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Everything posted by NorthernHero

  1. Exactly. It makes sense because it is true. Think about losing and you will lose, think about winning and you will have better propability of winning. Positive feelings bring positiviness around you and negative feelings bring negative things around you, quite simple. It's hollywood. Ofcourse it is shouting its message with hollywoodish way. I don't think there were any mentions of "mystical forces" in the video. Ofcourse you don't win lottery just by thinking you will win lottery, but because you are thinking that, you are thinking about lottery all the time and that makes you buy lottery ticket = you have better chance in winning lottery that if you wouldn't be thinking about winning lottery. That's not true. Sure, buying more lottery tickets obvious means you will have a better chance at winning. However, your chance isn't affected whether your thinking about winning or not. As for the thinking positive idea, you're a fool if you believe that being in a good mood will help me win the jackpot in vegas, let alone change the probability of it happening. People tend to notice more winning going on when they're happing just as those who are in a bad mood see their losing. Mood might change it when in a game of physical or mental strength, but certainly not probability. Nice, a response :thumbsup: Have to say about the video tho, before responding, I didin't really like it that much. Never heard about it before and it sounded too egocentric and hollywood to be really likable for me. But it sure has a hint of truth in it. Ok. For the being in good mood isn't gonna help you win jackpot in vegas is true if you put it like that. Ofcourse. But, I dare say that being positive about things in overall will bring fortune in long run. If fortune is what you aim for, that is. Gambling is fools tool anyways and makes a bad example imo. Better example would be, lets say, love. You have to be positive about yourself being able to attract the opposive sex. If you dwell in negative thoughts like, "i'm a nerd" or "I don't look good", youre gonna end up not attractive. The opposive is the positive: You think "i'm one sexy mofo" or "girls really like me", youre gonna end up being more attractive. Your body language will be reflecting your thoughts. Negative: shin down, weak voice. Positive: shin up, strong voice. Just two quick examples. Was Oprah talking about she thought about color purple and it brought color purple to her life? Not sure, but anyways, it's true: if you think about colour purple all the time, youre gonna end up seeing purple more because thats what your focusing in. Think about money, you see more money, you see more ways to make money. Our minds are very powerful, and they really do create our lives. It's really common knowledge, nothing spectacular or "secret": the thing you put your focus on is the thing youre gonna be "attracting" (coudln't find a better word")
  2. Exactly. It makes sense because it is true. Think about losing and you will lose, think about winning and you will have better propability of winning. Positive feelings bring positiviness around you and negative feelings bring negative things around you, quite simple. It's hollywood. Ofcourse it is shouting its message with hollywoodish way. I don't think there were any mentions of "mystical forces" in the video. Ofcourse you don't win lottery just by thinking you will win lottery, but because you are thinking that, you are thinking about lottery all the time and that makes you buy lottery ticket = you have better chance in winning lottery that if you wouldn't be thinking about winning lottery.
  3. Care to share your great tips oh Dalai Lama? Whenever I try forgeting I end up trying to trick myself into forgetting that I'm trying to forget which results in my trying to trick myself into forgetting that I'm trying to forget that I was trying to forget and... ya, it kinda goes samsara on me. Except, you know, with thinking instead of going six feet under. Actually now that I tryed to think what so great am I doing to make it happen automatically again, I started thinking too much of it and I realized it's not so easy! :mrgreen: Yeah, but the too much thinking must be the problem! And having too much effort! The shift of attention must be effortless. You can't start thinking about forgetting things, because that will lead you into thinking about things! Now that you asked, I realized that what I do is I relax for starters and actually concentrate on the breathing itself. Not on the process of breathing, but how it feels. Like the cool air going in my nostrils, my relaxed stomach rising up and going down. Kinda like I would be actually meditating. And then when I decide to start doing something else, like writing I will shift my attention on the writing. Have to say tho, writing about this topic it just automatically makes me think breathing again and again. But that must be the topic, i'm pretty sure, when I start doing something else than writhing about breathing I won't have to worry about it too much. And thats the lesson for today, my young padawan. Feeling, not thinking. I think thats the trick :ugeek: Empty your mind.. :XD: Edit: And if you can't get rid of it, just accept that and enjoy the feeling of breathing. Accept that it will never actually go away, you will always be breathing and it always will be "half-consious" so just might try to get used to it.
