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Everything posted by Flamecaller

  1. As a general rule I try not to stereotype anyone, for any reason. But, you're right, I can't honestly say how I'd react if I was in a position where a stereotype may apply to one group of people. Regardless, I'd still acknowlege that it's unfair to claim I know that all 'x' are 'y' because it's obviously not true. My address of your point was merely to look at it from the point of view of the black person. If you were one and you got stereotyped and were of the position that you see it as ok to stereotype, you should have no qualms in sucking it up, as you say. This is just the idealist in me. On the whole I don't have too much of an issue to argue here as you acknowlege that you are fully aware that not all blacks are criminals, which is the main point to consider (as I said, not all 'x' are 'y' is the important aspect to acknowledge). I suppose when it comes to stereotypes it's all about keeping them in your conscious thoughts and not coming out of your mouth (I'm not trying to suggest that you do vocalize the stereotypes you see as justified). Yes, it is unfair to assume it, but we all do it anyways. Even people who claim they aren't prejudice or stereotypers do it. If they're stead-fast that they do not...Just watch them. They can say they do not fear Muslims, for it is only a small minority who blow stuff up (which is true), but if a Muslim in full Islamic get-up gets on a bus and sits next to them, they're PROBABLY going to start sweatin'. ;) People can't put down their natural defenses no matter how much PC bullcrap is shoved down their throat and they try to accept and believe. It's natural and you shouldn't really be ashamed of it. If these groups of people want to not be stereotyped in such a manner, they should be taking extra precaution in making sure no one in their community is doing such things, and spend less time making sure we're not stereotyping them by saying "Oh, we don't ALL do that...", because as long as one does it, your brain says they all do it, even if you know it's not true.
  2. ...That's a WHOLE 'nother mental disorder right there. Someone conditioning themselves to want to mutilate their bodies to become something they're not? Yea, that's perfectly sane. I believe we have the names of a few of those people...Ed Gene...Jeffrey Dhamer...Buffalo Bill...:lol: Not exactly upstanding members of the community! Are you implying that the OP is ni league with those people? Surely not, but if you're going to say someone can be so twisted as to say "Mutilation...Hmm, that looks fun." and be normal, then I don't ever want to meet whoever taught you psychology. Christ.
  3. The only people who shouldn't be able to have guns is the mentally disabled (and kids, naturally). Everyone else knows full-well what they're doing when they hold a gun and fire it...Especially in someones direction. If they say they didn't, they are liars.
  4. I didn't ask you what a book said or did not say. I asked you, that if you're so smart and all-knowing, why it isn't a disorder, even though it clearly, as it's being described, is.
  5. I wasn't suggesting anything. I asked you a question. Clearly you cannot answer it. Oh, and using big ol' flashy talk doesn't = smart or even coherent in this case, especially when you can't answer a simple question. You sound rather pseudo if I do say so myself.\ Edit (since I must, since you did again...): So a book is now > common sense and all intellectual thought? Like I said...Pseudo. Nothing but Pseudo. You're worshiping a book as if it has all the answers. That book PROBABLY says "We have no idea what causes this..." :lol:
  6. I'm trained but I'm not an expert, what exactly is your point again? This is supposed to be a post about transgender, there's no need to go tangent just because you were proved wrong by calling it a disorder. ...I was "proved wrong"? By whom? You? That's certainly laughable. You "proved me wrong" by saying "This book and this doctor says it's not a disorder." even though if you clearly say the theory on what it is (being born female, but with a male brain) anyone would instantly say "yea, that's a disorder..." just like if you asked them "is being born female with a penis a disorder?" they'd say "Uhhh, yea..." Please, enlighten us, O' trained one. What exactly IS "transgender" caused by? Oh that's right...Your only other option is to say "it's completely natural!" when clearly it is not, or we'd all want a set of breasts to go with our male genitalia. Again, more propaganda on your part. "It's natural" you'd surely say, and if not, you'd say it's not natural, but we must accept it for what it is...Essentially agreeing with me and then throwing out common sense. I see no third option, perhaps you'd like to enlighten me. Open your magical psych book and tell us all that WE'RE the ones with the problem. Goes to show how messed up our society is. You try to get someone to REALLY think out what their doing and how their feeling before making any irreversible decisions, and you're immediately called a bigot and told to accept them for what they are. Fools.
