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Everything posted by doomy

  1. Woot another one! Full camo is all mine :D
  2. 10/10 You really must post often, in like 3 months 1k posts.
  3. Woot, 2 more to my goal and lots more iron to smith, about 4k or it.
  4. Yeah , last week i've gotten him twice. Odd event though, i've alos got a heaps of mime, why doesn't anyone else get them, i'm sure they wouldn't mind.
  5. Oh yeah, my daddy walked over the alantic oncea without stopping.
  6. Woot Skatebdr515 is a noob. nah deep down we know we him, even if he doesn't understand my leetness :shame:
  7. That sig belongs to tripsis, but uh, what am i supposed to do, guess and leave a sig at the same time? This doen't soung good to me.
  8. Haha, all my posts on thsi blog are going to be here from now on. In this one post.
  9. bump, i forgot to screenie the cobersation i was having about jagex existing of not, shows some people need to buy a sense of humour, sheesh.
  10. Woot, Your not on now. I just logged on, do i smell that bad? Anyways i'm sure you'll make it, good luck.
  11. Lol white firelighters, i think Jagex are now realising you're a noob and that in giving you bad rewards will make you quit :twisted: Nah we know jagex only gives white firelighters to the leetest, which is why that's what i got
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