  4. Hah! I have no problem with this. Must be all the meditation i've done, I can easily shift my mind on another thing and make it automatic again. Intresting topic this is. The breathing thing is actually only a tip of iceberg. Actually almost everything works much more swell when you don't think about it. Or should we say, you don't interfere. Talking for example. When having a smalltalk or discussion with someone try to think everything that you say and it becomes very uneasy and painful almost just like when thinking about breathing all the time.
  5. Yeah, it is not known. But I can still take a stance on it. Just seems more plausible to me I quess. Can't really know that christianity (religion, always such a good example :lol: ) is real or not either but I can still take a stance, which option seems more plausible to me. I quess you could call this my religion. I don't think thinking like this drives us to world of no innovation at all. I get lots of innovation out of the fact that I am Leonardo Da Vinci, King Henry, Queen Kleopatra, etc. Those persons are not just some fiqurines in the past, they are me. This kind of thinking also relates to a 'fact' that I can't die. Because there is no time, I will always exist, and always had. And that leads to thing that everything is actually meaningless. Theres can be pretty much inspiration in meaninglesness. ;) But the moment you hear or see is the moment that hearing/seeing experiense is happening in your brain. Yeah it takes some time to travel the information in your brain but it is always present when you hear/see the thing you do.
  6. [bleep]ing hell 7 pages.. Not gonna read them all now but just gonna put my opinionion if maybe someone might be intrested. Time is only a consept: a tool to measure things like someone said earlier. I could say there is time, but by that I would mean there is only "one time". Previours centuries don't exist, neither do the centuries to come. Only time that exists is the time "now", future and past are just consepts made by humans. Do atoms age? Does the materia of which the universe is constructed have a lifespan? I remember it is so that everything is energy and energy cannot be destroyed: it always is. Now, everything is always at changing state, the world changes its form all the time, right? Does that mean there is a "timeline" (timeline being simplified word) and that history books and memories are the proof of time existing? Not really no. Memories and history books are proof that change exists. Not time! I like to think the universe as one big boiling mess. Big bang and expanding universe aside, everything is at changing state, everywhere, at the same "time". It must look incredible outside! ... But universe is all there is so you can't really "look it from the outside". Clocks (atleast quartz ones) (if I remember right) work because there is a quartz crystal in the clock is vibration on a certain frequency. The pointer in the clock moves onward and you in your mind know that it used to be on the "5" just five seconds ago and now its in the "10". Does that make you think there is time? Because you have it in your brain that there is a thing called past? But past is an illusion! The time that the second pointer was on "5" doesnt exist, it isn't anywhere. Or actually it is, but not in some another dimension or anything, it's the exact same thing! Just in a different formation. Well, I bet most of you didin't get what i'm trying to say. For those who are still trying to figure: I'm trying to state (badly) that there is one thing (universe) that is changing. But time as in (past -> now -> future) are mere consepts. Only the now is real, everything else is just imaginary. Or then everything is imaginary. But thats another subject i quess :P
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRkA6zugNMQ Oh boohoo children are cursing. Cursing, c'mon. Thats what certain types of people have been saying since rock'n'roll came in the 50'. It's such a cliche that music is bad influence for the children.
  8. Seems like just a typical teenage girl who happened to get what almost every teenage girl wants. Wouldn't kill her. I despise this thread. Tells much about the state of this forum that it was recurrected again. If you don't like celebrities, don't [bleep]ing follow their every move like some idiot who has got nothing better to do. Stop reading the tabloid magazines, stop watching that goddamn disney channel and celebrity channel if you hate it so much. Thats what I did and I don't even know the half of the celebs that you guys nominated. (Actually I never really was into that kind of stuff)
  9. @ zonorch: Those are actually pretty sweet looking pair of shoes.