  7. I'll address #4 since it's really the only one that needs to be... Black people have their own stereotypes for whites. Being white, I can say most do not apply to me (I'm not "out of get the black man down", for example...Not that anyone is...That is just paranoia/excuses on the part of blacks), but you have to take whatever comes. One bad apple spoils the whole bunch, as they say. When 1/4 of black get sent to prison in their life-time, they're stereotyped as dangerous criminals because a large portion in fact ARE dangerous criminals, however, I'm fully aware that not all are. However, if someone were to wrong you over and over again and they were all of one race...Are you honestly telling me you wouldn't start to have some sort of spite for that entire race? Surely you can't say you wouldn't for sure. I'll admit it right now that I'm one bad black person encounter away from being a White Nationalist...Actually, no...Those guys are morons too. But I am to the point where a certain group of people have wronged me so many times that it is becoming instinct to not trust them as a whole. Yet still, I am not racist...Somehow. I do not hate black people, I've just had bad experiences with them enough to instinctionally not trust them right off the bat. It's human defense and it's natural. It's how humans first learned that touching fire = bad. It's how you learned that as a baby. In it's own way, even that is a stereotype, and stereotypes are important to our lives. They're not always fair, but they help. They can also hurt, but they also help. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and if you don't like it, you have to change those around you. If there are 4 whites and 3 are criminals and 1 is not, and a black person is stereotyping all 4 as criminals, it's the job of the one non-criminal to change his peers and thus, change the black person's mind. ...Wait, this is getting so off-topic. :P
  8. That's good considering you're not an expert.
  9. Who says I'm referring to myself? I'm saying according to a DSM IV it certaintly is not. Regardless of your theory, a doctor will still tell you the same. Fabulous so you should know this then :D And that lawfully by a DSM IV if it's not on there, it's not a disorder. Well, this is certainly hilarious. You knowingly changed the part in your second post that said "Leave the labeling to the experts", which is what I was referring to by saying "and you're the expert because you took a couple classes?", and applied it to a previous post that I never saw because you edited THAT in too to make it seem like I was saying whatever book/doctors you're talking about is below me. Brilliant move. Someone 'cheating' is the #1 way to tell that they're inferior to you. Surely your book doesn't say that, though.
  10. Transgender will continue to do their thing, sleep well. Ah, I forgot that you took a couple psych courses and now you're an expert. :-k ...Who says I'm not as well? Okay, so let me get this straight...A female is born with a males brain, and this isn't a mental disorder? ...Again, someone lacking a Y chromosome, is born with the respective Y chromosome brain...And this isn't a disorder... That is like saying hermaphrodites have no disorder at all. They're completely normal. Does not compute, Will Robinson. Danger. Edit: Sweet ninja edit to make yourself look less foolish.
  11. ...I was trying to stop it? And what does this have to do with homosexuality? Who even said I wanted to stop that? I don't care about homosexuals...They're not harming anyone. not even themselves.
  12. Sooo...if we get oil or something from under the ocean bed, the UN taxes it and sends the proceeds to developing countries? ...Sounds like foreign aid to me, which we're already doing enough of. Why is this even necessary? Whatever though, big business can get taxed into the ground for all I care, as long as the people are not.
