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Everything posted by Zoobie007

  1. Why don't they just use image code randoms, I know they used image code fatigue in RSC, but it only used 1 pattern. most sites that use image code these days use many different randomized patterns, colors and fonts. Also, problem is JAVA can be decompiled to its original source. So some genius could figure out how client works and modify to make perfect bot, which some Chinese did, I think.
  2. i hate youtube tweens - follow me to be in youtube video - in recording this on youtube - making dance party for youtube
  3. http brute forces use a simple list, if you make pass 10+ char long and add some digits then it will never be cracked.
  4. i've sold coal but can't sell str ammy or willows at lowest value
  5. Tiles are definitely the most useless item.
  6. There were rune items worth a lot more than party hats in RSC like rune kites were like 2 mil and r2h was like 1m and rb axe was worth 700k when they became available. I remember selling rb axe for 600k and yellow party hat, which i still have. So if i sold it 250m today i be making 2500 % profit.
  7. I like to safe and get my opponent real mad saying stuff constantly so that he mis clicks on his food and dies
  8. there are always lvl 3 bots in world 1 at yews and oaks between lumy and draynor an none are over lvl 70 woodcut it's as if the they are abandoned at lvl 70 and then they just make a new bot and start process over again. and the bots barely handle any random events they always get teled and and they run when they get hit.
  9. How the hell can you connect to runescape servers via proxy, you would have to modify the client to connect to proxy, because it uses the java to connect not your web browser.
  10. I understand why they want to block the dynamic sig sites, but i think it's a dis to programmers saying their programs are bad programmed. How hte hell do they know how the program is coded other that reading their hits stats to tell when the sig site makes request. If they really don't want dynamic sig sites to be able to read their stats then why don't they make it harder to do, which they will do i'm sure. But I think it's ridiculous to ban fast world switching to just because some fan site has a poll , where the choice to use fast world switching isn't even an option, and say well the users don't really care about the fast world switch option so we'll ban it. That makes no sense. The only reason for Jagex to justify banning fast world switching because it causes less view of ads. It sure as hell don't cause more bandwidth problems. And saying stuff like a program that monitors to check if a world is open is causing bandwidth problems, then why don't you allow the program to get the login page whenever the user request it , because the worlds like that are always busy anyway. I think Andrew is just on power trip.
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