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Everything posted by xcowx

  1. This is an excellent guide. I can tell you went to great lengths to provide us with this information. At first I thought this was a spur of the moment kind of guide where someone buys 'x' amount of item at 'x' amount and logs in a few days later and sees that it went up a ton so he decides to write a guide about how to be successfully lucky (Which we all know is not possible :lol: ). But, as I read further, I realised that this was the real deal. :shock: The formula is brilliant! I knew about a few of the methods you were mentioning, but it never was guaranteed to materialize into a profitable acquisition. Now, it appears all of this is possible. \ This is one of the most unique guides I have ever seen. Congratulations and I hope to see more! =D>
  2. Nice bank, Stats could use some work but I give you a 7/10 (You are a bit above avg people your level)!
  3. Yea, i only worry that jagex is going to fix that :|. Oh, bye the way, This guide as helped me through my mutation (funny word XD) so much; both morally and actually in-game. \
  4. thank you for your help benar, i'm going to continue on cashcow5 :) HERE IS A MAJOR TIP: You can still change the name of your clan chat! Make use of this. I discovered this today. When ur friend talks to you, you can toggle ur chat off and on a certain amount of times to show them that you have a message for them. Oh, i just tested my method on another account, it WORKED!! :D :D :D P.S: please tell me if some1 else has already discovered this.
  5. I do have one frind that I would trust with my life but he's not on a lot and all my other friends wouldn't do that sort o thing to help me out..
  6. No, this one didn't get accepted, it go "Apology made", and this one was my only hope. Now I ask you, should I continue playing on cashcow5? Is it still possible to play on this account? Could I use my pure for talking in trades?
  7. w8 here's one that I appealed wrong, i set it as an apology, I think customer support was wrong..that was my only hope, i succesfully appealed one, which took away 0.3 black marks. Here is the rule 11 one... Idk what to do though.. This one seems like it was my only hope, the others are really offensive.. cashcow5: lol cashcow5: till you get soe cashcow5: lol cashcow5: umm cashcow5: i merchant for my money cashcow5: it's like a source of money cashcow5: i might go play webkinz in a bit cashcow5: :() cashcow5: ? cashcow5: slayer reported cashcow5: for spam cashcow5: webkinz cashcow5: it's fun :) cashcow5: umm
  8. Oh my god...I just got permanant muted for like 8 things that happend a year ago... and i wasn't even that offensive in them...why god...
  9. w00t, your getting closer, oh btw, i'll race u but i only aloud on during weekends lol. Oh well, i guess i'll see u around the fishing guild sometime. i'll fish lobs/ swords/tunas to 99 to.
  10. "Amazing!" You know, that isn't really a guide, it's just a tip.
  11. Seriously, will a forum mod lock and bin this "guide". All it is doing is causing arguements. I mean, it's not even a guide.
  12. Sirmurder, I wouldn't recommend using this way in that case. How much are you willing to spend on crafting. This way would probably take like 2-3 weeks. If you just bought hides till 61 about 1 week or less.
  13. Not A Single Post! Come On People!! post pls. pretty pwzzz
  14. Woot! Nice! 70 Mining FTW, I assume you want 85 naw amiright? Well, whatever it is, GL on it too!
  15. Wow, you'd be better off and lying and saying that they were because your stats are pathetically awful. Very sad.
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