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Everything posted by NorthernHero

  1. Lol just came in to check the forums after a year of absence (and even longer time of not posting frequently). For some reason I always wander back here to check if this place has changed much and what is going on. I doubt i'm remembered by many people as I never was that active of a poster myself. Thats ok though, I don't need the ego boost :D I do, however, remember lots of people who posted here and names. I quess i'm just glad to see the ol' tip.it is still standing and what it seems to me it hasn't changed much since last visit :)
  2. 1. Live free and carefree without any plans and forget about time and what weekday it is for atleast a month. (done that as a child when it was summer vacation but I can't say I was totally free then because of parents) 2. Have a longer relationship with a woman / be in love with a woman who is in love with me. 3. Travel abroad. Preferably to a country with a beach and warm and sun. 4. Experience spychedelic drug. 5. Jump from a high place, feel the weightlessness. (Parachute.. Benjijumping..) 6. Start my own bussiness / being my own boss / making decent cash 7. Being big strong muchle beast, being feared by weak men, respected by strong, and adored by women. 1 - Going to happen this winter. 2 - This is hard one but i'm hopefully gonna have a date with a girl soon again so lets see how it goes. 3 - Going to happen this winter. 4 - This shouldn't be too hard to accomplish but I want my mind to be in right condition. It was supposed to happen this summer but due to too much alcohol and work I felt my mind was way too cluttered. 5 - Just waiting for the right time. 6 - Don't see this happening anytime soon, first step is to enroll in bussiness school, which I have plans doing. 7 - This is ongoing project.. and I accomplish it step by step every week.
  3. Thanks for the support mate ;)

  4. First off, Say what? All scientific research? Who says there isn't positivic scientific results on saturated fats? As I see it, Ghee does pose a cardiovascular threat., BUT only if it is mixed with unhealthy foods. Allow me to explain.And please correct me if you see error in this reasoning. Ghee comes with hella lot of cholesterol. Which is good. Read that again. Cholesterol is good. It acts like a bandade to fix damages in cardiovascular system. Now, the problem arises when you eat too much foods which cause stress to your body, and damage the cardiovascular system, like exess carbs (insulin is a poison in large amounts) or vegetable oils. These are called inflammatory foods because they create inflammation in the body. The more you eat these stressful foods, the more your body tryes to fix the damage with cholesterol. See where this is leading? One day you wake up (or don't wake up) with clogged arteries, because there just is too much bandade! This is whats going on. You go to a doctor. Get your cholesterol levels measured, you got too high, which can cause you to get a hearth attack. Where does cholesterol come from? Foods with lots of saturated fats. So you cut the saturated fats. Now your risk of hearth attack is decreased. What have we done here? Answer: We have shot the messenger! This is not the cure! Because it causes another types of problems, like for example obesity. Cholesterol is a messenger, there is something wrong. And we shot that messenger. Instead we should have aimed our gun at the source of the problem, the real evil at the root. Inflammatory foods.
  5. Yeah. tortilliachp: saturated bad, unsaturated good. NorthernHero: saturated good, unsaturated bad.
  6. I know we've been discussing about this before but saturated fat has got a bad name for no reason at all. We have been eating saturated fat as long as we have been eating meat. So you could say we have evolved to eat it and it is part of our natural diet. It isn't poison. So where where does this arrogance come that this new invention, vegetable oils are better for us? We have been eating them for very very short time compared to animal fats. They need very hight rate of technology to be produced. There are many cases of evidense where a population had no heart or cardiovascular diseaces before but then after their diet got westernised (vegetable oils, grains) they suddenly got those diseaces in them, plus bunch of others.. Sorry i'm slipping out of original topic, just had to state that.
  7. Please excuse me if i'm saying something irrelevant or something already said before but let me tell you why diets like atkins and other carbohydrate restriction diets work better than fat restriction diets in cutting weight (non caloric restriction). It all comes down to insulin. 1.Insulin is the hormone which makes energy turn to fat. 2.Insulin is created only when you have carbohydrates in your body. So practically you could eat a can of lard and actually lose weight that day, debending on your activity level. Now i've never tested this, altought I do eat hella lot of fat every day. I even eat my eggs or semi fatty meat with butter on the side. The exess fat which isn't used for energy or body functhions goes away with your urine. Your body a creates a small amount of carbohydrates everyday for it's needs, but if you don't eat any, it will be a very small amount of insulin you will be having in your body.
