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Everything posted by sammyboy894

  1. Hard read just because it is a block of writing like God0sl0ver said add some pictures and try to make it more appealing, otherwise really good start 4/10 :thumbsup:
  2. Awwww! gave away my little secret (not really) but i have been using my pure to make money there. Hope it doesnt get too crowded there :ohnoes:
  3. 10/10 for your stats, your thieving is absolutely nuts :thumbsup:
  4. I've always found agility to be very slow, but RC's always come fairly easily... especially the first day when you could get both stones in 2 trips for sure. That was the same with me, and no matter how hard i try i cant get my second hunter stone :s
  5. I thought that the event was really bad, it seemed like the developers got lazy and reused last years event. (exactly what everyone else is saying) But i personally liked the management part of the event, that was the best part of it by far. I hope they do better next year. :pray:
  6. Thanks for the advice everyone i used a few guides and your advice and my set up is - Full Lapuria (little weight and semi decent protection) - Mith Pickaxe - Boots of Lightness and Spotted Cape The set up is working good as i never go below 60% energy and take very little damage if any at all. Thanks everyone
  7. Hey I never done abyss rune crafting before could someone please tell me what equipment i need and inventory i need to take, stats are in Sig. Thanks
  8. So making nats through the abyss is best? or should i use the fairy rings?
  9. Hey everyone, Could someone please tell me the fastest and most efficient way to get up to 50 runecrafting while still breaking even. Thanks in advance. Sammy
  10. What skills are you looking to train?
  11. I forgot about the emerald e bolts thanks for reminding me =)
  12. Okay i will do that, thanks
  13. So i should just range them with range pots and anti fire pots?
  14. Hi everyone, I just got assigned 45 iron dragons and i dont know how to kill them and what Armour set i should use. Any advice would be very appreciated, thanks everyone.
  15. thanks everyone but ill go with Ezkaton idea thanks again :thumbsup:
  16. Hi i just wanted to know what armor i should use for slayer, i cant use slayer helmet yet because i am yet to get enough points to use it. my stats are in my sig. Thanks p.s i have aprox 18mill cash
  17. First off sorry if there already is a thread for this. I have never 76ked in my life but i want to know if it has been nerfed and if we will see the economy stabilize or has the updates done nothing? Thanks
  18. Face it the OP is just one of those people who like complaining about things when nothing is wrong.
  19. Use the crossbow and mith bolt and bring 1 prayer potion with food just in case you need it, of course a quick tele would be a good emergency back up. I am pretty sure you wont have any problems though
  20. Wow canada fails at providing jobs OT: The game is free dont expect much, nothing more to say
  21. I think most people have missed understood what i was trying to say or i didnt make it clear enough, my point is you can bag jagex, give critisism and feedback, its just the way people go about bagging jagex, humans have only become better through critisim. Now i am not saying kiss jagexs [wagon] and praise them, i am saying be respective of how you are doing it.
  22. Use all the talk options and eventually u have the choice of killing him or giving him money NOTE: if you kill him make sure u have atleast 33 mage for tele-grab
  23. Thats what most people do, just idiots cant be paitent at times
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