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  1. Wow... For one day, the combat triangle was slightly more balanced in pvp with respect to magic, at least for those with high herblore (not me). Now, its back to mage=fail for almost everything (unfortunately) :( And the answer to fixing mage pvm is better armour and more mageable creatures, not a damage booster. Seriously, I'm nowhere near the requirements to make the potions, but those who do have them should be able to use them everywhere. (Similar to what someone else posted, see what happens if you don't let people use the overpowered weapons that they saved up for).
  2. I'm no expert on pures in general, but at least for defence pures, wouldn't summoning be great against a target? A level 32 with 70 def and barrows, and a high summoning level could get summon a familiar after he gets his target (since at at that point combat level doesn't matter), and let his opponent bash away at his high def, while the familiar and poison does the damage for the defense pure. Of course, how a defense pure would get charms to train summoning at a reasonable speed is beyond me.
  3. Been watching this thread for a while, but never got around to posting. A great guide, Warrior =D> . Has anyone tried this with Morrigan's thrownaxe? I'm not sure how fast it is, and am too lazy (and broke) to try it with them. If so, it would be devastating. Max 30+54(?)+29=113. Again, a great and insightful guide. I tried this method a little while ago (not with morrigans axe), and had a hard time with the timing. It looks like when you get that down though, it works wonders.
  4. I've had problems like this occasionally, and they tend to fix themselves eventually (at least for me). Have you tried IE, or the RS client available on their website? I've found that the client often works when Firefox doesn't. Sorry I couldn't help more, but hopefully the client will at least work as a temporary measure.
  5. I like the idea, but like david said, the rent is very low. i think allowing up to even 10 times that much would be reasonable. rwt wouldnt be an issue, because to rwt 13k an hour with a Santa, which is still lower than the trade cap, the buyer would have to already have one, so he couldnt buy enough money to make it worth his time (if he already has 12 mil, what good is another 3k) personally,there are some items that i dont have the cash to buy, but i would be willing to pay gp to rent them :thumbsup:
  6. Im having the same problem, only with my inv. instead of my bank. Dunno if the same thing causes it (happened when hd released) but its kinda odd.
  7. Ive gotten close to killing some (only 10 lvls lower than me : ) when i was f2p, but they tellied. i think you need to be above lvl 50 wildy or something to keep that from happening. So like green said, you probably need to pile them to kill them
  8. i got attacked by a vampire (i think) lvl 68. was just wearing hard leather and fire staff. its attack failed, and i hit 14 with fire blast, so thought they were ove . then it hit 21-21-8 on me. the attacks also froze me. needless to say, i died. really, what 68 pker could hit 21s consistantly (at least thats how it was for me), and freeze you at the same time? maybe they just halved the real combat lvl... no way to beat these things solo on f2p. :-s maybe they figure for members at least that summoning will help kill them
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