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Everything posted by Flamecaller

  1. I'm anti-war, anti-Bush, etc etc...But doesn't the phrase "negotiate with Iran" sound...Bad to you? Doesn't it irk you that we would be negotiating with them as if they have some kind of power over us? We're so scared that we're trying to strike a deal? I hate Bush, but it's pretty obvious why he hasn't negotiated. He feels that he is in a war right now with Muslim extremism, and Iran isn't exactly a round peg for that square hole. He would likely see it as negotiating with a permanent enemy. That is, that we'd be striking a "friendly deal" with people who will ALWAYS hate us. At the same time, however...Us not negotiating with Iran could have a much simpler answer...The USA wants to invade Iran for whatever reason. There has been talk of it for years now and it seems lately we're one slightly-good excuse from droppin' bombs...And Iran is/isn't giving us one, depending how you see it. Most people (Bush included) seem to think that Iran's mouth-puppet President saying we're "Big Satan" and Israel is "Little Satan" and that Israel should be "wiped off the map" is a good enough reason...It isn't. The dude is presiding over a Muslim country, and Muslims largely do not like Jews. He'll say whatever he thinks they want him to so that they'll be happy. SURPRISE! Welcome to politics. There is cake and punch to your left. But guess what? Iran cannot touch Israel no matter how much they hate them or want them gone. Why? Because they are an ally of the USA, and the USA will lay the smackdown if Israel is touched. Nevermind the fact that we give Israel enough money and weapons to surely defend itself properly. Also, if the Bible is right (you may believe it is or isn't), Israel cannot be touched either, because God says so. Not now, anyways. It will be touched SOMEDAY, but at that time, God will wtfpwn the attackers, so whatever. That's if you believe that, of course. Really has nothing to do with this if you don't...I was just sayin'. :P In closing...It's really 50/50 at this time to see if the USA is going to do anything to Iran...But probably not. Everyone is too scared to get into wars these days because everyone has nukes. And if they don't...Their allies do.
  2. Even the most extreme Christian knows you can't kill a person. And before anyone calls me out on abortion fire-bombings and whatnot...Those people are not Christians. They ceased to be Christians once the anti-abortion agenda over-rode their love for God. The most extreme Muslim, however...Considers themselves obligated to kill people. Namely Americans, Jews, and Zionists. Oh, and probably gay people. Just 'cause.
  3. Typical console kiddie. I have played portal, hated it, still think halo is better. (I even think tetris is better) I love it so much when people compare games that are NOTHING alike.
  4. I actually doubt that that that is the problem. Exactly. Just because someone is aggressive or hyperactive doesn't automatically mean they need downers, frig. It just means that they need to release it, via activity like hunting, rock climbing, or some other sort of activity. Society just looks down upon most of these activities because they involve risks or danger, and we're so overprotective of our kids nowadays that we won't let them outside to play soccer without surrounding them with 4ft. of sponge. Yea, its' kinda' sad...I can just imagine that persons mind...They probably read all these theoretical (or factual, whatever) websites having to do with gender and hormones and crap and automatically think they have the answers to peoples "problems". ...Sometimes, guys...There is no problem. People don't need their hormone levels fudged with and to be put on anti-depressants and all this other crap 24/7.
  5. +1 The books are over all she has left is the last 2 movies, she wants more money lol Yes, because a billion dollars is not enough. :-#
  6. I was far more wow'd by GoW than I was by all three Halo games combined. Halo's online is the only reason anyone plays that game (because it's quite good) but GoW was all-around awesome.
  7. Makes you wonder if she didn't claim he was gay just to further aggravate the few (well, many...but relatively few) Christian's who think Harry Potter is corrupting Earth's children.
