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Posts posted by z0diark

  1. well my curret set up is




    drag med


    obby cape




    dharok body


    dharok legs obby shield/rune def




    black vambs


    rune boots




    i have 1.3m cash. so would the boots be a wise investment?




    If you do alot of combat then the boots will be worthwhile. I also highly recommend getting a berzerker helm or a helm of neitznot if you've done the quest. The gloves you get from recipe for disaster are also definitely worth getting as they will give far better bonuses than black vambs/regen brace.

  2. For fast slayer exp kill dagannoth under the lighthouse, if you want charms then kill the ones in the chaos tunnels and yes the drops will more than pay for the p pots.




    In terms of row vs zerker, I use zerker for all tasks except abby demons and mages (though I often use zerker vs demons because I'm lucky there). I used to always use a row but changing to a zerker it made no apparent difference in terms of drops but I finished my tasks more quickly.




    Personally, I would get a torso + zerker ring and sell the bandos plate for +8 str bonus and 10m more cash rather than just +4 str.




    Off-topic, does anyone know how effective chins/bursting is at the ct daganoths?


    How is Lighthouse Dagannoths fast slayer exp when other slayers hit your kills and that can lead to slayer exp being divided..?




    NO. CT Dagannoths are rangers, and i am pretty sure they have very high range def. If they don't then i am shocked.




    At the lighthouse you can use a cannon which means that you can do your tasks in half the time that you could do them at the chaos tunnels.

  3. Bandos godsword is definitely not worth it unless you are regularly monsterhunting at GWD. It will give much slower experience than the sara sword and the only useful thing about it is it's special attack. The special attack is only really useful when monsterhunting so I advise against buying one.

  4. For fast slayer exp kill dagannoth under the lighthouse, if you want charms then kill the ones in the chaos tunnels and yes the drops will more than pay for the p pots.




    In terms of row vs zerker, I use zerker for all tasks except abby demons and mages (though I often use zerker vs demons because I'm lucky there). I used to always use a row but changing to a zerker it made no apparent difference in terms of drops but I finished my tasks more quickly.




    Personally, I would get a torso + zerker ring and sell the bandos plate for +8 str bonus and 10m more cash rather than just +4 str.




    Off-topic, does anyone know how effective chins/bursting is at the ct daganoths?


    Is there another PRACTICAL way to do it I guess is my question... lol I'm going to assume that the answer is no, cause it seems like Jagex has finally put their foot down on all the cheating.. at the expense of honest people like me. -_- lol




    Can someone please comment on the Bounty worlds and pvp worlds (even if you are too new to RS to have known how the old wild was like)? Have they destroyed PKing? Do people still PK? Can you still make money PKing (Im going to guess that you can on members but not on f2p??)




    There isn't really a practical way. However, as you play the game you will accumulate junk anyway so after a month or so just sell your friend all of this junk, this is unlikely to be equal to the value of a verac's set but will at least help a little.




    Pking is still happening, if you go to a pvp or bh world then you will still find people pking (more than before they removed old-style pking since there are less worlds to do it in). You can make money both on f2p and p2p, just remember that killing someone with great gear on will not result in a great drop for you.




    Welcome back to rs, I hope you enjoy some of the changes they've made since you left :)


    Getting/repairing the leg's time takes very little effort really, so I really, really wonder if that double xp (+ fighter torse/neitiznot bonus) isn't worth it.. On top of that my most favourite way to spent my time in rs is actually playing SC/bA (and to a lesser extend CW)..




    I'm wondering though, do you actually like the skilling part of runescape? Impressive!


    Minigames are fun :D Problem with SC gear is that it effectively halves your slayer exp/hr. And slayer exp is important :)



    I disagree. It took me around 5 hours to get my fighter torso from BA (I had a team that knew what they were doing). It takes roughly a +7 str bonus to increase your max hit by 1 so a +4 str bonus gives an increase of 4/7 to your max hit and therefore a 16/7 increase in your exp per hit. I mainly train with an abyssal whip which hits roughly once every 2.5 seconds = 24 times per minute. When I got my fighter torso I was getting cb exp at a rate of about 40k/hr so the 5 hours I spent doing BA cost me 200k cb exp. 200000exp/(16/7exp increase per hit) = 87500 hits. I said earlier the whip hits 24 times per minute, 87500hits/24hits per min = 3645 mins = 60 hours. I can guarantee that I've already spent more time than that wearing my torso, either for slayer or for when I engage in some kind of PVP event where my own defence bonus doesn't matter too much


    This is incorrect. You assume each hit adds 4/7 of a hit. As for the last part, defense ALWAYS matters, especially if you're not using a Bunyip. Bunyips are overrated in Slayer.


    I'm not entirely sure what you mean, I'm saying if your max hit was previously 20 it is now 20 and 4/7 (20.57). I did however assume that you did not hit a single 0 (forgot to mention it at the end) but when slaying I tend to not hit many zeros anyway, I see what you're saying though. As for bunyips being overrated, I entirely disagree, I now no longer need to take any food to my task and when combined with my enhanced excalibur I don't need to use my guthan either.

