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Everything posted by Burzuk

  1. Thanks a lot goobore really helpful :D
  2. Wouldn't tiaras give more exp?
  3. Fast ways to get crafting up in f2p? Oh spending as little as possible :D I'm in the crafting guild with a couple of buckets making bowls is this a good idea? I'm 56 crafting btw.
  4. well without combat levels 1100 total will be hard. What you working on right now?
  5. Cool goals. But i have a question which many will agree i am sure...when will we see swampjedi in the highscores? :D
  6. Good luck, well i may have a higher mining than you...but at least when you mine you look hawt with that santa... 8-)
  7. That assuming that every f2p'er passes the word about playing RS, which you can't be sure of, and there's no parking lot. 8-)
  8. But if you were not mining, chopping, fletching, or fighting where would you get the materials needed to merchant? So lets say you buy the level 99 skills, does that make the game over? You don't need materials to merchant. Only money. It depends of what purpose you're playing the game...ask zezima if the game is over for him :ohnoes: :lol: @ solidus_77 he's talking about buying exp so i don't think you're argument applies here...
  9. Don't judge people by their age. I have to say that i have seen people here afraid to click links (!) that's strange to me... :-s Don't compare KoC or ogame to RS because those are text based games. I don't think they're afraid...but i won't use any program because Jagex says it's illegal.
  10. Maximum Stackable inventory: 60129542116 just multiply the maximum for money (which i believe includes everything) and multiply by 28
  11. Coal won't sell for 250gp...unless you're very very very lucky or already have found a buyer and if so share!!! :lol: I can race you if you want? :P That would be cool because competition will speed you up (and me too) Best of luck. :twisted:
  12. So with the cooldown of food...you'd see alot of 1 itemers pures... :twisted: And yeah also for multi areas cooldown is a no-no. You'll die anyway
  13. Yes but with such amount of pures in the wilderness chances are that getting pummeled by 3 30's consecutive hits is getting common so i don't agree. So why does food heal 20 in case of sharks and you're able to carry 20 of them healing 400 hp total? That's the point to eat. Yes i see what you're saying that you should die, but i think people should have the option to not die, even if you should. "To avoid death, you will need to heal during a fight to restore your hitpoints. For this you will need food." This is a quote from the manual of runescape written by jagex themselves. Sorry... :| your point is invalid :| or the way that you expressed it.
  14. I'm sorry...I was away for a months and since i started playing, p2p has evolved a lot. (i was here before the dragon weapons) :shock: And don't tell i'm correct, i know i am :P joking :twisted: . I don't think this is true (i maybe off so don't be too harsh you meanie :lol: ) When the creator made the game Jagex (as a company) didn't even existed. And i mean the game in it's all evolving stages. The concept of pressuring the f2p'ers is somewhat recent, if you're playing for quite some time you know what i mean, it's kinda of a "company move". And yes now their concept is purely making money but when dragon came out they were just trying to give us reasons to sign for members. That said the more updates is only a reason for attracting f2p'ers...i honestly don't believe p2p'ers get bored that easily? ( feel free to answer that because i honestly don't know, it's not supposed to be a irony) I've been a f2p'er for all my RS playing time, but that doesn't mean i won't upgrade my account to p2p some day. err...sorry? "cheap"? No i am not cheap i just don't have any way to pay for membership (i'm a european, so hurray for little ways to pay membership from europe-non UK). For me the game isn't tired out and i'm not cheap yet i still argue for updates. If they do work more updates for members it wouldn't be more reasons for f2p'ers to join because with so much stuff in member worlds, it's a lot of information to process.
  15. Err...yes they do. From your post (and your post alone) it seems to me you don't know what advertisement is. Just by appearing in the miniclip site Runescape is advertising. Runescape in the miniclip site is not "agressively advertising" but the mere fact that it's name is there makes it so that it gets thousands of clicks by people that want to know what it is (Advertising). Yes i have read a video gaming magazine several in fact. The demos never were better than the actual games (i have demos too). The fact is that most demos capture the very best game has to offer, since Runescape is constantly evolving this makes it dificult. The expectation that the demo arises is also very different because you see the best of the game in the demo. My suggestion to persuade f2per's to make the "jump" to p2p is offer a one time trial that would allow people to see member's world :D On topic... Yes f2p only needs one update...complete the bank row that is missing. i'm f2p.
  16. Well...if you're getting pummeled by 3 30's hits then you're just going to be shoving down sharks down your throat. Nobody likes to die. I say prevent food from being shoved upon throats when the food itself heals more than your total hp, or better yet make it so that it makes you lose hp. That would prevent safers \ Make a pure arena...no food allowed during combat. Allow thieving in the wilderness (that would be cool and scary) but make it so past lvl 40 wilderness...otherwise it would be lvl 1 whip steals #-o I can't think of anymore ideas...i know most ideas are stupid but don't flame me for them :P
  17. Good luck training...and owning the wilderness.
  18. Wow. What you should have answered... Are you friends with zezami? No i am friend of mr. Jagex :lol: That's some awesome lvls btw.
  19. Is there anything to discuss? :? Banning mistakes could happen, that's why they have the ban appeal thingy. Well to take this in another direction i think that bans should happen more frequently short term bans, not permanent ones. If the person learns the lesson, fine, if he/she doesn't he/she should have his account banned and his/her IP recorded so if he/she should happen to break the rules again he/she would be perma-banned. Well at least that's what i think.
  20. Yo justagame, no shushing others just because they do not agree with you ok? People don't like to shushed, i know i don't. So quit that, it's debating not starting flame wars. People have fun the way they want, they're not useless. Maybe they just want to experience the skills how about that? Seeing as you can go as high as 126 for combat level under level 30 is still considered low level. If they don't train combat maybe they don't want to kill high lvl monsters? or any monsters? Err you can make it over the white wolf mountain, food exists you know. really not much to say about the topic at hand you guys said it all. I agree with having fun, if making a skiller is what makes runescape fun for you then go for it.
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