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Everything posted by NorthernHero

  1. I think we can all agree that it's very stressful for the soldiers. However that can't be an excuse for what we see on that video. The truth in the end is, those sivilians were killed, and those soldiers live. There is difference between the soldiers and the civilans is, the soldiers choose to go there, out of their free will. They are the indruders. They shouldn't be there in the first place. Those kind of 'mistakes' are bound to happen in the enviroment they created there. You know, it never ceases to amaze me how people time from time again fail to see the big picture. Don't you know the history? Haven't you learned anything from it? Nazi germany. Good example. Kriegsmier, let me ask you a question. Would you have been a nazi if you lived in germany 1940? I'm pretty sure you don't agree with what nazis did back then. But most of the nazi soldiers weren't monsters, they were normal people just like you and me. Now, you just have to see that this situation we have in iraq today is really not much different from nazi germany. There were people back then who resisted and didin't go with the killings of innocent people.. and then there were those people who were weak. I'm pretty sure they used all kinds of excuses aswell. They must have been under alot stress too. Think about it. One single civilian killed is too much. There is no excuses for this, stress, job, money, 'because i was ordered to'. No excuses. We as human beings can choose our actions. Those soldiers chose their profession. It was not a honest mistake.
  2. You seriously think apologies will cut that? People were killed there. It's easy for you watching it far away from your screen to say '[cabbage] happens'. Not so easy for the relatives of those people. And we know for sure this wasn't only incident civilians were killed. Not by far. Lol, I don't know the numbers but I think it is very possible that iraq civilian deaths exeed the number of american soldiers death there. This is how your so called 'terrorists' are born. People losing their relatives and friends time after time and they have no choise but to start acting. You really can't blame the rebel fighters in there. The mistake here was going to foreing country with intention to kill in the first place. These people are murderers. They knew what they signed in when they joined the military. If they get hit by a suicide bomber or whatever they had it coming for them and they deserve it.
  3. tortilliachp, when you do a high-end anaerobic work out your body will keep burning calories up to days after the workout. Thats why you are so hungry the morning after. Also lean mass may help keep the fat away. Not sure how hard work-out can I recommend tho because I don't know the age of the poster. It's highly possible tho that all the talk about disturbed growt and such might be just a myth.
  4. Not biased against americans. I'm not racist and I don't hate a any group of people in general. I know there are some good, intelligent people living in america. But I do have agenda against people in high positions. Being anarchist of a sort and all. I believe that power corrupts and that certains kinds of people gravitate into positions of power. Not saying that all people in leading positions are corrupt but mind you that both of these men have blood of countless innocent people on their hands. It's intresting to know that this is common procedure tho, thanks for the info.
  5. I Saw the ad here on tipit. Actually, I had hard time believing my eyes. Mr. Clinton And good old Georgie working for good of other people? Can american president be charity worker? In the times we live in?? Apparently I have lots to say about this thing and I have no doubt they have some mischief consealed in this.. Like taking a fair share of the money the good willing but oh so gullible people are donating to them and putting it in their own filthy pockets... Anyways, I'd like to hear what you guys think about this.
  6. Cooldog wins this thread. Hes so cool... (: Only thing I find abit excessive about Paleonu is the nuymber 12 at getting started. I find raw milk to be very good for you. Also number 7 is also somewhat questionable and debends on the person and how much he works out for example. I usually eat 3 to 4 meals a day. Only when I havent done any workout for days I can live with only 2. If im working out hard I can eat 5 or even 6 meals a day. These are big meals with lots of protein and fat in every meal mind you. Also I eat more carbs when i'm working out. But they never come from grains but vegetables, fruits, nuts or milk. Marks Primal Blueprint is great for both, exercise and nutrition :) You might also wanna check Undergroundwellness on Youtube Always with these kind of things, like special diet, it's important to do a good research first before running head over heels to something. Veganism for example can be very dangerous for you if not implemented properly.
  7. He shouldn't be going to prison at all. Maybe expelled from the school if we want to be harsh. Prisons should't be about 'punishing' people. Prison should be only for people who are somehow threat to the society. Does this guy pose some kind of threat to other people around him? I think this should go with warning and or maybe some extra attaiment and if he does something silly like this again, expensension and maybe fines. He doesn't belong in jail at all.
  8. I don't expect you to read this overly huge thread thourght, but I explained (tryed to explain) couple pages backwards that there is another theory than "something DID come from nothing" theory. The theory of no time, the "no beginning, no ending" theory, "It always is" theory. Yes, and I elaborated and tried to counter that theory, again, a couple pages back. Haha lol. :lol: Why did u say so then? 'My' theory didin't impress you much? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/1951406.stm<- link to new article about the 'endless cycle' I think it's a very good idea. Everything we know goes in cycles. Life and death, night and day. It's like the primary function; on - off - on - off - on ... and so on.
  9. I don't expect you to read this overly huge thread thourght, but I explained (tryed to explain) couple pages backwards that there is another theory than "something DID come from nothing" theory. The theory of no time, the "no beginning, no ending" theory, "It always is" theory.
  10. People get happy by doing the things they enjoy, or things that bring them comfort. There's no "training" needed for that. :| It also depends on the person. Ofcourse it debends on person. By training/studying I simply mean dedicating time for searching what really makes you happy. For example I know it would be easy to sit on computer all day, playing games and that sort of things. I know I would like it, but I also know I wouldn't be truely happy that way, so I have to have to do some work to be happy. Being happy is not always easy.
