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Everything posted by sct_snake

  1. You like? I've only just started so sorry if it's not what you expected. [img=http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/3258/archryder3wc6.jpg]
  2. My first attempt at using 'GIMP' to create a signature. There's not much to it, it's simple, and i like that. What do you think?
  3. I just made this. What do you think for my first try? It's simple, but i like it.
  4. Its true :twisted: , but its also illegal. To install GIMP you need to go here. Download the GTK+ 2 Runtime Environment (make sure if get the correct one for you windows version) and The GIMP. Now you have to install them in this order. GTK+ 2 Runetime Environment, THEN The GIMP. If you don't you will have a error and The GIMP will not work. Ah ty. Anybody know a good GIMP tutorial?
  5. I heard you can download it completely free with BitTorrent. This true?
  6. Crop over the image, and copy. Then make a new page, and press paste. Badda-bing-badda-boom.
  7. Can you post the link to the website that you downloaded from? Maybe i went to a dodgy site.
  8. I did that, but it said something like 'The Gtk runtime you are using is too old' But i downloaded 2.4.14, like they said. Any help?
  9. Are you sure it's free? Or are you talking about a free trial?
  10. ^^ I agree completely! Although, if that doesn't float your boat, Yanille isn't too bad. I used Yanille from 50-96, then Port Phasmatys from 96-99. I also hear Duel Arena is good, but it's not very remote. Good luck in your burning.
  11. Is Photoshop free? And can anybody give me a hand with the installation of 'GIMP'?
  12. Hey, I'm interested to know the programs which people use to make sigs/avatars/pics for people. I fancy giving it a go myself. Do you pay for your software? Or is it free? I tried to download 'GIMP' earlier, but i got a load of error messages, and decided to uninstall. Also, if anybody has 'GIMP' and would help me out with it, that would be great. Thanks.
  13. Hey, I'm interested to know the programs which people use to make sigs/avatars/pics for people. I fancy giving it a go myself. Do you pay for your software? Or is it free? I tried to download 'GIMP' earlier, but i got a load of error messages, and decided to uninstall. Thanks.
  14. Thats a very, very good idea, but I think it may interfere. Can you think of another way to see what it involves rather than rolling over it? Umm... Maybe there's a box next to the rule and you click it, and it says in the chat box (like when you speak to an NPC)? I don't have much else sorry.
  15. Title says it all. I would have posted into people art threads, but i didn't really know how to word it. If anyone could make one that would be great. If i get more than one, i will use them all. If you could put my name in it it would be great. Thanks.
  16. I made a suggestion on rs forums, where when you roll your cursor over the rule in the report abuse panel, it comes up with what that rule actually involves. For instance not a lot of people know that spamming is against rule 1. or that asking for a bf/gf is also against rule 1. Unfortunately not many people commented and it died. I like your suugestions too. But i doubt J Staff look here :x Maybe you should post on Rs forums, and get people on here to keep it alive for ya. I hope Jagex put's these in. I will certainly help in reporting/banning those people that destroy Rs. Good work.
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