  10. Yeah, seems to me if you think meaning behind a thing, it tends to become more serious. Music makes a good example. Play without meaning and it's swinging. Play to make money or to become famous, play seriously to make some point and it seems like the the music is missing something. I think everything outght to be viewed self purposeful. (no further purpose than the thing: music for music) I'd say they are right at saying they are important. But they are not any more important than anyone else. Good points. I think seriousness can mean two different things is grossly seperated. The one thing is that what you said. Getting deeply intrested or engaged in something. Like the word 'sincere'. The other definition would be more like the word 'grave'. There are two different types of serious drinking. Other is drinking to your misery because your wife divorsed you. That is not a laughing matter and if someone comes and laughts at you, you will punch his teeth in because thats how seriously you are drinking. Other is drinking to your joy because you are getting married. You could say you are seriously drinking, but it isn't serious actually. Sorry for quoting again, but if I'd say this myself it would be just much lamer version of the same thing. What I want to say by this is that if you engage in something too seriously and forget that nothing is serious in basic level, it could turn out to be a trap.
  11. I get straight to the point of this topic: Do you think it is serious? By 'it' I mean everything. Is money serious? is school serious? Is work serious? Is love serious? Is life serious? - Is death serious? ... Is universe serious? I think there can be only one answer to all of these questions. Either it is serious, or it isn't. But first we have to know what serious means. [hide=serious]se·ri·ous (sîr-s) adj. 1. Grave in quality or manner: gave me a serious look. 2. a. Carried out in earnest: engaged in serious drinking; serious study of Italian. b. Deeply interested or involved: a serious card player. c. Designed for and addressing grave and earnest tastes: serious art; serious music. d. Not trifling or jesting: I'm serious: we expect you to complete the assignment on time. Her question was serious enough to deserve a thoughtful response. e. Of considerable size or scope; substantial: a cleanup that cost serious money. f. Of such character or quality as to appeal to the expert, the connoisseur, or the sophisticate: "Every serious kitchen needs at least one peppermill" Washington Post. 3. Concerned with important rather than trivial matters: a serious student of history. 4. a. Being of such import as to cause anxiety: serious injuries; a serious turn of events. b. Too complex to be easily answered or solved: raised some serious objections to the proposal.[/hide] Well that was too obvious, everyone knows what it means. It's something that could be also describet in such words as 'sincere' or 'grave', Something that could be obligatory. My personal conclusion is, that it isn't. Bare with me, i'm not very good writer. Universe as I see it, is happening of things. Your life or my life are just one of those happening things. Human life is like a leaf flying in the wind. It has no serious purpose, it's just a leaf. It's just a human life. Why should you be serious about it? Seriousness is something that limits us from being who we are and being free. I think the survival instinc is something that can fool you into thinking that life is serious. In funeral you have to be serious. Nobody is excpected to laugh at funeral. That makes me think people view death as serious thing too. But death isn't serious to the one that is death. He's facial expression is serious just because he don't have the tools to make another expressions anymore. His mortal ego is gone. Why is death wieved as serious thing? What exactly is fear of death? It is fear of losing something that you never had. Silly. It is fear of losing your ego. Your self. Now, what is ego exactly? Ego is your consiousness that comes from mixture of things. When you were born, your ego was very minimal indeed, it had only the dna traits it and that means enviroment effect on it by previous generations. Then you started groving and enviroment in which you lived in shaped your ego to what it is now. That means your enviroment created you and it still is part of you. Your ego is the creation of your enviroment, it is not something that you should hold in very serious value. When you die and that ego dissolves as it is meant to be. But the enviroments that created the ego, inside your brain, doesn't dissappear. It's still there. Are you still with me? Ego's are just part of the play. They come and go. Like feelings. So what dies when you die is not you, but your ego. Thats why death isn't serious. If there was no death, there would be no life either. Or can you imagine life without death? That would mean everyhting would be at total standstill. Everything would be boring without death. Death is nessessary thing, and it happens whether you understand it's need to happen or not. So why be serious at funerals? Now, if death isn't serious matter, why would life be? And furthermore, why would universe be serious to create such hilarious things it creates. You could view universe as music. It's just a vibrations in its basic level. I'd love to write more but I already wasted hour on this and I have things to do. I'll get back on topic if I see some replys. Cheers. Whats your viewpoint on this? Is everything serious? And why? I don't care if you bring your religion into this, that is just how you think afterall. If it's to turn into religious depate then let it turn into it. But what i'd also like to hear is some scientific points of wievs about universe and how atheistic people wiev their life, if they feel that there is only one life? Is it serious?