  8. Secondly, don't listen to the people who say the torso is a waste, it is a pain to get but in my opinion it's well worth it. Even now at 125 cb I use my torso for slayer and I probably will for a great deal longer. Yes, the defensive bonuses are poor but if you're assigned monsters that don't hurt you too much or you have the enhanced excallibur/bunyip then it really does speed things up. I'm not saying you should use the torso in all cases, there are some times when barrows armour is preferred (just by the chest and legs of the cheapest set at the time), but it's up to you to recognise when you don't need the extra defence bonus and when it's time to equip that torso.


    Your opinion is mathematically incorrect. The miniscule increase in damage provided by +4 strength will never make up for the time it takes to get the torso. When you play Barbarian Assault, you get no profit and no experience. In the hours it takes to earn a torso, think how much experience you could have gotten if you'd stuck to training your melee instead. Then think how long it would take for the extra strength of a torso to add that much extra experience. See the picture?




    There might be something to it if the torso was actually the best equipment available. But it's inferior to barrows in any situation where defense matters, and it's inferior to proselyte in any situation where defense doesn't matter. Even in a hypothetical situation where it is the best option, the difference in damage provided by +4 strength is relatively small--hardly worth the time it takes to obtain the torso. On top of that, the Bandos plate is better in every category anyway, so eventually once you get enough money you'll just throw your torso away.




    I disagree. It took me around 5 hours to get my fighter torso from BA (I had a team that knew what they were doing). It takes roughly a +7 str bonus to increase your max hit by 1 so a +4 str bonus gives an increase of 4/7 to your max hit and therefore a 16/7 increase in your exp per hit. I mainly train with an abyssal whip which hits roughly once every 2.5 seconds = 24 times per minute. When I got my fighter torso I was getting cb exp at a rate of about 40k/hr so the 5 hours I spent doing BA cost me 200k cb exp. 200000exp/(16/7exp increase per hit) = 87500 hits. I said earlier the whip hits 24 times per minute, 87500hits/24hits per min = 3645 mins = 60 hours. I can guarantee that I've already spent more time than that wearing my torso, either for slayer or for when I engage in some kind of PVP event where my own defence bonus doesn't matter too much.




    Aside from this, BA really isn't that hard and it at least makes you appreciate the time you're not playing it :P As for the 'upgrade' to the Bandos plate, I personally don't see myself buying one as I get all of the defence bonus I need from my torso or if I needed more then I'd just use my dh plate instead.




    Hope this has persuaded the topic creator to go and get a torso btw :P

  9. First of all, get full void with both the melee and range helms (mage too if you like). Void range is very often the best ranging gear for training and I class it as almost essential. Secondly, don't listen to the people who say the torso is a waste, it is a pain to get but in my opinion it's well worth it. Even now at 125 cb I use my torso for slayer and I probably will for a great deal longer. Yes, the defensive bonuses are poor but if you're assigned monsters that don't hurt you too much or you have the enhanced excallibur/bunyip then it really does speed things up. I'm not saying you should use the torso in all cases, there are some times when barrows armour is preferred (just by the chest and legs of the cheapest set at the time), but it's up to you to recognise when you don't need the extra defence bonus and when it's time to equip that torso.

  10. NEVER use a DFS on a non-dragon slayer monster, rune defender is the best thing you can use.


    Rune defender repeatedly beats the crap out of DFS for 90% of situations.




    Tbh if he's only got about 75 defence but really high attack then DFS will be better in some situations. I agree that on most tasks rune defender is the proness <3:

  11. I think/believe its like barrows armour/weapons they only degrade in combat. But don't quote me on that.


    Perty sure its only for non-corrupt versions.


    Correct, corrupt degrade constantly while equipped, non-corrupt only degrade in combat.




    You say corrupt degrade when 'equipped'. I take it that means when you are wielding it rather than having it in your inventory? If I had a corrupt vesta's longsword in my inventory and was using it for special attacks only, would it last me longer than 15 minutes?


    Corrupt doesn't have specials.


    You can, however use it for KO hits.




    Corrupt items don't start degrading when wielded immediately, it takes about 20-30 seconds before it does, to prevent accidental equips. With this in mind, you can (theoretically) make a Corrupted Zuriel's staff last forever.


    Do the non-corrupt versions also take about 20 seconds before they degrade or do they start to degrade as soon as they are equipped?

  12. I think/believe its like barrows armour/weapons they only degrade in combat. But don't quote me on that.


    Perty sure its only for non-corrupt versions.


    Correct, corrupt degrade constantly while equipped, non-corrupt only degrade in combat.




    You say corrupt degrade when 'equipped'. I take it that means when you are wielding it rather than having it in your inventory? If I had a corrupt vesta's longsword in my inventory and was using it for special attacks only, would it last me longer than 15 minutes?