  8. So...Hypothetically...Jagex puts the RSC source-code and rights up for sale. You buy it. So the question is...What would you do with it? How would you start it back up and get it back to the game everyone liked to play? What would you change to make it better? ...And why the hell hasn't Jagex sold the source & rights yet, anyways? Besides the fact that, you know...They're still making a few grand a month off it... Anyways...What would you do? I don't have time to say what I'd do right now, 'gotta run, but I'll be back. ;)
  9. Yes, nothing quite like oppressing 80% of your citizenry to arrive at that perfect society. Calling any nation "the best nation around" when it oppresses people insitutionally based on the colour of their skin is either racist, ignorant or both. You're a jack-tard. "One of the best nations around" obviously meant economically...Not racism-wise. And to paperclips...No. You're an idiot too. I never once said I wanted black people to leave America just because I pointed out the fact that white groups do. I am not a member of any of these groups. But yes, I do believe most black people are violent - keyword most. Not all. Like I said, my best friend is probably the coolest dude I know, very mellow, educated, etc etc, and he is black...So I obviously can't say they all are. But when you look at prison populations for violent crimes ( or just in general), it's mostly black people. Never mind the fact that they'll protest a black being arrested and threaten violence for ANY reason. Black girl bites a white cop and he mases her? He's a racist. Wait, what?! He was doing his job! Nope, nope...He's a racist. Yea, okay...That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and that [cabbage] ALWAYS happens these days. Since when is it racist to state facts? If black people can't handle the truth...Maybe they shouldn't be making it truthful in the first place? The very fact that you referred to my posts as "expressing my hate" makes your opinion mean nothing to me. You're just another little 'tard who thinks that anything spoken against a black person = racism because that's what society tells you. If you want to see some racism, like I said....Go read Stormfront. THOSE people are idiot racists.
  10. Yes, because the police - trained professionals - and your own military - trained professionals - would obviously not have guns. Would a petty thief looking to steal a handbag bother with getting a gun? The easier it is to get one, the more crimes they'll be used in. And I'm sort of curious as to where people get the idea that being armed is which makes a soldier a soldier, and a group of soldiers an army rather than mob with weapons? Unorganized and untrained civilians can be armed to the teeth, this doesn't mean they couldn't be defeated by a organized, trained soldiers. Oh sure, you can pick off the occasional soldier, blow up the occasional convoy, but actually defeat a modern war machine? How? Why would you assume cops would have guns? They don't in other countries. Also, since when do cops end crime? Cops 'round here would much rather ticket you for speeding than save your life from a violent thug, it seems. And who said gun ownership should be made easier? It should be made tougher, naturally, but some of you are saying guns should be banned and destroyed, which is preposterous. Even so, criminals usually are not the guy next door who has a registered license to conceal and carry...They're people using them illegally anyways. But sure, make it tougher to buy them...Might help keep some off the street, but they'll still be gettin' there even if they were gone.
  11. I have a problem with white people giving blacks more than they give themselves, and blacks not taking it and complaining that we're trying to hold them back. We spend tons and tons of money on black people via programs and whatnot...Black people even get their own scholarships...Just for being black. Do whites? Hell-freakin'-no. In fact, some college tried to once and no one applied because they were afraid of being called racist, AND minorities complained because they said that money would be better used for THEIR programs. If no one see's a problem with this, and thinks *I* am the racist one...There is truly no hope left for humanity. No one posting seems to be using their brains and thinking about this, they just seem to be seeing "White dude talking less-than-great about blacks...RACISM!" even though I have not said a singular racist thing, because *GASP!* I am not racist. Want to see racist? Go read Stormfront or something. Those people will make me look like a black rights activist.
  12. *Ignoring the racist parts in your posts* Were talking about supremest groups, right?? What one ISN'T violent? The simple fact that they are a racial hate group makes them violent to the target of their hate! *bolded* You're a buffoon. None of that was racist at all. They were observations on OTHER people's racism. Since you guys don't know what racism is, here, I'll explain it. Racism - "I HATE FREAKIN' BLACK PEOPLE!11 I HOPE THEY DIE!111" NOT Racism - "Man, that black person chanting about white devils is racist." Guess which one I did? *Gasp* the second one.
  13. *Ignoring the racist parts in your posts* Were talking about supremest groups, right?? What one ISN'T non-violent? The simple fact that they are a racial hate group makes them violent to the target of their hate! - I'll ignore the fact that you wrongly think supremacist = violence. Not that I'm defending supremacists, but still. There are white groups that clearly state their views as being that they do not hate black people, they just feel they belong in their own country. I believe it's called "White Nationalism"...I think Britain has their own party for it or something too. The fact that these groups may have members who DO hate blacks is pushing irrelevance because other members of the group don't like these members' views in the first place. Nazism and Hitler-worshiping really has no place in the world, but for some reason...People still keep doing it. There are even branches of Skin-heads who are racist, but HATE Hitler and everything having to do with him. But as far as I know of, there are two types of black groups...The "We must stand up for our rights!" group, as if their rights are being violated (they're not - they have more rights than whites at this point) and the "We hate whitey" groups. And even the "Looking out for our rights" group hate white people...You'd have to in order to still see some sort of injustice perpetrated by whites as a whole these days when we are clearly giving black people more chances than white people. I just had a job interview today and there were 4 other white people there and like 3 blacks. Despite the fact that there were less blacks in for the interview, affirmative action ensures that I will VERY likely not get that job. It will be given to a black person, even if they're under-qualified based solely on "diversity quotas". Again, people..I'm not a freakin' racist. I'm saying how stuff is in the world and that makes me racist? Do you people not see this crap going on as well, or what? Perhaps you live in an all-white, picket fence area where there are no black people you have to encounter...If that's the case, why are you talking?
