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Everything posted by Evil_Ruler7

  1. Saw your post on GOF about wanting to lead DK trips. I tried adding you but you werent on. I'd love to go if you can show me the ropes, as I also have money goals around 20m :)
  2. wow I love that 99 smithing too tho almost as much as all your beer! Sorry but gotta ask what you did for 99 smithing
  3. Got about half in my bank for 99 con..and also..Rcing is fun but like i said i dont like skills thats take a million years
  4. hmm ok very interesting...anyone got any other ideas?
  5. yes dorks guide is good and all but i like to be prepared before i go on how many super antis i may need...anyways..... PEOPLE keep skill suggestions coming!
  6. wasnt expecting such a fast response! explain how you did 99 thieving to me please and how much of whatever you used..
  7. What skill should i train? Lookin for a cape people love and I can do before September 3. Stat pic and bank to help you...its small
  8. ill buy your green mask say yes or no in pm or something but either way good luck on al those item goals
  9. for some reason i like posting in russian on your blog sooooooo ÃÆÃ
  10. nice proselyte -.- i think instead of rate ill date
  11. i posted :) cause it said please Welllllll FFL is fun and all but I like the money I rake in from doing nats. How much ess have you got banked now?
  12. nice fun fact...I live in wisconsin in the USA and we have bratwurst. call em brats for short and they go on more of a hotdog bun but its the same thing. A lot of german immigrants came to Wisconsin, so we have a lot of their things. Some notable things are beer and the bratwurst lol.
  13. I bet emp is just counting down the days waiting for the terrible skill that is slayer. but in other news grats on 97 rc and all that :thumbsup:
  14. rcers are cooler than any other types of scapers. just got 75 yesterday myself
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