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Everything posted by Burzuk

  1. To answer for him in what i think he means by agreeing with swamp. Note that this is also why i agree with swamp. If exp was purchasable you would not mine, chop, fletch, fight, so on...you would merchant a lot and then boom buy all your exp for 99 in everything. Would this be fun to you? I think not. So really there isn't really a debate here, it's just a bunch of people agreeing to each other that this is a bad idea.
  2. Well i disagree. Red Collars actually play the game and Red Collars is not a collar, it's a sub collar, as people who merchant do actually level. Any White or Blue Collar can become a red collar at any given point yet Blue Collars don't tend to do so. With the rest i agree. Swordwind is that really necessary? What you said tons of people before yourself already did. You really didn't add anything to the debate. If you agree with the others and have nothing to add up to the debate don't post simply.
  3. New people are not noobs get your facts straight. Deceivers exist everywhere not only on RS, same with begging and same with autoers. I don't get the worlds just for trading part, it's actually good that you can find these worlds as it makes it easier to find what you're looking for. Wildy clans i really don't see the problem with this, people want to pk, and want to pk efficiently so they join a clan, but i am biased so i'll let another person take that one.
  4. Well can you make rules in the Wilderness? Can you control the ones you fight against in the Wilderness (not having to fight 2 lvl 100's when you're level 65 just because you went deep wild)? Now don't say that the Wilderness is just like the Duel Arena and yes you can only stake (both in the Arena and the Wild) what you lose. On a simple note to you nadril i was just in a pking trip and i got killed even though i had the inventory full of lobbies and was eating like madman. Of course i got pked by 20 lvls 120 but so what...i got scared rofl.
  5. Prayer, Pest Control, etc etc etc. well i liked your rebutal (made me think) I think you do have a point. I am not just talking about prayer really...it's more that people will whine about anything without making a valid point just like you did just now.
  6. The title may be a little confunsing...sorry about that. Well i see many people suggesting Jagex should change this and that because it's wrong/too easy but when they actually try to make a valid statement to support their theory they bring up their personal interest instead. I personally don't like it. I don't think the game is perfect but i can't suggest something better so i don't suggest at all. I want to hear your thoughts on this.
  7. I think someone should change the title make it "How Rares affect the game" I think this is what this topic is about. There are 2 points on how to look at rares. Rares as an investment and rares as an achievement. "Hard-workers" such as myself look at a rare as an achievement something to strive for. Merchanters look at it as something to make money out of. Personally i don't like the merchanters point of view (but i respect it) as it makes hard for me getting the money to buy the rares. If i buy it from a merchanter which is pretty much what will happen if i decide to acquire one i'll buy it 1-2M above market price, but is the sentence true? What makes the prices on Runescape? The players. So i do not understand why some of you keep posting like "a easter is 6M". Yes you can generally know a price of a rare by seeing how much they are sold at, but if someone decides to buy a lot of rares and selling them "above market price" you really have no choice except buying them from that person at the price they say it for. Oh and i can tell you for sure that Jagex can control the economy if they wanted to. Zsandmann your missing "the red collars". Investors/Merchanters, those people will not be homeless and the only ones that really would survived the Great Depression (unless they reach the final stage of Merchanting which is Merchanting with rares). The "blue collars" would transform theirselves in "white collars" (as they would have to use the resources they gathered) and the "white collars" would either quit or transform theirselves into "blue collars" to support their high-levels (this applied to Runescape obviously). If i didn't make it clear i'm for rares staying in the game, especially because i see a rare as something to strive for. This is a little off-topic This is what made me post just now.
  8. Maybe i'm a little biased because i never played RSC (well maybe a little when it was still available for f2pers) but that 3 "rounds" of eating as you call it seems a little you know dumb. I am not saying that fights wouldn't be interesting but i am saying i would not go into the wild if that existed in RS2, i like to eat when i want, i want to be in control of my own health... Well my suggestion is put that 3 "rounds" of eating in the Duel Arena as a option for rules. Simple as that. Seeing as there are too many of us that never actually saw that system and are used to the way the Wilderness is now. People actually contest my idea of instead of going into the Wilderness go the Duel Arena.
