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Everything posted by Furah

  1. Furah


    Woo. Thanks to me needing to see a doctor soon, and because of the Easter weekend, I'm going to be broke for half a month.
  2. Furah


    07scape is literally a backup from August 2007. A few days before GWD was released.
  3. Furah


    I'm a man of simple tastes. Give me a pepper pie any day.
  4. Furah


    I will too, if the Liberal party (which are not liberal) doesn't scrap the rollout, since I see no way for Labor to win this election. For those unfamiliar with what's currently going on with Australian politics (and I don't blame you,) the federal government is investing about $38B to completely overhaul the nation's internet. We will be going from copper cables for most of the nation, to having ~93% of the population on fibre optic. The other 7%, which will be people in very rural areas, will be either on wireless broadband, or satellite. This will be an improvement for everyone. the opposition want to scrap it, roll out wireless broadband everywhere that's not big enough for them to care about the loss of votes for, and chose FTTN over FTTP. On top of this, they claim it's too costly, despite the fact that $0.00 is coming from taxpayers.
  5. Furah


    Happy birthday, Saq.
  6. Furah


    Got a GV number last night, took ages as I'm outside of the US, but it works. Just lacking a use for it currently. Same, took an entire outpost out with one arrow earlier. Hit the bear cage, the bear escaped and mauled everyone for me. Easy peasy. I once gained control of an outpost without doing anything outside of scouting it out. Leopard just came along and mauled everyone to death right as I was waiting to kill someone.
  7. Furah


    Gone through my first week of uni. Really need to get some advice on focusing and remembering, it's a whole different game to my bridging course. I'm [bleep]ed with maths too since a substantial amount of this stuff I was never taught.
  8. Furah


    I too must find out what adult jenga is.
  9. Furah


    *gives milk and cookies* There there. You'll find someone else who makes you feel even happier than she did. We didn't break up though. Currently, we're in an area between friends and bf/gf. It's strange to explain. We just both realized that we really need to work on knowing each other on an emotional and mental level so we can communicate better. Your last sentence is what the point of dating initially is. Tell her you don't want to wait to get to know her romantically and kiss her.
  10. Furah


    *gives milk and cookies* There there. You'll find someone else who makes you feel even happier than she did.
  11. Furah


    Oh wait, you're 17. You wait till they fall asleep and then you can... \:D/ (hold hands.)
  12. Furah


    Yo that's pretty creepy and also I'm pretty sure it's illegal. I don't mean wait for the gf to be asleep. You wait until it's just you two. Then you make out and what not.
  13. Furah


    They say to let your mind wander if you cannot sleep. Brew moonshine, if you do it right turn in red and put in health potion bottles. If you incorrectly brew it, turn it green and make into poison potions. Or just turn it red either way for the laughs of a health potion turning you blind. Just remember, wait ~60 minutes after everyone goes to bed before getting intimate. They should be in the middle of the first REM cycle by then.
  14. Furah


    Then I'll be doing the other kind of salute.
  15. Furah


    Things I've killed poisonous snakes with: - a shovel - a tennis racket - a non-poisonous snake - Macaulay Culkin's sunny disposition - Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) NICE STRAWMAN Well I'm sorry that I have enough meth to kill a large elephant every time I want to move fast enough to kill a snake with a tennis racket. Although I wish I lived in SA or Queensland so I could legally obtain a crossbow. It would at least be better than nothing.
  16. Furah


    Because of fearmongering and a lack of knowledge on mental illnesses, I'm unable to wield the firearm to kill a legitimate threat to myself, my family, my dog, and so many horses I've lost track of them. I'm not even talking about the threat of a person, who could torture me to death and leave long before the police would arrive, I'm talking about a poisonous snake. One has already killed the previous dog I had. The only thing I can legally obtain to use as a weapon is a shovel, and there's no way I could be close enough to decapitate a snake without being bitten myself.
  17. Furah


    For me Windows is usually the problem. I've had what I call a hibernation of death 3 times already. It's where the computer hibernates and the HDD is no longer bootable. It can be read from, but nothing can be done to allow it to be booted from save a complete format.
  18. Prostitution is legal where I am. The number of brothels within an hour of me are less than 5.
  19. Furah


    The job market's pretty [bleep]ed right now.
  20. Furah


    Been having storms here too. Worst of it was about 120mm. Boy did the septic system reek once the rain stopped.
  21. Furah


    Today I enrolled for my uni classes, and boy was that a pita. The whole system seems to have run on javascript, so if you wanted to go back you'd basically undo everything you were working on for that course. This mean that for my stat course, the only one that was mandatory (everything else gave you several options,) it took well over half an hour to let me enroll into the course. I was actually at the uni to enroll, as there was also an information seesion, and the staff couldn't help. The issue was the enrollment system only gives the course name and code when you're selecting them for your timetable, even though there were several classes that required you to be enrolled in something specific, such as medial or atomical physics, to pick it. It didn't say which of those classes had those requirements until you get to the last step, and even then it just tells you you're unable to enroll. Trial and error finally netted me a class I could attend, and since there was only the 1 time slot, I now have 8 hours of classes on Thursday, 6 of which is lumped together with no breaks. Last I heard from My_Eggs he was concerned about an ex.
  22. Furah


    Because you have to redo the test here if you want to drive stick before you get the next licence up. I passed the test in a 6m long work ute. Were they younger? Seemed more cheery? Kept their head up? These are all things that are more likely to get you employed. Companies will put up with a worse-qualified person for a job if they're cheaper, and they're seen as more enthusiastic.
  23. Furah


    Don't feel too bad, I failed for not turning my head when indicating to change lanes. After that I kept getting the 2 terrible instructors, one of them failed me because she mumbled her words and I didn't hear her properly. If you get it before your 4th try, you went better than I did.
  24. Furah


    Hate this rain, tanks are overflowing so the smell of sewage will be in the air outside, and if my internet was shown on television as a bright light while connected, and black when it's not, its seizure-giving powers would rival that one pokemon episode. Friend called me up yesterday and asked me if I wanted to go to Supernova (basically Comic-Con for Aussies.) Looking forward to it, but he wants me to go as one of the tailed beasts from Naruto. I didn't really get far through the anime, so I have to think of something else to go as. And when do your windows fog when it's hot out? Windows down, and stop what you're doing and go to a river where the water is cool. Everyone goes to the beaches but the water is too shallow for it to remain cool on hot days. Not to mention you can jump into the water.
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