walmart.
  16. You could just look into the future, see what the results would be if you asked her out, and then decide whether or not to go for it.
  17. I was kidding. This kind of thinking is what keeps that very tiny thought alive in the back of my mind that there my be a God somewhere. Although I'm pretty sure revealed religion isn't true, it just seems so hard to accept that there's no supernatural deity up there somewhere. It's hard to rationalize a supernatural deity with natural disasters and the sick things in nature like parasites and things like that, but as you said it's all mind boggling to think about.
  18. I think it's neccessary. What if he has green antennas sticking out of his anus or something?
  19. I don't see what's so hard about letting other people listen to the music they want without making fun of them.
  20. I'd trade the little bit of soul that I have for the body he was showing in fight club
  21. http://www.bodybuilding.com You can find info on just about everything related to bodybuilding, from supplements to exercises.
  22. So, are these things that his crowd can do, mind reading and telling the future or where does that stuff come in?
  23. Serious question. Why do people cut themselves on purpose? Doesn't that crap hurt?
  24. I took Mad's test. Here's some highlights: That's right noobs-mastermind. Of course if I was really that smart, I'd have better things to do than take online personality tests.
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