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Everything posted by Scorchedrose

  1. Thank you all for your offers, I know I didn't get a chance to talk to all of you but it was mostly because of how much time it would have taken to do so. Good Luck to all of you in your recruiting.
  2. Best: Waking up without a hangover Worst: Spending 2 hours on a final so far and only having 1/3 of it done and knowing that when I'm done with this post I should go back to working on it. X_x
  3. :lol: :lol: No way... I cant imagine that people do those things. #-o That actually also happened to an ex-coworker of mine that I still keep in contact with. She had put a customer in a fitting room, walked away for about 5 minutes and then headed back to check to see how she was doing. As she was getting closer and closer to the fitting room, she kept thinking, wow... what is this awful smell? When she got to the fitting rooms, she saw that the customer had already left, but when she looked in the room where the customer was, there was diarrhea all over the fitting room. :-X She said she nearly vomited seeing that... I hope I never have to see that in my store. :pray:
  4. For some reason I feel like I've seen you before, but yet I know I haven't. Weird... maybe I had too much to drink tonight. :XD: btw, facial hair = hot. :D
  5. Wow, nice abs. O_O Though I must say I prefer a guy who has a pillowy soft stomach. So much nicer to lay your head on. ^.^
  6. All I can say, is that I'm so happy to have joined this forum just for finding this comic. I don't care if I never manage to make any friends from here, this comic alone has made it worth while. When I first started reading the comic, I couldn't stop, I got instantly hooked to the story line. So, I ended up reading through books 1-4 in one night, which then I realized it was almost 4am and that was I think the only thing that kept me from reading it all in one night. :XD:
  7. I actually find getting fillings kinda tickles. O___o But most people say i'm weird because I'll also get them done with no novicain (sp?), but then I absolutely hate getting the shot. Only kind of shot I don't like, besides when I got the chicken pox shot... that burned. =/
  8. lol, wow yall have some pretty funny experiences. I feel like all mine are nothing in comparison to some. I know ever since I started working in retail I'm extremely patient when I'm a shopper. Plus if I happen to see someone being rude to workers I usually speak up and say the stuff they can't say, and it feels so good. ^___^ I know once I had a customer do the same for me and after she had told off the idiot customer they just left totally red faced. lol Once the annoying customer left, I turned to the lady that saved me from them and told her she was my hero. lol Which we then ended up talking for a good 45 minutes about stupid customers since she wasn't in a rush and she was our only customer at the time. The thing I hated the most about being management, was the fact that people didn't believe that I was a manager. =/ They'd ask me questions, not like the answer and ask for the manager, and usually I was the only manager there at the time, so I'd say me. Which to that they'd usually say something along the lines of, "You can't be a manager, you look like you're 16.". me: "I'm 21, and I'm the manager.". So they would go and flag down one of my associates, who were all older than me and ask them the same question. To which they'd usually reply, "I'm not sure, you'd have to ask my manager." and then point at me. By then I usually had a really big grin on my face. :XD:
  9. Don't feel bad, no one's commented mine either. I guess they're afraid of the tiny white chick. lol Heh, I found it cute that your avatar nearly matches the first picture you posted: http://forum.tip.it/images/avatars/Scorchedrose.gif http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/5716/4134ij0.th.jpg : There, now I'm blue too so I match a little better. lol Years ago I actually had someone tell me that I reminded them of Garnet, I don't see any resemblance, but that's pretty much what inspired me to use Garnet as my avatar where ever I go. Pretty is what I'm used to people saying, gorgeous... not so much. :oops: And don't be afraid to post your pic, I think there was someone who had their pic as their first post. Not a skirt wearing girl? :( Kinda wierd since my RS char is a skirt wearing man haha. P.S. I like ur glasses, u've got the whole intelligent teacher look, hawt :twisted: Well, I guess you can do my skirt wearing for me then lol. Darn, too bad I decided against getting a teaching degree. I could have been the hot math teacher! I guess being the hot mathematician will have to do. ^__^
  10. Don't feel bad, no one's commented mine either. I guess they're afraid of the tiny white chick. lol Nono, I'm sure I heard some guys on vent chat talking about your picture. They said you were pretty or something :o Oooo spiffy, and what's vent chat? XD @ Meziko - Sorry, I'm not a skirt wearing girl... if I had one I would have mailed it to you just to see a picture of that.
