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Everything posted by Doom1200

  1. Thanks alot guys. I really appreciate the feedback. :
  2. Nah. Don't re-word it. It's exactly what it says. No point in changing it.
  3. A loved one. I wouldn't even hesistate.
  4. I'll take a look. I wonder if they have some stuff on iTunes...
  5. I'll check them out, thanks. :
  6. Immature babies. I have no patience for people that when they hear the word "sex" or anything related to it, start going, "Oh my god...he/she said.....ooooooo...." Annoys the crap outta me. My sister...and she's 14 too! #-o I'm not trying to be offensive(just voicing my personal experience/opinion), but to me, it seems like girls act more immature than guys usually. I know alot of guys that act like 3 year olds. But girls in my experience seem to be more...childish. Especially around 12-14. Older girls are cool though.
  7. Wow...that was disturbing... :|
  8. Do you guys know of any good really heavy metal bands. I'm looking for something to thrash my skull. Slipknot was good for awhile, but they're not as hard-core as I'd like. Any suggestions?
  9. Immature babies. I have no patience for people that when they hear the word "sex" or anything related to it, start going, "Oh my god...he/she said.....ooooooo...." Annoys the crap outta me.
  10. I'm like...almost immune to pain(when i say almost, I mean I can't get hit in the male sweet-spot. That hurts. Badly). I can seriously crash on my dirt-bike going 30 MPH and get up from it. I know that ain't much, but it kinda freaks me out. I stepped on a nail once. I felt it go into my foot, but I didn't really feel any pain. Scares the crap outta me. :ohnoes:
  11. There a number of things you can do: 1.) Play more guiter 2.) Listen to music 3.) Get a girlfriend. I do 2/3 of those things. My summer's going great. :
  12. Somehow I'm not surprised about this...In my middle-school, kids were on the verge of sex all the time. Did the teahcers care? Of course they didn't. They probably even liked it...frekain' pedofiles. I wont go into the details, but the school had a very sexual atmosphere. I even saw a kid reading Playboy in the midle of class under his desk. I hate to say it, but this doesn't surprise me at all.
  13. Doom1200


    I have seen this ad used by Jagex many times. By many times, I mean at least once a day. I think that Traffix Inc, the company providing the ad, should've been more sensitive. In case you didn't know, 50 Cent was shot 9 Times in 2000. Post your thoughts on the ad and Jagex's advertisement screening in general. ROFL....this rapper actually got pissed because someone used an internet ad? ROFL. :XD: The judge is just gonna laugh his freaking head off. I know I would. :
  14. I can't stand them. It's punk for one, and the singer's voice is just...ugh. Nails on a chalk-board.
  15. The Transformers soundtrack. I like every song. And that's a rare thing for me with an album. :XD:
  16. I just tell them to cry in a corner and cut themselves.
  17. This really bugs me. People have this stupid notion that not using a condom or and many other random things will give you AIDS. You will only get aids if the other person has aids. It is the exact same as any STD, you will only get it if the other person has it. If both people are clean, the only use for a condom is as a conterceptive to lower the risk of pregnancy. Sorry. Didn't mean to affend you. Lemme re-phrase it: If you wanna be a jackass and take the possible risk of getting AIDs if your partner has it, that's your problem. I wasn't trying to come in here, and be offensive. I fully admit I didn't phrase that right. I apologize.
  18. Dismissal. :XD: Sorry, but I just generally hate school. I go, I do what I have to get done, then I leave.
  19. This has definitly been interesting for me. Just the other day, my friends and I were arguing about it. What's my opinion? I have none. If you wanna be a jackass and not use a condom and get AIDs, that's your problem. If you wanna wait till you get married, good for you. If you don't wanna wait, once again, good for you. I'm neutral.
  20. I got forced, I repeat forced to go to a Montgomery-Genrty concert. I seriously fell asleep durig the concert. It was that crappy.
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