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Everything posted by sct_snake

  1. Yea i was just thinking that about the scan lines. And will do. :D
  2. Or, you could go in photoshop, zoom in, and then smudge over it. It won't be the best, but the new text should cover it.
  3. V2 C/C? I really wanted to use this render somehow. What do you think?
  4. Not much of a pixeller myself sorry.
  5. Money yea, but real money. And i dunno if they allow that on this site.
  6. You can't buy sigs for RS money anymore because of the Real world trading rule. Also, are you looking for a pixel sig? If you are, you probably won't get one, as there are not many pixel artists on this forum that give sigs for free.
  7. Put this in the Art Bazaar please.
  8. Paint.Net doesn't use brushes.
  9. Your going to have to get someone to resize it on the sticky s sorry [img=http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o51/yaff2/Click-here-to-see-blog-.gif] Its ok.. but thank for it good luck with... if u want give me a link for my blog That makes NO sense lmao +1 lol
  10. Nice! I had a go, but i just couldn't get it right. Good job.
  11. Needs more shading to really liven it up. Also, the book in his hand is waaay to small IMO. His robes aren't right somehow, i don't know how to say it... erm... small legs long body? The tree looks dodgy also. The ground is very boring too, try and work on that. Good work for a first though.
  12. V1 is my favourite. The others are too bright for my liking.
  13. I like the newest one better now. The text is aligned more, and looks more real. As you say kinda simple, but good job none the less. :D
  14. I know :P lol but stringing is slow and boring I got 74 firemaking last night and 96 fletching ( pic on up stairs computer) I guess your not getting 99 fletch tomorrow then?
  15. They have to be converted. I think you save each brush as a png image, in photoshop, then go to gimp, open the PNG, and save as a brush.
  16. Lacks shading, and if the moon is behind them, the shadow should be infront of them.
  17. unless you mean your getting it from work or school or something it's not free... legally :-w EDIT: and btw navy your style is more of photomanips which is why you rarely use brushes but sadly many of the more abstract sigs I do see alot of brushes in :? 30 Day trial over and over?
  18. Thanks :D : If you need more just ask. : O:) :roll:
  19. Ok. Well i couldn't get it excact, but here it is at 358 x 179.
  20. Why would you want it that small may i ask?
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