  11. There are many kinds of intelligence. And happiness doesn't always happen by itself. You've gotta learn how to be happy and it can take lots of time, studying, determination, and training. Some people never learn how to be happy.
  12. I think the smartests people are the happy people. They have some crusial insight of life that unhappy people don't.
  13. Damn. Wouldn't want to get strandet on an island without food recourses with you. Me? Nope. Killing people just isn't my thing I suppose.
  14. True. And you could actually say that 'most things no one can explain'. Even if you know the answer. Ofcourse you can always try but words just happen to be a very very crude tool for explaining things, if we think about it. Explain how you wave your hand. Explain that tree you are looking at. And start with basic things like explaining its colour with detail. (no it's not green)
  15. [hide=] I had no plans to get uncivil. But you going with the "load of crap" after I asked ginger to be more polite made me think you as "a random troll guy" like I said. ;) K good it was a misunderstanding. And I misunderstandet you too. It's all good, no worries mate. Now back on topic! :mrgreen:[/hide] Yes! Exactly that is my point. It exists with no reason. Is it logical? Well, let me ask is it logical that there is nothingness? Is it logical that universe a has beginning and an end. That it is a 'flash' between two eternal nothingnes'ses? Yes, everything has a beginning and an end but none of those beginnings and ends are 'real'. For example a tree. It has a beginning. It also has an end when it's chopped down. But it's not really an end. Let's say the tree, after being chopped down is used to make a furniture for example. Now the tree didin't really end. It still exists in the furniture and so on. You get the picture? I'm saying that everything exists with no reason. The only real reason of things are themselves. Universe exists because it exists. Just for the heck of it. What is the reason of music? The reason of music is music. Simply put, but true. Ofcourse, you could argue that reason of music is to make money, tell a story, attract the opposive sex, or make you feel relaxed. But those are only superficial reasons. What is the real reason when it has no things attached into it. When the music is good and the listener is right. The reason of music in the deepest level, is only itself, music. Nobody planted it. If there is a planter to universe, it cannot be anything else than the universe itself! :lol: It's illogical imo, to expect that there is something 'outside' the universe. If universe is considered to be 'all that there is', there can't be anything else, it simply is all. So yeah, universe planted itself.
  16. Saved? Nahh. You just turned all population into no-life supernerds. :ohnoes:
  17. Ok, random troll guy. I never said anything about creating nothingness. Read me again. This time more carefully. Of course it has a maker - the bulb or the seed that it grew from, the rain it gained water from, and the soil it drew nutrition from. Everything that exists must have been created by something(s) before it. The universe is surely no exception to that rule, and that's the one fallacy science is unable to explain so far: How do you create something from nothing? My logical answer would be this: There must have been something there before the Big Bang. In which case, what caused that? Ofcourse there has to be something before big bang. Thats what I just said. It's logical that there is no beginning, or "the ultimate maker". Think about the flower example I gave. Lets consider that "the maker" of flower is seed. Now what is the maker of seed. Flower. Thats correrct. It's circular. It has no beginning. It just goes round and round and round. Why should universe be any different from the flower? Hell no. Nothingness is illogical as [bleep].
  18. QFT : Oh but, just realised something. Fairy tales are reality's dreamings. Theyre "only" ideas but theyre as real as reality is, not something seperate of it. (if you know what im saying) They 'get their inspiration' from reality, so to say.
  19. Don't be an idiot. Can't we just have a civil conversation without resorting to this kind of cheapness? :| Why does there has to be a cause to big bang? I think it's as logical, if not even more, that there is no "maker" at all. Or no beginning therefore. The ultimate answer just could be that the time has no beginning. It always has been and always will. Does flower have a maker? No. It just is.
  20. ^ Nothing has to be be created from nothing, if it always were. No need for god there either. Thats Hinduism right there, my friend. Well, kinda. Fyi, hindu believe that god indeed is experiensing himself trought us. But thats wrong way to say it. Better way to say it is, I, (god) am experiensing myself. Because, everything is god. God is playing games, he is playing hide and seek with himself. He hides from himself, so it wont get boring. Word 'god' for hindu's isn't quite the same as 'god' for christians ofcourse.
  21. I settle for the <100 years. Death is there for a very good reason: You'd get bored ;) Death isn't that big of a deal anyways. And yeah, your brain would get overload of memories too. Edit: so to prevent your brain from getting too crowdet, you would have to invent a method to clear your head. But sooner or later you'd realize that death does that for you, and you'd wake up to your senses and die :mrgreen:
  22. But you thinked about being a scientist, right? I think this was the order things went for you am I right? 1. I wish I was a scientist. 2. Work hard for being scienties 3. ?Scientist? Now if the number 1 would have been "I don't really want to be scientist" or "i'll never make it" you would have never studied hard and would have failed to get better grades. It's so simple it's stupid almost. But yeah, checked the website and it even has "secret text messages service" available for your cellphone every monday and friday for "only $3.99 per month". :lol: Yeah it's nonsense. But I still think the basic idea it sprouts from is not.
  23. Hard working and goal setting, thats what I thought what this thing was about. If youre going to pick a goal, you're going to have to think positively about that goal, so that you don't quit on your way. Also to keep the goal in mind so you don't "forget" your goal. Nothing bad with your goals written on a vision board. It actually makes sense. It's common knowledge. Not a "secret". But it is true. It certainly is one of the keys to success: Positive mindset of your goals.
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