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Posts posted by PolarBearBlue

  1. About ten chickens and counting just fell out of the sky in edgeville, about 5-10 seconds between them.


    Something change in clan citadels or is my bonfire smoking them out of the heavens?


    You're kidding, right. Please tell me you are?


    Not kidding. They are getting less frequent now but still falling...


    So now we get free food for lighting fires?

  2. About ten chickens and counting just fell out of the sky in edgeville, about 5-10 seconds between them.


    Something change in clan citadels or is my bonfire smoking them out of the heavens?


    You're kidding, right. Please tell me you are?

  3. This looks like a really good update, and I'm glad they made the validation rewards available to F2P. Can we have the title as well, or is that members only?

    Yes we can, surprisingly.


    Yeah. But um, like, is there a way to take it off. Not that it's not nice but I kinda wanna be the fake Polarbearblu. Can't have it telling everyone I'm real.


    And did anyone notice you get more exp for adding the log to the fire then lighting it separately?

  4. Guys. I'm F2P. Yet, when a fire spirit came out of my fire, I got charms used for summoning. WTF? I don't understand the logic in giving me these...


    Either an oversight or (by now unfortunately the more likely option) incentive for you to get membership...


    Must be the latter, because it only tacks up my P2P bank space... :mellow:

  5. Newupdatebondfire.png


    As you can see, I'm using willow. And yeah, light it once, it's AFK. Also, after a while you get an increase to health by some percentage.


    And here's the rewards you get. XP lamp and Validation cape the adds the title "The Real" in front of your name when you ask it to.


  6. Email validation incentives, really.


    Extra bankspaces!


    Please! But no serious. I like this update. It actual just happened. I was dungeoneering when i got the system update. I'm suppose to be paying attention in class but with there being a total of 8 students, eh... Gonna test this skill out now.

  7. Are you implying that the old runecrafting method was fine just the way it was?

    I'm saying the new method is too good exp for the effort compared to the majority of existing content in the game. In two days of semi-afk rc the skill went from one of my lowest to one of my highest. To clarify, it's not the exp rate that's the biggest problem, it's reasonable that rc is closer to other skills. But for the best rates you should at least have to put an effort into it (runespan has zero requirements! at least abyss, zmi, etc take some preparing, utilising other skills, etc. to do efficiently)


    They did have some actually good ideas earlier to make rc less tedious like ess carrying familiars and extra teleports, but those were never really all that effective. As an example I think pouch-crafting would be more popular if you didn't have to manually fill and empty them all the time, and they were more of an inventory extension for essence only (think how bags in WoW work).


    The skill is still relatively new, so I'm not surprised about the exp rates or the amount of effort you have to put into it. Mostly because it will take Jagex some time to realize the exp rate are too good and that this skill is too AFKable. But maybe this is what Jagex wants. But I think we still have to wait for the next update before we really say, "Oh Jagex, you kinda [bleep]ed this skill up]".

  8. I understand the "ruining the game" argument for some, but if you want to play the old way, go for it, it doesn't have to change how 'you' (not you personally, just a general comment) play the game.

    You could use that argument to justify every bad change to the game ever, including things like Squeal of Fortune. Just saying'.


    If this was a single player game you might have a point. In a MMO you can't ignore the interactions players have with each other. 'don't change how you play the game' like you said, and you'll fall quickly behind everyone else and spend twice as long to achieve the same things. Where's the fun in that?


    (note: a lot of updates that make the game easier are /fine/, nobody wants useless new content, right? Arguably in several cases they went way overboard though *cough* 2x faster afkable rc *cough*. But I don't think that's a debate for this topic)


    Are you implying that the old runecrafting method was fine just the way it was? Also, no one likes SoF because you can buy spins and Jagex changed their RWT rules to keep it legit. If spins weren't able to be bought SoF would be less of a problem to many players. His comment is valid. It really does change how you play if you decided to ignore it. It changes how the game can be played.

  9. First article: Meh. I can certainly relate to missing or being nostalgic of what once was. It's okay to look back. However dwelling on what you wish was still here accomplishes little. Plus, nobody is stopping anybody from traditional runecrafting. The fact that as a training method it is no longer the fastest, thank <insert deity> and obsolete in terms of xp rate doesn't mean people should or will just stop doing it. I'm still gonna craft the 15k pure ess in my bank into deaths through the abyss. Guthan's is obsolete as a regeneration technique on slayer assignments but I still use it on every task where I'm not using a protection prayer and need to heal. Things change but what existed before never just dissapears - kind of against thermodynamic law if you'll let me make a philosophical stretch. Things will continue to exist in an evolved or changed state, that's all.



    Second article: Almost fully agreed. I love that you point out that the behavior and psychology of each individual in the community affects the whole and vice versa. I've been waiting for someone to point out that the behavior of a population (for the record I consider the folks working at Jagex a part of the community as well) cannot be faulted to a single individual or even a large group of them. What exists is a result of the dynamic that exists between and around all parts of any given frame of reference. We can rag on Jagex as hard as we want and blame them for everything but the fact is that our behavior affects theirs as well and perhaps more powerfully than most of us would accept.