  8. Chocholate. (99,9% chocholate powder mixed in cold water.) Also sometimes I drink energy drink before workout to give me that extra boost.
  9. "I thought I was thinking, but then I realised I was just thinking thoughts of another men." - Don't know who
  10. ...So you joined the forums just to tell us to drink coconut juice?
  11. Yeah, I definetely agree with you romy. I wasn't disagreeing with you in the first place you know.
  12. I disagree. Over analysing can definitely hurt you. A whole lot. I think it has to do how you analyze things. Pondering over one problem for days is definetely not the way to go. Over anylyzing is, pardon my crude language here please, it is nerdish. Doesn't mean you don't have to face your problems and that you can sweep them under a mat though. Instead you should realise what is happening and accept it. Don't judge anything, nothing is right or wrong, no expectations either. Just take the problem at hand as it is and then think what you want to happen. Next: take action and change the problem if you so choose. Then you are free to move on.
  13. ^ Oh that seems like a good program u have there. If you can do 100 consecutive pushups, you can most definetely say youre 'fit'.
  14. At night it's best to sleep. 1-3 hours before bedtime is ok. As long as it doesn't interfere with you getting sleep. Milk is ok. Water is good too. Drink when thirsty. 100 pushups and 200 situps in 6 weeks.. Thats like 2 pushups a day? Thats not very much but I suspect you are beginner so its ok to start lightly. You may soon feel you can do 100 pushups a day though, then just stack on the reps and keep going :). Football is very good.
  15. Ok. Little bit of flawed logic there. Even if it was factual information in your middle school schoolbook, which is information source in which definetely you can't say it's written in stone.. But lets pretend for a moment its true, 250 top class researchers have contributed in norweigian food pyramid. Now that doesn't say anything about UN's food pyramid, the population rate isn't in correlation with that. For some odd reason I couldn't find the credentials on food on UN food pyramid tho.. bugger :S Science has never been a question of quantity but a question of quality. What would it be like if we would believe everything accordingly to who has the most supporters. Judaism has the most followers of all religions, so it must be the one true religion then? Get my point? By the way, I know all about these cardiovascular dicease stuff and whatnot, I used to be a believer of conventional nutritional wisdom too. Mark Siccon on Marks Daily apple: [hide]"In most cases, CW (*conventional wisdom) is a lumbering beast: slow to move, but difficult to alter course once its big bullish head is set on moving in a certain direction. It’s the pigheaded, stubborn curmudgeon yelling at those darn kids to get off his lawn. It’s loud, pervasive, and impossible to ignore – and avoid. Oftentimes, entire careers are staked on maintaining its veracity. When that veracity is challenged, either by critics or by experiment, the challenger is often silenced. No, I’m not talking about some conspiracy theory wherein a rival scientist is snuffed out by a cabal of evil scientists. Rather, it’s that a conforming chorus of assent can be mobilized to drown out even the most rigorously defended thesis, just as long as Conventional Wisdom is at stake. The simple fact that faulty Conventional Wisdom – especially nutritional – is mostly supported by not malevolent, but altruistic and good-intentioned people is what makes it so difficult to defeat. Scientists, nutritionists, and doctors are generally convinced that the CW they support and defend is in the best interest of the population. These aren’t evil geniuses; these are good people operating from a fundamentally flawed stance. Such a fundamentally flawed stance forms the basis for the nutritional CW that we all know and despise: the dietary fat-heart disease link. It started with Ancel Keys’ 7 Country Study, in which he examined heart disease rates in dozens of countries looking for support of his hypothesis that saturated fat intake correlated positively with heart disease mortality. He was able to put together a group of 7 countries that fit the bill – but only after discounting and excluding data points from the 14 other nations that showed little to no correlation! Keys set out to prove a previously-held position and, as is so often the case, he managed to focus only on the evidence that supported it ..."full story[/hide] I kind of agree with this, altough some may argue that modern schooling system suppresses own thinking, is a place to learn 'death information', and to be brainwashed in certain beliefsystem, ie. not trained to think with their own brains. Milk is arguably one of those rare foods that a human being can live solely on. It has all the nutrients in it; Plenty of amino acids, plenty of fats, carbohydrates (not really needed, but is good for gaining weight), loads of different vitamins, minerals and so on. What do you think is the reason it is so good nutrition for newborns? It has all human needs for fast growt. A newborn is a human being at his weakest, he needs a food that is gentle for the still undeveloped ingestines and at the same time very nutrisious: mothers milk. When humans grow up they don't usually lose the ability to digest milk, only some of that ability. Milk allergy is very rare and lactose intorelance isn't that common either. Also, I have heard from numerous people that their issues with milk disappeared when they have swiched to unprocessed milk, I myself also feel