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Everything posted by Burzuk

  1. Oh so a high lvl needs to have time for lower lvls...? Never training cb again :mrgreen: On topic: Awesome stats. :wink:
  2. I'm with Rose when he says merchanting is also scamming...sorry you're taking advantage of someone who doesn't know the real price of an item. Lure is "Come to a place where players can kill players to trade or meet" is that scamming? Then i guess the poor noob who was told to grab the wine of zamorak in the tower and then being shut the door was also scammed... :-k
  3. I know a dude with quest cape at 69 cb. No biggie :P
  4. Want to race :) ? I'm 76 mining atm check me. (to the left :wink: ) If you want i can let you get the same exp as me so we can start at the same time... There is a reason i want to race you, i also want to get 85 mining just don't have enough motivation for it #-o
  5. i'm a math noob :P how do you calculate standard deviation and your levels per combat level? I have an idea i just want to check if i got it right. Btw congrats on the amazing levels.
  6. How does someone calls his only account a pure and also how does a lvl 60 is walking in lvl 40 wildy with 1 mill on him? Sounds nooby to me and noobs generally don't have masks. I don't believe you sorry...
  7. I say buy the Green Halloween...most rares will probably rise in time and if you work more (seeing that the diference between a blue and a green is 7 mill and you say you can buy those rares i'm assuming you have 26 M) so you make 12 M more and buy 2 greens :P
  8. Awesome guide. I think that the place south of falador you should mention you can always go through the cabbage patch to chop in the south most yew there. Other than that this is definetly AOW. =D>
  9. "Aye" You also abuse the exclamation mark. Btw nobody's saying it can't be done. But you don't seem to have a plan, you just decided to get it...think things out people. Or at least have the gp :roll:
  10. *glances at fletching* :shock: Guess it is the easiest skill ever :) On Topic i like your stats but since members has better "spots" to level we can't know for sure how long you have been one so i give it a 7.5 out of 100 hehe jk
  11. Well at least this goal and the competition will get you guys very motivated :P forgot to say...GOOD LUCK! =D>
  12. Hmmm your only 63 mining...and 3k a day in iron? :shock: guess i have to go do some mining :twisted: You seem to know levelling you want to do, and you wrote down the plan...now good luck! :P
  13. 7K coal and 3K iron in one week or two? in f2p?? :o If you achieve that i believe what you say :P
  14. I'm sorry i just have to say that this... made me burst out laughing! Nice effort but i don't think it's that good sorry, seen better.
  15. Guthix is popular? :shock: Guthix is all about balance. I prefer to think of gods as the story goes (or so i think) Zamorak and Saradomin were in a big fight and Guthix arose and ended the conflict, he is the oldest of them all. :P I prefer Zamorak :twisted:
  16. what's the point of so many robin hats :P pretty stupid if you ask me. Fakes not cool. :shame:
  17. Mmm...your rsn is not showing and you haven't provided a pic to show the wondeful 95 hunter. No pic no proof :notalk:
  18. Cool now you have a nice 1st page all organized and stuff.... :P
  19. Do airs really sell for 20gp each? :shock: I thought they were like 15 gp each... I like the guide...maybe include pics?
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