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Da Pirates

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Everything posted by Da Pirates

  1. Hexen, Heretic, or Duke 3D?
  2. Use the Video Games+Consoles subforum at the top of the page.
  3. @ BlueLancer Oh, I thought he was talking about something completely different :oops: It's 2:30 AM here so i'm not really able to comprehend as well
  4. Damn right! I go to GAME, and whilst staring at Imagine: Babies, Pokémon Diamond, and Brain Training from Dr. Kawashima, I wonder: "Where would the NDS be without all these violent FPS?" :-k See, you're more of a casual gamer. You prefer fun and "different" games, like adventuring in Pokemon or testing you mind with puzzles. This is Nintendo's signature style of game. This is why it's sucessful, most of Nintendo's users are the "busy" type; not ones who really "get into" the game. Then there are the 360/PS3 gamers like myself, the "online" gamers. i'm guessing about 90% of 360/PS3 owners play FPS games. We don't necesarily focus on how violent the games are, but the thrill of knowing that you "owned" someone. Basically Nonviolent fun = Wii/NDS Violent fun = 360/PS3, right?
  5. Well usually shooters don't do so well when there's no violence. And shooting games make up a big part of the video game market. Basically the video game industry would be dead[/badpun] without violent FPS games, right?
  6. The Call Of Duty series would not be where it is today without the blood and violence, honestly.
  7. Yeah, you were whammying to hard and you snapped the tab on the bottom of the whammy holder. Happened to my SG and Stratocaster. The solution is to have the end of the whammy bar pointing away from the guitar and pull the whammy bar up on long notes
  8. removed #1 I once [bleep] to a movie that was made in the 50's I own a pug I think my English teacher is hot Am I normal? :pray:
  9. 90% of this page is either Rage or Tool, I love it. Tool-Aenima (Song)
  10. Are you talking about the album Renegades? Its a cover album if thats what you mean. Yes, and oh those songs are all covers?
  11. RATM-Renegades Of Funk Seriously, what the hell happened? Their first 3 albums were amazing, then this album is like a rap album :? Jaerkd00d, you'd know, did they try to explore a new sound or somthing?
  12. That identical post by you is at the 2nd post on this page -.-
  13. Aww you broke the combo. Eh guess i'll listen to some Rage RATM-Bombtrack
  14. Tool- Forty Six & 2 Anyone else wanna start a chain again?
  15. I'm just hyper, and straight edge... I might see job for a cowboy soon. Facepalm... If you want to learn to scream, then you might want to listen to REAL screaming, none of that emo garbage. Go listen to some real hardcore punk like Orchid, Siege, Dead Kennedys, Circle Jerks etc. I was not aware that Dead Kennedys used any screaming whatsoever? That is what I thought too; did I miss an album?
  16. Pardon me for jumping in, but you seriously should invest in a more modern computer. Windows 2000 is ancient. You can get brushes from here. (I know it says Photoshop Brushes, but they are compatible with Gimp 2.4+ or so I heard)
  17. Idk, I'll prolly get $400 for Christmas, and waste $200 of it. It's a laptop. I don't know how to determine my motherboard.
  18. Aah I'm too late. Yes it is Blitz- the league. Yep, Gratz pennywise. Just curious, how'd you know that?
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