better with the real deal. Go figure. Very arguable.I don't have much knowledge about ghee because it's not traditionally used where I live. But I assume it to hold much of the same properties as butter. What do you think about this research? http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/abstract/ajcn.2009.27725v1 "Conclusions: A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD. More data are needed to elucidate whether CVD risks are likely to be influenced by the specific nutrients used to replace saturated fat. " It's nice to see you appreciate me taking your information valuable :) There are evidence of milk drinking from as far as 15,000 years ago. But that isn't really so relevant here. Link: Kurt. G. Harris writing about his paleo principle The fact is we have been drinking milk as long as we have been mammals. And be it another species milk we drink (cows) it still has the same compounds, they are really not much different from each other, the primary compounds are there, just in little different quantitys.
  16. My reply in white. You are aware you're taking dietary advice from an "expert" chiropractor? A chiropractor giving the "general history of milk" At 3:10 in the first video he says "Even a thousand years before Jesus, in the old testament, the Hindus with the Vetas were saying that milk was the most important food for people" Sorry, with so many flaws in a single sentece, i give this guy's testemony no credibility AT ALL. you shouldn't either, has he clearly has not checked what he is talking about in the least. The second video, on the "history of milk" he claims that at a given point in time "half of the deaths in New York were a result of the contamination of milk" that is an absurd claim, simply absurd I urge you to read scientific works : http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/507035?cookieSet=1 there is no nutritional difference in raw milk and regular milk. Touché. I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean there are hindus in the old testament, but it was just something that slipped by him. He maybe meant that at the times of old testament the hindus were saying... A mistake I wouldn't pay too much attention to. I think youre exaggerating abit by saying that all creditibility of what he says is thus lost. That link isn't working. It worked earlier but I had no time to read it fully. Could you please paste the exact sentences where it says there is no nutritional differences? A human drew teh food pyramid? Thousands of real experts, with degrees in related areas, who base their claims on scientific research drew and continously revise the food pyramid. Do you doubt the fact of evoluton as well? The scientific principles are identical. And there are no significant measurable differences in the nutrition of raw milk and other organic milk. Do you also believe in homeopathy, a similar case where no measurable differences in content are responsible for beneficial health effects? Treatment of cows, not pasteurization or homogenisation are the differences, nothing more nothing less. 'Thousands of experts?' I find that hard to belive. And yes, in the name of sciense I don't take even the evolution theory for 100% granted. I certainly would doubt it if I got new evidence about it which would show it to be false. I find it hard to believe there is really that much solid evidence for food pyramid as there is for evolution. As for homeopathy, I can't say much because I havent really looked into it. In the surface it seems to be rubbish but I won't deny completetely it before I have gotten a good look into it. When heated, milk protens do undergo a change. Also it is very logical to think that which kills the bad guys will kill the good guys aswell (talking about the microbes). Vitamins are also very sensitive to heat. Let us consider the risks of tuberculosis, typhoid and salmonella that can only be spread by unpasturized milk. Your assumption is the basis of your whole argument, and it is false, fatally so. I usually cook my meat and vegetables, I don't usually boil (which is effectively more "harmful" than pasteurizing) milk before drinking, do you?` I urge you to consider the details on disease caused by raw milk, that pasteurization would remove. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/2007/ucm108856.htm "From 1998 to May 2005 CDC identified 45 outbreaks of foodborne illness that implicated unpasteurized milk, or cheese made from unpasteurized milk. These outbreaks accounted for 1,007 illnesses, 104 hospitalizations, and two deaths." I don't usually cook my vegetables for the same reasons I don't cook my milk. I do cook my meat however because I haven't done enought research on that to assume it is safe yet. Diseaces spread in my understanding are usually because a mistake or faulty handling of the milk. Pasteurized milk has also caused many outbreaks. I heard 95% of farmers drink their milk raw. I would assume they know something about the topic. Sorry, the evidence clearly contradicts your thesis, not mine. Advice changes rapidly, when propper evidence emerges and has been examined. That always takes time, not a single survey showing something new. You need a vast amount and thorough examination of ALL reliable evidence, and assess its reliability. Science isn't democracy. It's not the theory that has most evidence backing it up but the one that that has most reasonable evidence backing it up. Very directly, this paranoia is the sign of conspiracy " they don't want us to think" bullpoo. bullpoo! Not conspiracy. Just that people in power usually want to keep that power. I like history. I