  13. Use a games necklace to burthorpe games room. Head northwest and go through the guy's house with a stile in the back garden. Walk north along the edge of the cliff climbing over the rocks and then go east. Pass Dad the large troll and exit this arena via the exit to the north. Head northwest and head through the cave and then follow the path around the mountain in a semicircle (pray range when the thrower trolls attack you). Then head northwest through the area with alot of trolls in and you're there. Might be better to get a friend to lead you there as my instructions might be hard to follow if you don't know the way.

  14. Basically, how does the degrading process work? Does it only degrade when you have it equipped, or when it's in your inventory, or is it just a set time from when you first equip it? Also, is the degrading process the same for both the corrupt and non-corrupt versions, if not, what is the difference?




    Thanks :D

  15. [hide=]

    If a 95+ slayer monster was introduced, where is the rationality behind that?




    First of all, I am not asking specifically for 95+. Anything above Abyssal Demons would suffice. I'm not asking for much - just trying to compromise. :)




    An update that only 7000 players can take part in does not make good sense.




    So then it makes no sense to make the Summoning Skill cape until a large amount of people reach 99? What about construction? Jagex should always have something for players to look forward to. That is the most rational "business" solution.




    If however an update was for a whole new set of caves ranging from level 1-99 slayer creatures, then that would be awesome, rational and fair.




    Even though there are already monsters 1-90, and nothing that is 91-99... it is more rational to distribute them evenly?




    Btw 86 slayer is somewhat enormous in the whole context of slaying. As a level 80 slayer, I still dream of the day I get an abby task.




    Ehh, my goal was 99, but I quit RS. In the grand scheme of things, 4/13 isn't that much.




    Some may say But 95+ slayer took a long time and effort to get it, so ought to be rewarded, and again I say Yes indeed, but do not forget all those below you who also would like some new meat to chew on




    Yes, they should get new meat if there is enough to go around, but the others haven't even got their first servings yet.




    I think your focusing to much on the levels.




    The only incentive a high level monster gives is the incentive to kill something exclusive.




    Players who really enjoy the slayer skill do not need an incentive to train slayer, as they already enjoy the skill. Because they enjoy it, they dont need anything (1-99) to keep them going. That being said, someone who trains slayer not for levels, but for enjoyment, would be happy for any level slayer creature, as it gives them some variety on their road to 99.




    I'm not saying there should not be a high level slayer monster. I'm saying you should be respectful for Jagex's choice in their order to bring out slayer monsters. They have said before there is alot going on behind the scenes we cant see, so their reasoning for some things is not always clear.




    But in the mean time, I encourage you to enjoy this slayer creature as it is something you can kill and enjoy. Its not about the level, its about finally getting something new to kill hundreds of times on your way to 99.



    Very well said, I agree 100%.

  16. As far as I can see, the only reason people want a 90+ slayer update is in the hope that it will drop a valuable item and they'll be able to make alot of profit from it. If a level 95 slayer monster was introduced that was less profitable than, say, nechryael there would be uproar




    This is not the reason why. I don't even play RS anymore and I don't have high slayer, so the drop is irrelevant to me but yet I'm arguing that slayer needs higher leveled requirements. What I'm arguing for comes out of rationality and fairness, not greed.




    Why does it matter what slayer requirement is needed to kill the creature? If the loot doesn't matter what is the difference?




    Don't get me wrong, I look forward to the day when new high (85+) level slayer monsters are introduced, but jagex will want to produce a worthy reward for killing these monsters, which will probably be a combat-related weapon of some variety. If they release that sort of thing too quickly then the current best weapons may suddenly seem useless in comparison, which will damage the game's mechanics and the economy.




    Until such monsters are released, just be happy that more mid-level slayer monsters are being released to add a bit of variety to your training.

  17. Personally, I don't really see the problem. Why does the slayer requirement of a new monster detract from the value of the update? As a fairly high level slayer (86 or 87 I'm not sure) I welcome the variety of the different tasks assigned me when slaying. Yes, abyssal demons and spiritual mages are decent profit when slaying but does that make them my favourite tasks? No. My favourite tasks are black demons, because they give me good range experience at a decent rate, arberent spectres because the drops pay the fees for my cannon and dust devils because they give very fast experience whilst providing me with decent profit. None of these tasks require a high slayer level. The only difference between a slayer monster with a level 95 slayer req and a level 78 slayer req is that the one with the lower slayer requirement is more likely to be crowded. This is easily solved by having lots of this new monster available in this cavern.




    As far as I can see, the only reason people want a 90+ slayer update is in the hope that it will drop a valuable item and they'll be able to make alot of profit from it. If a level 95 slayer monster was introduced that was less profitable than, say, nechryael there would be uproar.




    At the end of the day, remember runescape is only a game and the slayer skill is only part of that game. If you want to make millions then go to the GWD, runecraft or join a merching clan. Slayer is not about making big money, it's about a fun, fairly profitable way to train combat.

  18. I have a very good topic for an article, and would very much love to write it or suggest it to the writers, however, it would get so many 'thats not how it works!' I am of course talking about ip in cw.



    Write it anyway Dan, at least it'd be something new to the Times. Might be best to write it anonymously though so the tech people don't get angry with you :P

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