  12. The problem with that being that we haven't actually found a planet capable of sustaining life (as we know it) yet. And the big problem of the impossible distances of the universe. Everything just seems to be way too far away. Even if we managed to travel at speed of light.
  13. It doesn't make a sound. It only makes a vibration in the air. Sound is something that is in your brain. Oh cmon this [cabbage] is old.
  14. You might wanna check Alan Watts at youtube. Hes very good in explaining that you are actually god. Meaning, you are everything and everything is you.
  15. If there truly is nothing wrong with homosexuality, then why are people so afraid of that homosexual parents might raise a homosexual child? Why does a kid need mom and dad? What if some kid has very masculine hetero mother? Should she be banned from having children because shes more masculine than most of other women? Even gay people have different personalities and principles, yeah, really.
  16. What is this gift of life youre speaking of then? If a gift requires you have to do something for it, or feel like you owe someone something for that 'gift', it's not a gift anymore, is it? It would be loan or something, doesn't really matter what you call it but it's not a gift then. Think before you spread that additude to your children and by them to your grandchildren. When you think life as a duty, it becomes a drag. And then nobody is happy. "If my parents were gay" That would be impossible would it? :mrgreen: Gays can't have children, means you absolutely can't have gay parents (biologically speaking). No you don't owe your children anything, that would mean that you owe something to every sperm that borns and dies in your body every day too. Nevertheless, even people who don't think having children as a duty still do it. And the human race is kept alive. Altought, I see no reason why it should stay alive.
  17. It's our duty eh? Haha, no sonny, you owe nothing to your race. What a bad philosophy to live your life by, do you eat too, only because you must survive?
  18. Why would you do that? She's obviously not very interested in you, so I doubt she would get jealous. I'd find a different method for revenge, but either way, she'd have something coming. :x No need for revenge. It's not her fault for not liking you. I'd just move on and find myself a better girl. btw, if you haven't noticed INFINTEBAJAN2 seems to be trhowing trolltraps left and right, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to him.
  19. Good thing about these "one girl in a lifetime guys" are that they leave room for the adventurous types like myself and solidus. There are always two sides on everything, one side can't exist without the another, so: there has to be boring people to be exiting people.
  20. You seem to think 'gay people' is some another species or something and it's impossible to know what they are thinking just because they're gay. I personally see that very flattering, if gay person finds me attractive. It's not like it means you have to have sex with them lol. Tbh it seems like youre not that confident about your sexuality and are afraid you will find a gay guy attractive if you spend too much time with him.
  21. I don't have a problem with it, as long as the mother doesnt have a problem with me looking.. :geek: Edit: don't mean staring but, im not gonna turn away just because of that, am I? :lol:
  22. Yeah well.. I maybe I said it abit offensively but thats just how it came out. 'Bible kiddies' was abit overdo, I admit. I take that back because ofcourse not everyone who wants to save their hornyness for marriage is devoted christian. And I wouldn't want a christianity debate either but thats what it always comes down right? On how you view life. And if your values come from christianity then youre bound to get 'christian arguments'.
  23. No it doesn't matter. This is just how I see this. I hope you don't take it personally. It's just my personal opinion afterall and if marriage is what you want i'm not trying to stop you (ofcourse). Nothing wrong with devotion. But imo it goes too far if you start thinking marriage as some sort of goal for life youre supposed to accomplish and sex as some sacret ritual. No, sex is just fun activity. My advice to all virginity savers is: stop living in the future or you will die as a virgin.
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