  13. *E-Punches you as hard as possible* To the thread starter: don't listen to a word this mad guy says, it is all bs. I have been e-punched by a child. Whoopie? What the hell did that accomplish? Feel better? I am not obligated to agree with any of you, nor am I obligated to be politically correct, or to bow down to YOUR opinions. As far as I'm concerned, my opinion is the right one, and yours isn't. Hence why I say mine. Arrogant? Indeed. But do you really feel or act any different? Nope. You just don't out-right SAY it. I was merely warning the poor kid that she should think about what she's doing before being brain-washed by opinionated pro-mutilation sites who are not looking out for her best interests. You know who IS looking out for her best interests? Her parents. And she has chosen to ignore them and to side with a website ran by people who are not 1) her parents 2) medical experts or even 3) intelligent people in general. The people who run those sites are not looking to comfort you or help you. They're looking for people to join the cause so that it becomes an acceptable thing to do. Feel like you should have been male, but you're female? Great! We do too, so come join us and mutilate your body, because it's okay to do! We're perfectly sane. Honest. Riiiight. There is nothing sane about loppin' your woo-woo-dilly off and replacing it with a wa-cha-cha no matter WHAT you feel like. I just made those words up, but I think you see my point. What I would like to know is why that's an acceptable answer. People like Mad4u (as darling as she is) have obviously just sat here and spewed "acceptance and diversity" garbage that we're taught our whole lives that completely forsakes common sense. There is nothing that makes sense about "I'm a girl, but I feel like I should have been a boy...So lets take hormones and get a sex change!"...No. That makes absolutely no sense at all. None. If I was a girl and felt like I should have been a boy...I'd obviously just do manly things that I enjoyed and felt like I was supposed to be doing...Because thankfully, in our society, that is absolutely accepted and an awesome thing to do. But what in the hell do you need to be fake for? Taking hormones and getting a sex change isn't "you", it's you being fake. She was born a girl and she feels like she should've been a boy...So you're encouraging her to stop FEELING fake by actually become fake? That's..good...advice...I guess...:roll: Please, people. Use the part of your brain that thinks for yourselves, not the part that remembers waht you've been told. Diversity and acceptance is bullcrap. If a black man robs you, and then another rapes you, and then another shoots you, and then another kills your family, are you still going to like black people? According to diversity and acceptance, you must. According to human common sense, you're going to at least be suspicious of all black people, if not out-right hate them all. And no, I'm not racist. Just thought I'd cover that base since I said the word "black", which to morons of all races alike that worship "diversity and acceptance", is racist. And for the record, I do have sympathy for the OP. I'm not a heartless bastard who doesn't understand. I'm a person who is concerned that someone with a mental disorder is going to act upon it. Would you knowingly let a person commit suicide? Didn't think so. Being born with a male brain and a female body is no excuse to mutilate yourself to try to match the inside. if you were really born in such a manner, then it's a disorder, and most people with disorders have to *gasp*...Accept them for what it is. I'd really love for someone to tell me what mutilating yourself really accomplishes here. It's blatantly obvious that you're all spewing acceptance and diversity propaganda, because not one of you could tell me why it's acceptable or sane to mutilate your body and make yourself fake in order to make yourself "real". it doesn't make any sense.
  14. Can you prove it has had anything to do with humans? Pollution is often rather localized. Even air pollution. Sure, it can travel many miles, even across states, but there are remote locations of the Earth where people are having to move away from the shore because it is eroding. I've read thing about how volcanic eruptions on Earth everyday put out more pollution and Co2 than humans do in a year or whatever, so yea... Humans are responsible for things like acid rain and crappy local air quality...Places like L.A., you know. That comes from our factories and cars. The entire Earth going into a tail-spin, melting itself down and generally fudgin' itself up...That's not our doing. We're not that damn powerful. I predict that if we were all to never drive a car again from here on-out, the Earth would still continue doing this. Of course, some people would then just say we've already done the damage and it's too late, but...Some people are stupid. ;) The Earth has healed itself before and will continue to do so until it is engulfed by the sun in a few billion years (or God punts it like a football...Whichever...), it's never going to be "too late" unless the sun keeps acting up. And we can't control that. We should, of course, push for better alternative fuels just on principle, but not the principle of "Global Warming". Edit: I'd just also like to point out that scientists have said we had X number of years before everything is complete crap and not salvageable, and this number has been going down in years every minute as things get worse faster than they expected (even though pollution hasn't gotten dramatically worse, while warming has), it's pretty obvious that is because they plugged the wrong number into the equation, and that number is human factor when it should be sun factor.
  15. He isn't running for President. He's said it 1,000,000 times and he even said it today. Twice. Anyone could beat a republican candidate right now. I personally could do it with a pro-nuke-America agenda. That's how little of a chance Republicans have of winning. Zero. Bow to Hilary Clinton, she's already won, apparently.