  9. Errr...rofl dude. People that go into the wild don't go just for PvP you know. Lol at the other stuff said above...Food is there for healing there for when people lose health they'll eat, it's stupid to make an idea of "make it so you can only it every 30 seconds or so" if i am fighting this guy with 99 strength i will surely be in need of eating every 5 seconds or so, why not ban food in the wilderness if that's the case? Look if you want to kill people without a chance of them running from you go to the Duel Arena. In the Duel Arena you can actually make your own rules of combat instead of ruining the Wilderness where everybody can go to suit your personal likings. Oh and btw wilderness means just that...anything goes. No rules. Geez you people are stubborn
  10. What's the debate? You already answered it. Players are worth to Jagex the amount that they pay for the game.
  11. You're stats are the same as mine! :shock: At least for combat :roll: because i win you at the other stats :lol: Nice goals.
  12. I guess we all know that experience is somewhat doubled whenever you level that's why lvl 1 is 83 exp and lvl 2 is 176 exp. So to get to level 60 in anything is fairly easy compared to get from 95 say to 99. I am not and never been a member. Yet i do know a lot of Membership benefits (thanks to tip.it for that). I can't say for real how the Wilderness in members works but i am assuming it's more "interesting" and harder in many ways. Oh and swampjedi you idea is awesome. that is...if you're attacking another player why would you want to protect yourself? You started it! \
  13. yeah but once you have the requirements for it would you be able to do it in a day? (if you really put yourself into it) I mean get a quest where you have to fight 500 level 200 monsters without prayer and make it so you don't have to fight monsters if you don't have to. eg. Alternative ways to finish quests. Not really much to say about it anymore everyone agrees at the same point.
  14. @ 123yourgone it's easy? you must be talking in terms of clicking. Because it's hard to get the bones. Unless you buy them. Oh and if it is so easy to level how come there aren't that many people with 99 prayer? (that i know of at least) @ swampjedi sorry man. Will try to avoid it.
  15. i say make a extremely long and hard quest. A quest you cannot do in a month. For those like me who like quests that would be wonderful :D
  16. To everything you said there's an answer. Running from the wild it's possible? Does Entangle, Snare or even Bind tell you anything? Sure this might ruin your pure but heck if you don't want them to run go for it... About prayer, prayer is a very hard skill to level. I think we all agree on this...(don't make up lame excuses now). So it's extremely hard but in the end because it's so hard it pays off greatly. I can't stress this enough...prayer is a combat skill. Oh and Teleing? Teleblock does exist now. The only thing i agree on with all you "wilderness-haters" is the increase of untradeable armor allowed in the wild. Other than that if you don't like it don't go in it. :roll: Oh and on the whole "43 prayer you could get that in a day..." you could get 50 in any skill in a whole day. No-lifing, 24 hours on with a lot of coffee but you could.
  17. I agree not much to debate here. I am a f2p'er i don't pay i don't have more bank space. But completing the row would be nice. 16 spaces for random clothing such as Zombie Full, Mime Full, Lederhosen and Camo. If that's not pressure idk what is. I could include more pressure for ya... :twisted:
  18. Well prayer and tele as well as food are there to be used. Sick of people teleing away from combat? Go +level 20. Sick of people freezing/entangle from away? Get armor with high mage defense. Prayer is a part of combat wether you like it or not. Don't just flame people who get it...it's just as important as strength or maybe even more. For me what attracts me in Runescape is the diversity of things you have within it. You have so many combinations in the Wilderness and that (for me at least) is what makes it beautiful. Go wildy \
  19. Dude i read the book and i know what i am saying. Don't call me a noob. Oh and rofl dude bad pasting ftl Cmon i am just eager to read you reply.
  20. Lol you ripped that off from a book!! I have that book and this is a complete ripoff!!!! I simply cannot believe this is still unlocked. Book's have author's rights and you could be sued irl for this!! I see many people saying "Wow this looks like economics" or "This can be applied irl" well that's because this is from a irl book!!! LOCK PLEASE!
  21. i'll tell ya what youhave....you have to post a bank pic! :lol: AWESOME LEVELS! :shock:
  22. Check the player made guides. But for quick info...Merchanting is buy cheap sell high, you'll find yourself hopping to all kinds of worlds when merchanting (especially world 1 or 2 if members) the more money you have when merchanting the more you can make. It's hard to begin if you don't have money.
  23. i got abou 5 MoM's and 2 Sandwich lady's today...and a swarm too.
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