  11. Don't feel bad, no one's commented mine either. I guess they're afraid of the tiny white chick. lol
  12. OMG people with kids are the worst. I mean they let their kids run around like they're at a playground, and then when the kid knocks something over or runs into something and bumps their head and starts crying it's some how our fault. If they'd stop being bad parents there'd be no problem. When I was a kid if I even just thought of goofing off in a store I'd get a swift knuckle to the head. Just an utter lack of discipline any more, it's disgusting. Oh yeah, I just remembered this one woman. She was trying to return a pair of pants that she claimed she never wore. Yet the bottom of the pants were a bit worn out and you could see it was about ready to tear, so obviously they were worn quite a few times. But she then claimed that all the pants she buys from our store look like that. That's when I grabbed a hand full of of pants from the clearance rack that was right next to the register and said "These pants have been in this store longer than any other pant. Do they look like your pants to you?". They weren't, there wasn't any signs of wear and tear on these pants. So she just shut up and left the store. =P I kind of miss being management, because I would get to tell off these kinds of people. Just being a regular sales person I don't handle returns and get to have fun with the idiots anymore.
  13. Free hugs may tempt him, but I give free food and free beer! The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. =D
  14. [/hide] :shock: :shock: :o wow you are gorgeous AND smart... *faints* you're the rare type :P Yay, ego boost for the day! ...if only the girls in my college had the same viewpoint... :-k I totally agree w/ Goddess. So have you ever thought of transferring to a different college? I know of a nice little college in Pennsylvania that would be more than happy to have ya. :wink:
  15. Found a fairly decent picture from my friend's wedding this summer. I just wish I could find a casual picture of me... wearing a dress is so not me. Had to really crop the picture since I figured my friends would appreciate that.
  16. Ah yes, the age old "people can't read signs" problem. Or it's close relative, "Just because one rack has a sale sign on it, then the whole store is on sale then!". I've had many people grab something from a rack that isn't marked with any sale sign, and then ask if it's on sale, but when I say no they then point to the one rack in the store that says 60% off and say that that sign says 60% off so why isn't everything 60% off. >.< No... just the items on that rack. Customer service jobs do stink, and I'm so happy that I've just about have my degree and will never have to do this kind of work again, but in the mean time I enjoy the laughs.
  17. I'm sure we've all witnessed customers in a store that are just completely stupid. Whether you've dealt with them as a sales person, or as another customer. So I figure, why not get a good laugh at each other's stories. Oh, and I'm sure we've all experienced stupid workers as well, so might as well share those stories as well. =D NOTE: Please don't mention the names of the places where you either work or the names of the places in which you encountered said stupid people. Customers: ~Once I had a customer ask me where our fitting rooms were, which isn't an odd question really, but when she asked me we were standing directly in front of them. >.< ~One time we had a customer come in to return a watch she had purchased only two weeks ago and said it just stopped working. So I asked her if she had already tried changing the battery? To which she replied, "I didn't know watches had batteries." #-o ~Then there's one thing that happens all too often. Customers arguing with us about what merchandise our store has carried. For instance, a woman came in and asked me where our shoes were. So, I replied, "I'm sorry, but we don't carry shoes at this location." Then she proceeded to argue with me that we had shoes the last time she was at our store. I've been working at my store for 3 & 1/2 years and it has only been open for 4 years. I think I know what our store has and hasn't carried, but I spent about 5 minutes with this person trying to explain to them that we never had shoes. =/ I have many more customer stories, but I'll save them for later to see if this topic actually gets going or not. Workers: ~This happened to me once when I was at a fast food burger place. I was placing my order and said I wanted a blank burger with cheese, but then the register person then asks me if I want cheese with that. No... I just said with cheese because I really didn't want cheese with it. ~Once I was at a store and I was purchasing an arm full of stuff. So after they rang me up and I paid they asked me if I wanted the items in a bag (note: this wasn't a store where you could just do it yourself). Did they really need to ask that question? Plus, I'm sure if they didn't bag the stuff security would have stopped me and had their time wasted just because some cashier person didn't want to bag stuff.
  18. I had had my wisdom teeth taken out right after Christmas (I forget what year that was). But I had no pain after the surgery, the only kind of freaky part was when I started to wake up in the middle of it. XD I just remember seeing the doctor with stuff in my mouth and then saying "Oh, you're waking up, we should fix that." If I could have laughed I probably would have. Anyways, the first two days after the surgery I just ate soft foods, then by the third I was eating like normal. Although, when the stitches started to come out it was hard not to play with them 24/7 with my tongue, cause they were a bit of a nuisance. So really for me getting my wisdom teeth out was no big deal, and if yours are already causing you pain, then getting them out will probably be more of a relief than anything else.
  19. Well, I guess since everyone's doing it I'll jump on the bandwagon. =D This is all I could find for now, I'll have to find more later.