  16. No one bought Halo 3 for the campaign. They bought it for multiplayer. By the way, 2nd to last mission in Halo 3 = worst mission in any game ever, lol. Good game, though. I will eternally curse the PS3 for what it is doing to the games industry already. Titles that are not exclusive are getting shoved back JUST because the PS3 is so hard to develop for because of it's lame memory set up. For example, my precious GTA IV was knocked back 6+ months. I'm supposed to be playing that game today. Thanks to Mr. PS3, I am not.
  17. I just had to watch "An Inconvient Truth" for the second time..I nearly cried of bordom :( ....Anyway His documentary/film is being critised now ...aaaannnnnnd it just won him a Nobel peace prize. :-k That he really didn't deserve...
  18. I fixed it last night...Or so I thought. I disabled a Realtek device that seemed to be trying to replace itself with my speakers over and voer again, even though there was no device...Default software lameness ftw? :roll: Anyways, woke up today and it was doing it again...So I ditched that Realtek crap. Friggin' uninstalled it. Screw it, if it's pissing me off, it's gone. :P
  19. The sad thing is this works on a lot of (stupid) people. Usually the people are elderly so they don't really know any better. They'll get an e-mail saying they won some lottery and they've won 100 million dollars or something, and as a tax/transaction/whatever fee, they need to send the lottery agency $100,000 or whatever. ...And they do it. Some people are just beyond words. I can't imagine being one of those scammers...I'd know it was never going to work, and then I get a check for $100,000? I'd [cabbage] my pants.
  20. Oh, and on another note... I don't know why people keep talking about America being attacked by any country at all. First off, a ground-invasion of America would be squashed instantly...We likely wouldn't even have to use our military for that. Both coasts are well guarded by two groups of people with lots of guns...Rednecks on the east coast, and gang bangers and on the west and east coast. Most house-holds have at least one gun. America isn't some Iraqi-shack town where no one can defend themselves. America is a country filled with people who are proud of their country, and those proud people have guns. That point being made, a ground invasion would fail. I don't care how well-trained any countries troops are, they would all die in a most comical fashion...Killed by non-military civilians. :lol: You would have to attack America via air, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that currently, no one tops America's air superiority. So I'm highly doubting that would ever happen either. I'll give the other countries this though - unfortunately, citizens' right to bare arms do not include F-16 fighter jets. :lol: The only real option is Nuclear war, and that's probably not going to happen ever. I believe that only two nukes have ever been dropped as an act of war, and that was by America on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. I am not aware of any more ever being dropped as an act of war, but please tell me if you know of any that have so I can read about 'em. :P Anyways, we have very sophisticated safe-guards for Nukes as well. It's very unlikely that one would ever be allowed to strike the USA with all the safe-guards we have. If there are anymore "world wars", America is likely to be rather safe...Unless, like...All of our air units and troops are all over the world elsewhere and some country bombs our [wagon] like ninjas. :lol:
  21. So wait... We build our factories in China and hire well-educated personnel like engineers from India as an humanitarian effort, and not because they can do the same quality work for a fraction of the price? I'm sure they're very "grateful". What you said is true and I'm fully aware of it, and it has nothing to do with charity... We give Israel 3 billion dollars a year so they can drop bombs no Palestinian children, for example. Wasted money. We pack Africa with aide and it helps relatively no one. You know, that kind of thing. I was talking about outsourcing jobs not as a humanitarian thing, but as, like you said, a capitalist thing.
  22. Ummm, ok, what!? The USA had a chance to develop, learn new languages, and suceseeded, but 3rd world countries don't get the oppertunities USA had? The USA did it on their own, and our ancestors fought their [wagon] off for us - sometimes quite literally - to have the opportunities we do and we're giving everyone else so much that we've completely forgotten about ourselves and are running the country into the ground. That's the worst part...it isn't being taken away...we're giving it away. Helping others is cool, but when you're putting yourself at a disadvantage, it has just become irrelevant. It's like giving a homeless person your winning lottery ticket. Yes, you feel super duper about being such a great person...But now you live in his box while he laughs at you. Why do we even need to help anyone? Especially when you consider the fact that these days, 70%+ of the world hates us even if we give them tons of money and/or help. Pakistan used to like us until the "War on Terror", now they hate us. Some of this money/time/resources is much better placed in our own country...Our education is absolutely horrible these days and it isn't even a topic being brought up in the next election.
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