    You took the words right out of my mouth. Another example for the first article. The home teleport makes it easy to get around Runescape, uses no runes, and is available to everyone. However, you wouldn't use a home teleport in the wild, and some places do not have a lodgestone. Plus the old teleports with runes still give you exp. I still people in Falador teleporting to Falador this way to raise their lvl. And yes, you get a lot of runes from monsters as drops, but I wager that even with Runespan you still get your runes the hard way if you do not buy them, by going to an alter. If anything, players can lvl up faster and make more runes now with Runespan and will still runecraft the old way.


    The second article was on point!

  10. So, at what lvl cooking do you usually stop burning swordfish? Or at what lvl do you usually burn a few like maybe 5? I'm at 69 cooking and I usually burn 1 lobster in a full inventory. So I wondering if such was possible before 99 cooking for swordfish.

  11. The days of yelling "Selling Steel longswords!" in Lumby are over. We gettin' old. The game crashed on yesterday and my roommate said "Maybe it's a sign that you should let it go." Maybe it is roommate, maybe it is...

    It is nice to go back and be nostalgic about how things were (Saradomin knows I go back and read how things were in my own blog from time to time) but things change and progress, it's the natural order. Personally, I certainly don't miss trying to hawk my wares in the Lumby courtyard. :P


    You just came back. Give it a chance before you give up on it again. :)


    I will. But if another lvl 61 calls me a nasty name because they lost a FOG again... :evil:

  12. Cast gatestone huh... :-k


    In any event, congrats on the lvls. RC has gotteen really AFK-able. But sometimes I forget and end up getting logged out. But yeah, I'd stay RCing now too. I feel the nerf coming in the winds...


    Yea! I was just training some more Runecrafting!


    I just read through my entire blog... and.. well... It has been a good couple of years :)


    so.. much... nostalgia...

    I guess Runescape has been good to me. Not to the point of addiction where I need to play, and also not to the point where I loath trying to play.

    I've had plenty of 2-3 month long breaks, but overall, I think that has helped my love for the game.

    I don't usually play too much at any given time, and I always try to do something I either enjoy or something that I'm working towards as a goal.


    Oh, all the good times I've had.


    Sorry about that little rant/sob story/flashback/whatever that really was...


    So yea, for Runescape now, I've been training Runecrafting some more. Thanks for the advice guys!

    I'm not sure how long I'll stay. At least until level 70 Runecrafting, but maybe if everything is going well, I'll go ahead and stay til level 75. :)

    We shall see.





    Please Post!!!!!


    The days of yelling "Selling Steel longswords!" in Lumby are over. We gettin' old. The game crashed on yesterday and my roommate said "Maybe it's a sign that you should let it go." Maybe it is roommate, maybe it is...

  13. I'm gonna sound like an idiot when I post this. But can you guys explain how you are able to tell what your FPS is?

    "displayfps" into developers console

    open the developer console with the ~ key and enter displayfps, like ambler said.

    QFT. ;)


    I'm normally 30fps, will be interesting too see how much of an improvement this gives :-k


    My game is actually running smoother. I get anywhere between 27 - 37. Mostly in the the 35 range. And it keeps going up. :thumbsup:\:D/

  14. Congrats! :thumbsup: Runespan is definitely the way to train RC now.


    Thanks! It's actually fun to get a new way to train!


    I agree. Runespan has updated a skill that was in dire need of it. I sat at 39 runecrafting for 4ish years before really considering training it to play GoP. Then Runespan came and I hit 50 in the first hour I was playing. And it's semi-AFK character makes it easy for me, since college demands some attention from me too.


    One last question thou, do you suggest training magic in Daemonheim since it's a self contained..."world" that actually allows you to craft chaos runes? Or should you just just cough up the money to train. I'm sitting at 52 magic and I'm trying to get people's opinion.


    I entirely understand where you are coming from! :grin:

    Honestly, I trained a lot just by playing Fist of Guthix games. When I was much lower Magic level, I would kill a bunch of Lesser Demons for melee exp and then use the Death, Chaos, and Fire runes I got from them to train. I'd just use an air staff then. Mymost recent levels have come from High Alching certain things that I can make a very small profit on. (Think less than 10 gp haha) Also I've done a lot of Superheating for my Smithing levels, so Magic went up some with that.


    Well I did good last night! And into today! And hopefully continuing on tonight as well!


    Level 58 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!

    no pic...


    Level 59 Runecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!

    no pic...


    Level 60 Rnecrafting!!!!! W00t!!!!!




    I think I'll stay until at least level 65 Runecrafting.

    If not, then it's back to Dungeoneering I guess!





    Please Post!!!!!

    FOG... I love and hate it. I love it for the fun and rewards and I'm not too bad at it, but I hate it because those damn super ranger and mage kick my ass. Plus it's sooo hard to get tokens even when you win. Oh well, since I need 650 for the d'hide coif, rune bshield, and swordfish gloves this would be the perfect time to do mage before going back to combat...


    Good job on the 60 RC. I made 60 too, but now it starting to become a little grind. Keep it up dude.

  15. I failed the first time, because I really did a poor job of keeping stuff organized. So I got mad and started a new one. Got a taste of members and was like "Holy sh*t". But I could not deal with getting to lvl 69 fishing again, or any of my past lvls. So I tried to get my account back and got it. The hackers cleaned me out. But it's okay. With the stock marke-- er, GE they way it is, I can make gp. By the way, I love you siggy. And I used to follow your blog before college took over.

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