  20. Oh joy, a religious topic, now this always gets fun. Like the at my last family function where my pop-pop (Christian) and uncle (atheist), both of whom get closed minded on the subject, got into a religious debate and my brother and I had to play mediators. But anyways... I feel that there isn't a single correct religion, nor do I feel there is a wrong religion. Do I believe there's a god? Yes, I personally feel that there is some sort of god or gods. Do I think that they care if you believe in them, no. I see god as more of the start of things and doesn't really act beyond that. Kind of like when you start a computer program to process data or something. You start the program, let the computer do it's thing, then when it's done you analyze the data. So, I basically feel that this god creates our soul, sends us on our way, and once we finish our time here we then return to god and are analyzed on what we have done in our time here. After that, we either continue the pattern, move on to a greater plane of existence or even cease to exist all together. Who's to know for sure? What would the fun be if we did know? So then you might ask, what is the purpose of prayer to some god then if they don't interact with you? I think that through prayer (whatever form) you don't necessarily get any kind of assistance from god, but rather use the energies that exist inside you to influence things. For instance, if you were to pray for someone who was sick and in the hospital. Who knows if your praying for them actually did anything to help their situation? In a case like that it's probably 99.9% that it was the doctors that helped them. There are always those strange cases that make you wonder sometimes though. Yet, in smaller things like praying for a persons luck to be good because they've been going through some hard times and then finding out that after you prayed for them their luck seemed to turn around. I feel that there's a good chance that you some how influenced that, or it could still be just chance. For those atheists out there that don't partake in any kind of ritualized pray, my answer to that is simple. I'm sure if you hear that a loved one has been going through a bit of bad luck, I'm to assume that you wish that things could go better for them and just through the thought of wishing things could be better for them you have done just the same as someone who would perform a ritualized prayer for that person. I feel that each person does the same thing, just in a fashion that suits them best. On the matter of our purpose and what is this god's purpose for us, perhaps we have no purpose but rather we shape our own purpose through our own personalities and through what happens to us through out our life. edit after seeing above post: As far as places where you really don't have any kind of free will to create your own purpose because someone has chosen your purpose for you. In this case those in power have made it their purpose to decide what the purpose of others will be. To rid them of their free will. So then their purpose is to have the purpose they are given. Then this is where I shall go back to the whole god analyzing what we have done here thing. The actions of the people who had given others their purpose may come back to this existence as someone who may now have to live in a life where their purpose is given to them and the person who was given their purpose may come back and live a life where they can choose their own purpose. Or they simply had no purpose but to be given a purpose, then die, the end. Wow, this came out a little longer than I thought it would, but if anyone has any questions or comments on this I'll try to get back as soon as possible. Which probably won't be till Monday since I have work in the morning and my work Christmas party to go to afterwards.
  21. I personally don't like the idea of medication for depression, and too many doctors instantly go to using medication over other forms of treatment. I mean in some cases it does make a difference, but not always. I had a friend who was on depression medication and they always increased her dosage and every time they did that she just kept getting more and more messed up from it. When I was going to a psychologist for my depression, she asked me if I wanted to try anti-depressants I declined them. No way was I going to end up the way my friend had. I felt facing my depression head on was the best method, but all to often people don't do that, they just try to hide it or make it magically go away. Yet it doesn't work like that, it will always be there, people need to learn ways of dealing with it. Having depression and understanding how depression makes you feel like you're totally worthless and everyone would be better off if you were dead. I just don't understand how people like this think killing someone will do anything? Why cause such senseless pain to others that you don't even know (in this case)? My solution to this (totally not serious) give everyone guns, so that way the next time some idiot pulls out a gun, someone can shoot them down before they get to do anything stupid.
  22. Lets see... I hate centipedes people who complain 24/7 (my boss) stupid customers (I could go on for hours about them) professors that make insanely long finals because they believe that their final is the only final you have to take professors that lose your papers/tests professors that mislead you people that complain about smokers people that ID you for cigarettes when you're 22 (and a regular) yet didn't ID the person in front of you who probably just turned 18 slow walkers/drivers sexist pigs people who say "It must be so nice to be your size" (No it isn't!) Not being able to find a nice business suit in my size I think the list could be longer, but nothing else is coming to mind right now.
  23. I got killed by a mob of green =( and I killed more green than anything else bc/ I kept getting accused of switching. :? More like I got killed by switchers. My suggestion for next time this is done, perhaps it should be done on multiple servers, cause I know a lot of people couldn't even make it to the event who wanted to, and I know it took me a while just to get on.
  24. Totally not cool, the world is already full. =( Is there any other world this is taking place on?
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