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  • Location
    Long Island City, NY
  • Interests
    Guitar, Rollerblading, Football, Baseball, Swimming, Archery (real life), Reading.
  1. Shotgun shells alone can't hurt anybody severely. You can use corn seeds in a BB gun, I've tried it. Any small ammunition can hurt when fired, but as long as she didn't have the gun. As someone said earlier, the punishment isn't suited for the crime.
  2. I don't like the thought of putting one friend above all the rest. But, of course, there are friends that I'm really close to, and one of them I met in Pre-K, but we literally never talked to each other until 4th grade.
  3. Happened to me too. It's like a dark, purplish black that just starts at the edge of your vision and comes near the middle so you can hardly see anything, and then I start swaying.
  4. It's a matter of time, really, not skill. I don't really "Respect" anyone with a skill cape, they just played a certain amount of time to get it. It's not like you need precise hand-eye coordination or amazing speed or anything like that.
  5. You're crazily lucky not to have gotten shot somewhere fatal :lol: . Only made this account a few weeks ago, but thank god you got out of there alive!
  6. Yeah. And with the majority of f2p players being 9 year olds... You don't know how many times people have PM-ed me saying "d00d w0tz a baguette!?!?!". O.o But yeah, I agree. A friend of mine got Evil Chicken while fighting Jad :ohnoes: . He got away in time though.
  7. SKARED LIL GURLZ! LULZ U NUB U CANT PK ID PWN U LULZLULZLOLOLOL OWNDOMLETTE. The level 102 and his little henchmen take RuneScape too seriously. O.o
  8. 2 months? Not true =P. I quit for over a year once, deleted the screenie though =O. It was 467 days, I believe. Not sure O.o
  9. I'm pure, but yeah. What most of us do is stupid. It's like if you can't hit high, they're automatically a defense noob. When I used to PK on my main and they called me a defense noob, I usually just said "Well, you're getting killed by one, aren't you?". That usually quieted them.
  10. What the hell is up with the bit in bold? I make a serious complaint and they totally override that by making a ridiculous comment. Translation: IDC NUBZ!!11!!!1!1!!! Yeah, I hate when they do that. I reported someone for spamming me (he was begging for a DDS), and I got a message back telling me that if I wanted him to stop, I should have given him something...
  11. Aah, damn. Jagex ruined it? =| You can range skeles from south of the ditch (If you decide to go north of it and range the guards, there's a chance you may get killed -.- ). Once you get 50 ranged though, I suggest rock crabs and iron knives. :D. The best armor you can wield and blue d'hide, which gives a decent defense bonus.
  12. OMG. THE TOP 10 ANIMULZ IN TEH WURLD R LIK DAWGZ. WHY DID JAGUX MAKE KOWZ?! Yeah, those may be the top 10 languages, but those countries aren't really that big on RuneScape. I've seen tons and tons of people from Europe playing RS, and if they made it any other language, you know they'd all complain. :shame:
  13. The infinite stock raises alot of things above street price. Laws and Arrowtips, for example. I go to the infinite stock in Varrock arrow store to buy a friend addy arrows, they're 179 each. I go to the PLAYER stock, which only has 69 addies, and I buy them for 29 gp each. -.-
  14. Is this seriously something to complain about? It's kind of common logic here. If this weren't to happen every square on the floor of RS would be literred with stuff...
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