  14. I'm not the one crying "racism!" here...I know very well what racism is and is not, it's the other posters who do not. Edit: Paperclips, tell me how in the WORLD I am racist. PLEASE, so I can begin my daily laugh-fest.
  15. I'm not upset that you called me racist. I feel sorry for you. If you were serious, then you're one of those people that blacks have made to think that EVERYTHING said against them is racist. It's horribly cliche to say something like this to prove your lack of racism, but my best friend just HAPPENS to be black. And he also happens to agree with me and thinks that black people need to shut their mouths and move on. He did just that and he's getting along great in life, despite coming from "the ghetto" (Chicago...somewhere...). And to the guy before that, I'm not talking about racist groups. Of COURSE they worship Hitler - they're FOOLS. They also deny the holocaust simply because certain facts about it are not accurate, despite the obvious and provable deaths (there are pictures, DUH, PEOPLE!) of millions of Jews. Those people are fools. There are white groups that just think black people should go back to Africa and do not want to harm them. Am I saying this is right? No, not really, but I'm just saying there are NO black groups that are non-violent. Even the black "heroes" of the past were violent. Malcom X, for example...Very, very violent black dude. I don't believe Martin Luther King was, however. Infact I believe he was a pacifist. But still...Al Sharpton? Jesse Jackson? Both racist and hateful of whites (they hide them well but it's quite clear), the black panthers, countless other groups that no one even knows about...They all hate white people. Go look around the 'net...Find me a peaceful pro-black website. Go ahead, do it. And then when you find a website that looks peaceful, go look up their real activities and see how it is. Martin Luther King was a very decent black man, and he wanted equality and a chance for blacks. We've given them just that, and they will not take it...Hence my original point that some black dude shouldn't be saying whites are destructive and hateful when it's quite the opposite.
  16. The OP quoted a news story about James Watson being racist. The OP's name is not James Watson. The OP is not racist. Shut the [bleep] up means shut the [bleep] up. Reading a lil' off, or what? How about yours? Check the post right above you. You had more than enough time to read it, but apparently ignored it. Good job. And I'm not about to be silenced by some random idiot.
  17. Ooo someone is racist. Heehee. This thread is so pointless it's funny. :XD: What if they do find africans are less intelligent than caucasians? Is it the end of the world? I know I wouldn't change my outlook on things because of one of their dumb studies :P That wasn't racist at all. Infact, the OP was far more racist by implying black people are dumber than whites...Sooo...Priorities a lil' off, or what? And Paperclipswhatever....No. Go spam more. LOL. The OP wasn't implying black people are dumber, he was quoting something he found on internet. SOooo... reading is a bit off, or what? Okay, he posted an article that implies black people are dumber than whites. Whatever. That's still far more racist than what I said, and...Yet you call me racist...Again, learn what racism is, maybe?
  18. The Japanese play WWII video games. The Germans just drink beer and burn copies of Mein Kampf for warmth.
  19. Ooo someone is racist. Heehee. This thread is so pointless it's funny. :XD: What if they do find africans are less intelligent than caucasians? Is it the end of the world? I know I wouldn't change my outlook on things because of one of their dumb studies :P That wasn't racist at all. Infact, the OP was far more racist by implying black people are dumber than whites...Sooo...Priorities a lil' off, or what? And Paperclipswhatever....No. Go spam more.
