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  1. Nice topic title. Maybe I have to make a topic called 'Main ignorance...' explaining how people like you exceedingly generalize 1 pure's intelligence to apply to every single pure there is. I agree that MANY names are stupid, I'm even saying that yours and mine are also quite stupid (yours doesn't make sense and looks ugly and mine has numbers in the place of letters), but I'm not just seeing 'purestr99pwn0r' repeated 20 thousand times, it's names like: Legolas202309843208 Zezima109838408 That really show up over and over and over and over again (do I make a topic called 'Main Stupidity...' because of that now?) And the funniest thing I've seen in terms of names is this (the person was a main btw!): Kids R4nges: "Buying power ammy----kids ranqe"
  2. Woah, you really cleaned No E X I T out. I knew him when he was just starting his pure, donated some super sets to him...
  3. Hmm, yeah I have a couple (though they arent your average, clan interfered type of scenarios) 1/ When I was an extremely low level (75 or so) I was in a clan and we were having a war (and winning ;)) I brought my 2 most prized possesions. DDS and DScimmy, oh and my berserker. Well we won and were all laughing/having a good time. Then the two lvl 90s (who obviously were planning something) decided to kill the average clan members. Me being the first. I was dead in a matter of mili-seconds ): 2/ When my friend was filming a movie (Keldagrim wars pt 2, Im the guy with pink hair :D), and yes, we were wearing iron with steel or so weps, a group of pkers decided to ruin our fun, with profits in the MINUS area (they were using ice burst). I fought them back but... steel warhammer vs. ice spells doesnt turn out too good.
  4. Meat tenderizer Jester hat Mime top/boots/gloves rune defender glory amulet legends cape black navy slacks just like my avatar : *High fives avatar* Looking hawt!
  5. thats a lil scary :) To be honest I did it because I was bored :|
  6. Hey, nice blog (: Add M_4_G_1_C_A (my pure) and maybe we could train range together sometime (: (also working on 70 range. 63 atm)
  7. I always thought shade robes were EXTREMELY rare. And colored gloves... oh boy, dont get me started.
  8. "Woooooh WOOOOH.. I am the spirit of your future and i have come to say three things.... THREEE THIIIIINNNNGGGS. WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOO!*puts 1 finger in the air* Play runescape on the holidays and get the holiday drops. *puts second finger in the air* Shade robes arent worth 30k and zamorak robes arent worth 80k *sticks third and final finger in air and thinks hard....* 5k isnt alot... and dont beg :shame: " Sadly I was the scum hanging around lumbridge begging for free stuff back then :(
  9. Yeah I would. I always practice with my feet anyway, just incase such a horrible trajedy ever happened :wink:
  10. Im listening too.... King Crimson - Court of the Crimson King The lyrics are great and the song is one of a kind
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