find it very intresting but time consuming to study. I wish I had more time to study it. Many people seem to think we, people who live today are somehow better or different than the people who lived before us. That all the things that happened in past countless of times again and again can't happen in todays world. For example, People think that even tho there were slaves in ancient egypt there can't be slaves in modern world. Little do they know that human slavery is still very common thing in many parts of the world. What i'm trying to say that we aren't that different. Don't you think people of the modern world have always, troughtout the history thinked that because for example advanced technology, they are so much better than their ancestors nothing can happen to them. People have always trusted their leaders too much. Countless examples troughtout the history show that there are two kinds of people: the masses who trust what they are told and do what their leaders say and the free thinkers who trust themselves. Religion comes in many forms. I urge people to think for themselves, but that actually involves not just sitting there to "think". It involves examining actual evidence, not misplacing your trust in sources that have no credibility at all. You can think all you like, but that doesn't change reality. It demands an understanding of academia, and the particulars of the field and the research conducted in the field. Who is really capable of that thinking? The experts, the actual experts who have professions, and generally accredited degrees within their fiels ensuring they are the people who we should trust the most. These people with actual education and knowledge in the fields do the thinking you and I are INCAPABE of. You do not have the qualifications to make the neccessary rational analysis of the facts. We all rely on others for our technology (science is obviously technology), because they are the ones able to produce reliable, safe alternatives for us all. At the end of the day, all those who have reasoned, and examined the evidence properly come to reasonable conclusions. It would be dangerous for those with emotive reasons for choosing to drink raw milk, if people thought for themselves. Intelligent free thinkers would then not heed their misguided advice. Thinking for yourself very often means placing your trust in those who are actually competent in making a desicion for you. That additude that, you have to have a degree or you are incapable of, or you don't have the qualifications, does not have a solid fountation. Never have the people who really invented something new have had to site sources or something like that for their research. This is a fact that can't be argued, all knowledge you have today is by a human being.. like yourself. We have, in a way been brought up to think that we are not good enough and that we should place our trust on those that know better, it is certain kind of religion in a way. Everything can be argued. Ever visited flat earth society web forum? Yeah, they do argue that earth is flat, altought its not very convincing thought, they do come up with loads of 'evidence' for their cause. I hope you noticed I am not trying to win this argument, just hope to exchange some information. And I didin't have time to look for scientific sources for all my claims, heck writing this post took already too much time, It's beautiful day outside for gods sake. And I have to say you gave me some food for though, thats why I didin't haste to reply this right away, it was so much information to process. I will however for the time being still consume my milk raw, but I will keep researching the subject. Mainly the evidence for diseaces spreading is worrying me a little bit, I definetely need to look into that. Thanks
  17. Ok.. I'll bite that. Yes. Absolutely correct. I already adviced to do your own research on my previous post and for good reason. Don't just trust my word. There is plenty of evidence. If you just can be bothered to look for it. Do you know why pasteurization is done? Watch: and . Combined time: 15 minutes. I learned alot from those videos. Nononono haha i'm not conspiracy theorist. There is no such thing as conspiracy. It's quite simple. All i'm saying that it was a human being who draw the food pyramid. It was a human being who decided it is good thing to pasteurize milk. And that guy propably wasn't a nutrisionist either. The reasons behind prosessing milk are purely productinal. Pasteurized milk has longer shelflife. It is easier to do it that way. It saves money. I will not be so bold to say that goverment is evil and it shouldn't be trusted on any subject. But lets pretend for a moment that it is a fact that raw milk is healthier. Now, what do you think is the reason it is illegal to sell it in almost all states in america? If everyobody would wake up and start buying raw milk the big dairy factories would go out of bussiness. Don't you think that has anything to do with the fact it is outlawed to sell it? And don't give me the weak argument that it can cause diseases. It's perfectly legal to sell raw vegetables and raw meat and those can cause dieseases too if eaten raw. Sorry matey, this isn't a disney movie... it is for sure that there are corrupt people working in any goverment, any part of the world. As long as money is involved. Always has been, always will. Money, power, greed, ignorance. Those kind of things. Also general nutrition advice usually changes very slowly, even if there is loads of evidence that condratics it. For who would it be dangerous if people for once would think for themselves? hmm?
