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Everything posted by Drazhor

  1. Here's the rs3 stuff http://services.runescape.com/m=news/runescape-3-arrives-july-22nd-2013
  2. Giggling at people who bought up Virtus before the update, thinking it'd be used to make the new armour. Mechanics of the drops are cool though EDIT: RS3 ARRIVES JULY 22ND EDIT2: DIVINATION A FEW WEEKS AFTER RS3 LAUNCH OMGOMGOMGOMG
  3. Bitterly disappointing month. And the quest having "British humour"...fair amount of people won't get some of the jokes in that case :/
  4. http://thoughtcatalog.com/2013/40-mean-girls-quotes-that-make-everyday-life-worth-living/
  5. Friend says he wants me to grow it cause I'd apparently suit it. Also, got 105 DG
  6. Went to Q-con today, a lil nerd convention that happens here every year. Another certain HYT nub was there too. (Folding, for those who are numpties) Country lads are always taller than City lads, just sayin!
  7. I sometimes post on other people's blogs so that I can click my siggy to get back to my own blog.
  8. Worst. Blog. Ever. I shall only visit it 8 more times....today.
  9. Oh crap same level as me now. Whelp. Getting 105 tomorrow anyway so yeahbrahgoml
  10. I hate everything so much right now. I have entered the depths of hangover Hell. SEND HELP. Also, DIY IS FUN AND GOING WELL AND I SUCK
  11. Just doing a bit of skilling on my DIY'er and I spotted a friendly ghost above edgeville
  12. I AM NOT OKAY WITH THE PM'S BEING SHOWN To clarify, I am not a [bleep]. I'm a Drazhor
  13. My dungeon is now ready for you. I hope your body is ready. Because I'm going in anyway.
  14. 30m was in one sitting. There's a sad amount more than that in it
  15. For those who haven't heard, yeah there's a teaser for the new boss that's they mentioned at the end of last week's BTS video. Cave north of Falador (Where the Mercenaries used to be) is where it looks like it's gonna be...so possibly gonna be LRC related
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