  20. LOL? We're not talking about back then. We're talking about now. No pro-white groups want blacks dead. They want them to go back to Africa. BUT! Black people insist that Africa is in it's current condition (crappy) because whites made it that way (LAWL!) and thus, they can't go back, and that they must keep America for themselves since they built it* (again, lawl.) and that whites must go back to Europe, or more commonly, that whites must be killed. Black Panthers are a good example, but dare I say that EVERY pro-black group has a "kill whitey" or "hate whitey" (at the least) mind-set. Almost all pro-white groups openly say they do not hate black people, they just do not believe black people should be a part of white society. * = Building it (literally) doesn't make it yours. That's like my dad building a house for a customer and then saying "Thanks for paying me, but I think I'll keep it since I built it and I like it." Pro-black groups are EXTREMELY racist and do so while saying that whites are, even if we're not. Merely talking about blacks as a white person is often considered racist. It's completely bogus. We've given black people a free-ride through life, all they have to do is take it...But they'd rather complain about us "holding them down" when we're clearly not, and say how they deserve reparations...Here's a hint - everything we're doing now IS your reparations. The Jena Six case is a perfect example of blacks being racist. They feel those 6 black kids shouldn't be prosecuted because a white kid was being racist first. *BUZZER* EHHHH! WRONG. Edit: And why did you bring Hitler into this? That dude was insane and has nothing to do with what I'm saying. Just because he's white and wasn't peaceful? So? I'm saying that blacks aren't as peaceful as that one guy said, but I'm perfectly aware SOME are. It's just that MOST are not, and looking around you at the proof will clearly prove that. Black people just like to THINK they're angels and do no wrong all because they were persecuted in the past. So what? Get over it. The Jews did, and look at them. They're doing great. There are even stereotypes about how rich all Jewish people are...THAT'S how good they're doing. But blacks should have a stereotype by now about how much they whine. Unfortunately - that'd be seen as "racist". :roll:
  21. This is, I'm assuming, a black person being racist against whites. I'd like to thank you, because I won't be banned for being racist right back by saying this, because you're not being banned for what you said... White people are the builders of nations - NOT nation destroyers. To say black people live in harmony and that white people destroy nations is absolutely hilarious. South Africa, for example - When South Africa was a separate white/black nation, it was one of the best nations around. What happened when they stopped apartheid and black people have been taking control? The country is far worse than it was and white people are being persecuted and/or killed. Yes...Black people are SO peaceful. Every dominantly-white nation in the world is relatively peaceful, and every dominantly-black nation in the world is engulfed in conflict and death. Why is it that nearly all pro-white groups have a stance of "send Africans back to Africa" - a peaceful notion, but pro-black groups ALL have a "Kill the white devil" stance? Again, yes...Black people are so peaceful, and whites only destroy. :roll: Abe Lincoln wanted to send blacks back to Africa and thought that blacks mixing into our culture was a "horrible travesty of which I can think of nothing worse" (that's an almost direct quote, that's exactly what was said, however), but Blacks were allowed to mix into our culture, and look what we have now...Blacks are the highest population in prison, highest poverty rate, etc etc. And no, it ISN'T because "Whitey is keeping you down". :roll: I'll leave with this - I'm only presenting facts, not my opinions. I'm not racist in any way, and I feel that any black person who dedicates himself and stops blaming his mediocrity on everyone else, can be just as successful as others. ...But I'll still probably get a ban anyways. Because I am white, and I spoke against a black person. :roll:
  22. That's the article I saw. And global warming isn't going to kill anyone. It's going to cause a mass-exodus of coastal cities....Very, very freakin' slowly. Assuming the data is correct, of course.
  23. Personally, I feel we've given Isreal enough money by now and it's just causing us more problems (don't start a whole argument about it though). What you seem to see though is that this is international. It wouldn't be just the US, it'd be all those using the ocean's resources. I know. And I'm still failing to see why I should want to stop this. Because big business will pass the tax on to me, or what?
  24. I'm ignorant because I think we're giving enough foreign aid? Riiiight. Are you aware how much money flows out of our country and into others for no reason other than public relations and being nice? I'd like to say a metric ton, but that'd be far, far too light. You could probably build new WTC's with $100's out of all the money we send to places every year. We send $3 billion to Israel alone, who then uses it to...Bomb the [cabbage] out of Palestine. Granted, Israel is Jewish land, not Muslim's land, and Muslims are always trying to take it. So you could say Palestine has it coming, but to then turn around and say we're freedom fighters and Iran is supporting terrorism? What's the difference between Iran giving Al-Queda weapons and the USA giving Israel money/weapons? They're both using it to kill people. I don't know the exact number, but that $3 billion to Israel alone could give America some stuff they need. Education? Health care? Anything? Israel doesn't need our money. If the Bible is true, God and God alone is enough to protect that country. I'm not religious, but the Bible says that country will never fall again until it is surrounded by enemies from all sides, and at that time, God himself will come and [cabbage]-kick everyone in their stupid faces. So why are we giving them money? Getting in God's favor? Pleeeease. We're spending billions of dollars on people that despise us, too. I don't even need to give examples because everyone knows that crap. You guys are just "we could always do more!" hippies. We CAN'T always do more. We're to the point where we are screwing with our kids futures by giving so much away. Schools suck, health care sucks, etc.
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