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Everything posted by hayseed

  1. Happy Belated Birthday to you :thumbsup: Hope you quaffed a couple of Mind Bombs to make more Kool Kontent. Thanks for all the fun, laughs ( and frustration #-o ) over the last couple of years of my Runescape life. Keep up the good work :D
  2. I like this a lot. It sounds great. I hope Jagex go with this one. Gratz to you for a well thought out and interesting odea! I better go level up my thieving so I can enter the guild when it opens
  3. I have learned If I point at a spot on a map I will walk there That the Party Room miraculously turned into a courthouse that never seems to be in session today Stealing and murder are acceptable and even encouraged If I dont give people Fr33 Stuff Plox- Im a N00b That I like this stoopid game
  4. Wow this is sooo great, I keep watchin this post, it has had 150k views :D I havent read all the post but ive read quite a few and I havent seen any posts against it 8-) Thats awesome!!! Ireally hope Jagex take up this idea it would make life so much easier. I really do try to keep my bank organised but it always gets messy. So come on Jagex this is the best and most useful idea on ANY forum
  5. I agree I think it takes longer to get the ores now. I spent a lot of time mining (lvl 74) but i dont bother so much now cos of this new emote. OK the old way sound and motion did not quite synch but it deinately was quicker. Can't see Jagex bothering to do much about this, even though most people I talk to in game seem to agree.
  6. I totally support this idea, finding stuff in the bank is a real pain. This is the best system I have seen on any forum. I Love it- but will the Overlords at Jagex bother? I hope you have sent your plan to them. Good work \
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