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Everything posted by Trey

  1. Any news on Easters? they seem to be doing well, will they continue to rise?
  2. Become one! Look at my sig... who ever thought I would become a monster hunter? I'll go to TDs with you if you do. Cool story bro. Wait, what did you spray paint out in our conversation? alright deal :smile:
  3. seeing you and lalala get solos and splits makes me want to get mems again. even though I cant effectively do tds and I'm not a monster hunter.
  4. took me a very long time with the previous items on me. you're just lucky :grin:
  5. It's not funny. It's not original. It's not gonna happen. Nothing personal, but please just stop saying it. +1, all the lame sailing joke attempts (even if they are sarcastic, like "i know it's lame but I do it anyway so it's even more funny) should be bannable. I'm not trying to be funny... I hate people who think sailing is going to happen and it sounds rather stupid to me. I'm sorry if you are not amused :boohoo: i will refrain from posting anything about sailing in the future.. :mellow: [hide= ] happy? [/hide] Maybe it's not funny. However, don't you still find it strange that JaGEx should still choose to use the word sailing in anything? And especially considering this particular context, the Underground Pass, which is no where near water or any other use of sailing one could easily come up with? Also, you guys are a little uptight. Dumb jokes don't hurt you, no matter how many times they're said. Simply don't respond and move on. Easy... something to do with prayer update? I've seen this before, a long long time ago too. I doubt it has anything to do with the prayer update. But, I never did figure out how to do this lol That's from picking up the bones that the special skeletal gorillas under Ape Atoll drop and then dropping them again in any other location besides there. Cool effects! Thanks for clearing that up, yeah it's pretty sweet.
  6. 8/10 for LRC. if i ever start playing rs again i hope to get it myself.
  7. lame 5 min event. I heard there is going to be a part two though. @turkey examine, twss :twss:
  8. congratulations!! I've seen you on these forums for a long time now, 4 years or so now, before i created my tif account. The brief history you shared was great to read, it's awesome that you bought a phat from duke back in the day :thumbsup: one big grats again. 10/10 :thumbup:
  9. Why would it not make sense for you to train runecrafting? :unsure: Unspam: you can double nat craft at level 44 now. also p ess is impossible to buy. grats on 53m xp too.
  10. decided to hide out in RSC today because it doesn't make sense for me to RC. :thumbdown:
  11. hope this sheds some light on the topic. They drop a few MF's in this video so if you are actually offended by hearing bad words don't watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhB9nMxBxP0 this update really makes me angry, as I got 91 rc not long ago. It also makes me angry that no matter what the community says jagex always seems to know better. They know how the economy should be run, they know what we want better than we do, and they know that they can get away with ANYTHING. They could release game changer after game changer and we would all still play. Case and point removal of free trade only suffered a small player loss. may be time to switch my status from semi-retired to retired.
  12. Grats! I decided to kill some while I waited for offers to fill and POW! Total of 334 goblins killed :thumbup:
  13. Well I didn't get much done today, because I was catching up on sleep and had a terrible internet connection, but I did manage to get a goblin champion scroll while waiting for g.e to update. got it in 7 kills, 334 kills total!
  14. Thanks for that warrior! Sorry if anyone was watching this for the past 3 days. I haven't been updating anything because I've been on vacation. back home tomorrow!
  15. Thanks for the farm/herb advice, I will definitely do that! :thumbup: And its funny that you also suggest that I get construction after RC, because I was planning on doing that haha. 99 con is awesome, I envy your cape.
  16. That's actually pretty cool to me. That could be a cool looking bank in a new city or something. open on the ground floor and closed on the second.
  17. I feel like a noob with my questions, but that's how I learn i guess... so are easters/pupkins/disks just bloated items atm, where their street price doesn't match for how common they are? and when people are trading easters for phats they are putting up ~200m worth of junk to trade for the phat, right? This seems like a huge upgrade for the person with the easter to me. Unless I'm wrong about their rarity. do they not want to sell them on the G.E. for less than max so the prices go up? And are there too many offers at max so they don't sell? lots to learn :-|
  18. good luck on 99 RC! if you start to get bored do whatever you can to get to level 91. Because from there, at least for me, rc became easy and somewhat fun. :D anyways good luck again, we share the same goal.
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