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Everything posted by Omg_Imba

  1. Yes, I agree with what Meteos said. Especially in Free To Play, training combat can get boring, and as such a break is needed. You could train skills on your Main\Pk-er, but for me at least, its not as enjoyable. Must be going insane... :-k
  2. Another skill is unneccessary... If your looking for a challenge, try getting 99 Herblore or something. :shock: :
  3. Your name's Trent !?!? :shock: Pretty creepy though.
  4. I tihnk off topic is going downhill. :uhh: I'm convinced it is. :lol:
  5. I feel asleep standing up the other day. :uhh:
  6. Fcol... If your flaming someone, at least take the time to type proper words and sentences.. Sorry, but I have to agree with these guys - 25 prayer is ineffective, as is 1 iteming with a Rune Scimmitar. Unless your in a good team with another 2 people, your unlikely to get as many kills. Get 31 Prayer, and have a Rune 2h for Koing, you'll kill more people and get flamed less. Don't pay attention to people who criticise Teleports in Varrock, they're necessary as it is multi-combat. Edgevillie however, is a different matter. :wink:
  7. Omg_Imba


    Because, as others have pointed out, in a welfare state such as Britain or New Zealand, the tax payer must care for these fools with tax money which could be better spent on something else. As such, if police can prevent them from doing so, less tax dollars are wasted. :wink:
  8. @ Topic Creator: I have to apologise for leading this topic astray into yet another religious debate. Seems to happen a lot in this forum. :roll: *However* , while we are on the topic of religion; Any system or set of beliefs which takes away Mans ability to reason and question in favour of blind obedience to an apparently 'higher' being which advocates moral code from which it is excluded, and whose 'Word' is filled with contradictions and logically impossible events, seems a) Silly and B) Dangerous. Now, as we're moving back on topic, no one shall post an off topic reply to my statement. \ On Topic: I would rather have the 'West' solely equipped with nuclear armaments than any of collection of countries. This is because the idea which they claim to defend align relatively closely to my own. Whether this is infact true is debatable, but that is merely my self intrested opinion. :
  9. I think influx is the wrong word, merely that their prescence is more noticeable in contrast to increasingly immature and silly actions of todays Runescape players. As such, their contributions are percieved by more Forum users/'Scapers, and as such they appear to be increasing as a percentage of RS players. "To be is to be percieved." Also Adam, praise where due.
  10. Yes, I really do have to thank this emerging intellectual class.. Their mature posts, conversation and witticisms make Runescape bearable. { Especially as a F2per. } Intellectual is slightly pretensious(?) though. Wouldnt mature and insightful be a better description? Who ever you are, cheers. :
  11. Thats the 'price' of freedom, liberating foreigners at the expense of your own oppressed peoples.. :roll:
  12. Sorry, but I just cant take someones whose avatar is Pedo-Bear seriously. :lol: No, Jk. I in no way mean to imply that all Christians are Ultra Right Wing religious extremists, that would just be wrong and bigoted. Merely that if America means to address terrorism, they should look to themselves first. I find it hypocritical that America has announced a 'War on Terror' while through the 60s and 70s Irish Americains were a major source of funding and armaments for the IRA. Corporations would love it if Iran gained nuclear weapons/material, a good old fashioned arms race... everybody wins. :roll: While I personally diagree with Iran's policys, religion and leader I do not blame them for wanting Nuclear armaments. How would Americains feel if the EU invaded Canada and them made refrences to nuclear strikes against the US? Rather threatened huh?
  13. Ah yes, but we can't have religious extremists with nuclear weapons can we? *Glances at Ultra Rightwing Americain Christians.* :roll:
  14. If it was all done by salary brackets then the vast majority of the money would go to white people. The only way to help a minority is to target them directly. If that was the case, then why would minority groups need help in the first place? Scholarships are about financial help. If you have got money, you don't need a scholarship. Again, I say that the amount of money you have does not depend on your skin colour. The whole idea about equality is that being a different race SHOULDN'T MATTER! Seriously, we need to attack the problem at the source, not combat the effects. + 1. :P Affirmitive action only cause resentment between races/groups. The reason these scholarships are targeted at African Americains is because of their statistically lower test results and socio-economic status. As such they require more help from the government... However, scholarships shouldnt be race based, they should be 'need' based. By 'need' I mean socio-economic. Anything other than that is discrimination. You may argue that if the group providing is a private organisation, they have every right to do what they want with their money. { Within the country's laws. } While this is true, immagine the outcry if a group was to give scholarships purely to white, blue eyed, blonde haired males?
  15. It's simple kids, we just need to burn an effigy of Skully as the anti-christ. :lol: Effigy! Effigy! *Mob chanting falls away...* On a serious note, P2Pers have a right to discriminate against us because they're 0/\/\9#6 Ll133121337 #4}[012 (41{35. :roll: Hey, they're just angry and insecure because they have just lost at least $5 more than us. :wink:
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