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Everything posted by hellbellz

  1. ¿Donde están las Españas gentes? I want to speak my second language in Runescape. :(
  2. hellbellz

    ? key

    If it bothers you that much, get a different version keyboard.
  3. Wakka, you don't realize some key points of playing football? It raises your self esteem. It gets you into a team oriented environment which can help your teamwork skills later in life. You get involved in the community and the school. I can also say the biggest plus is the physical condition it helps you achieve. :thumbup: I'm just saying Runescape doesn't really help you achieve anything, but talk to online friends and click on some monsters and trees... The game literally wastes time, helping you do nothing but basic math skills. You're not helping anyone while you play this game.
  4. You're Australian. Get off the computer and hunt some kangaroos.
  5. How so? If they weren't, they would just be watching T.V or eating or playing another video game. Yeah you can say people who play RS "waste the best time of their life" while you go and play Call of Duty. :roll: Same exact thing. Oh right. It's funny, because I recall school work, football, time spent with friends, and time spent with my girlfriend have a lot more time value than some online game that won't matter. You do realize I said that because I played Runescape during a lot of my middle school years. You know what Runescape did for me? Absolutely nothing. I didn't have fun playing it, I was just addicted and I couldn't help but get on everyday and do absolutely nothing. I'm not wasting my time in high school with some [cabbage]ty [wagon] game, whether it be Call of Duty or Runescape. Oh and a [bleep]ing cookie? A damn cookie? Get some new damn material.
  6. It wastes too much time unfortunately, and sadly some people don't realize that they're wasting the best years of their lives on this. :s
  7. Hell, I don't mind a hot girl in a kinky little dress. Then again, I think you're an idiot if you're some overweight man wearing [cabbage] like that. If you disagree, reevaluate your life. :thumbup:
  8. Those two incidents are possibly some of the most amazing stories I've heard on this board. Marvelous.
  9. A quote shouldn't be the whole damn song, just a little excerpt. :|
  10. I'd go off on a list of reasons why, but I'm off topic as it is. Dragon claws & Dragon plate. "We are never going to release the dragon plate," BS. I don't take anything Jagex says serious anymore, they won't keep their word.
  11. [hide=Cocky Quote] [/hide] 3HU, no one gives a rats [wagon] that you guessed the stats of this, NO ONE. What are you trying to prove?
  12. So you want to get in a girls pants? Try these few steps. - Stop playing MMO's for 2 hours a day. - Lose the sloppy [wagon] haircut. - Proactiv. - Wear brand clothes, not Zelda twice a week. - Little more Proactiv. - Workout. - Apply even more Proactiv after your workout. - ???? - pants
  13. I was out for the fall sports ceremony and dinner so I didn't have the chance to watch it, guess I'll have to resort to hulu.com for the fifth episode in a row, lol. How would you guys rate the episode? Godly or GODLY.
  14. Oh [cabbage], I thought I'd be a cast out with not having a perfect 4.0 here. My freshman year I had a 3.0 GPA. The first quarter of this sophomore year, I had 2 A's, 1 B, 2 C's, and a D which... Is a 2.9 GPA. I'm taking mad AP classes next year and football season is over so I'm looking to improve my grades. :]
  15. It's weird how a year ago I could name all of the moderators & admins from the top of my head, and now I don't know who half of the moderators are. :|
  16. I agree with that, stevepole. Great album :]. Just not the greatest unfortunately.
  17. /b/ is a section of 4chan.org. Only acne infested, desperate nerds & closet pedophiles browse it. If you go in there regularly you're essentially one of the two. :thumbdown: To stay on topic, I'll just say you should probably confess things to your priest or whatever instead of a random forum, or grouphug.us.
  18. This is a little off topic, but you can say it's not as visual, lol. There's a game on the PS2 where you're a boy and you have to build villages, and I have no clue what it was called. It's like not knowing who played in a movie, it ticks you off until you find out who was acting.
  19. Those are fair weapons. Honestly though, all you need in CoD4 is the M16, MP5, and the M40A3. I could go a whole prestige mode using just those three weapons.
  20. Prestige mode hit this morning. :thumbup:
  21. If you didn't realize this, summoning affects your combat level. I agree with you, I'm sure there's nothing really that hasn't been done. 85 Slayer is nothing now-a-days. 99's are common. Jad has been done a thousand times with ways thought not possible. I think that was inevitable, the past few years, we as players have been introduced to great money makers, easier training spots, and better equipment.
  22. hellbellz


    Isn't 3_Hit_U considered a Runescape God? He's just so godly at everything he does. He has a sick tattoo, and is British. WHY IS HE NOT A GOD?
  23. 0/10 The quality of the PK's are obviously low. When I compare and contrast your PK's to GODS SUCH AS 3HITU I SEE NOTHING IN COMPARISON. YOU SIR, ARE A FRAUD.
  24. hellbellz


    Their own damn car? :roll: I don't smoke, but I think I can call shenanigans on that.
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