  18. Unfortunately it is most of the times (if not all the times) is the case that goverment isn't to be trusted. We are thus forced to do our own recearch, and to experiment with our bodies. Lots of debate going on about cows milk. And I do believe it is not very healthy if it is processed. But raw and processed milk are two very different things.
  19. Lets see you follow your own advice and be a iraq civil for a day or two? It's not your country that is invated now. Also I get the impression you value the life of american soldier more than iraq civilian. Isn't that little bit racist? Surely you wouldn't be this pro war if you'd born in iraq. Is it really that hard to take a position of another human being and watch the world trought their eyes? Hah, even incident like 9/11 didin't open most americans eyes. That kind of [cabbage] is daily to those people living in america invated countries. It just doesn't make the news usually. Oh and by the way, what goes around, comes around. If you can't take their position, think about your own childen. Those two kids who were on the van. They survived, but were their parents killed there? Highly possible. They won't forget what happened and who killed their parents. Changes are they will grow up and come to get their revenge. Knowing that this is what is going on there, incidents like 9/11 shouldn't be suprise to anyone. No. Really? Please elaborate.
  20. Lets see you follow your own advice and be a iraq civil for a day or two? It's not your country that is invated now. Also I get the impression you value the life of american soldier more than iraq civilian. Isn't that little bit racist? Surely you wouldn't be this pro war if you'd born in iraq. Is it really that hard to take a position of another human being and watch the world trought their eyes? Hah, even incident like 9/11 didin't open most americans eyes. That kind of [cabbage] is daily to those people living in america invated countries. It just doesn't make the news usually. [sarcasm] When you have nothing to say, always good strategy is to ridiculate everyones elses comments. Now that you have generalized our comments, they suddenly lost their meaning. Congratulations. =D> [/sarcasm]
  21. Even if they had reason suspect their own lives are in danger.. Are you saying it's ok to be such a coward to put your own life ahead of lives of innocent civians? There were children in that van! Yes, they coudln't know that but they did know there was a possibility of children/woman/civilian man getting injured. Also, there were houses there, people living and they shot missiles there. We don't even know about the damages they did to people inside the buildings. They are cowards to care more about their own lives than the lives of civilians. That argument, that they had to protect their lifes is as ridiculous as if youd say it's ok for a bully to go bully a weaker kid and if he sees that that kid might want to defent himself it's ok for the bully to kick his [wagon]. ---> I say it again, they shouldn't have been howering there with their copter in the first place.
  22. Yeah, I agree it is definetely not easy to resist and to 'think outside of the box'. It's always alot of proganda and brainwashing. People don't realise their thoughts are being controlled. Heck, even hollywood is in the propaganda industry. Just look at the plot in many films. How many times have you seen a film that condems war? In how many films there are so called 'war heroes'? In reality, war has no heroes. How many oscars did avatar win? What is the plot in avatar? The american soldiers are portrayed as the 'saviours' ofcourse. This is a form of brainwashing and proganda because everything we see and hear affects our thinking. Thats why you shouldn't get involved in such organisations like military in the first place. You are trained to think in a certain way there. They do implement opinions on the soldiers heads. And they have certain kind of code language to dehumanize the 'enemy', they don't say 'kill', isntead they say 'engage' etc. Call it brainwashing or what you will but it's very real.
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