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Everything posted by sct_snake

  1. I seriously doubt that. As he's a mod, and selling for rs/real money is not allowed, i doubt he breaks those rules.
  2. I have the perfect smiley needed for this... :shock:
  3. I made one, but it's way to large. I don't think there's anyway i can resize. It's like 100 x over the limit. Here it is anyway
  4. If you want me to slow down the fading i can.
  5. There's my attempt. The bit's that look like ears, are actually dragon wings. :XD: What do you think?
  6. Sorry that's all i had to hand.
  7. [img=http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/2654/akachaoup0.gif] You like?
  8. I have expanded into paint.net, and have come up with this Any rates?
  9. ~forget i posted anyhting. I'll probably end up getting flamed anyway~
  10. I had 0% lagg and my computer sucks lol. You should expand the map.
  11. You can't? I can... hmm...
  12. I wanted to get the white bit transparent, but it wouldn't let me.
  13. 2 more there that i made quite recently.
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