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Posts posted by z0diark

  1. Welcome to runescape and to tipit :)


    I'd suggest getting around level 60 in all f2p skills (though I'd say 44 runecrafting and 43 prayer) and completing all f2p quests before becoming a member. This will allow you to get a good grasp of the game as well as making the most of your time as a non-member. That's what I did and I'm very glad I waited before becoming a member as P2P isn't a fantastic place for low levels. Having these goals before becoming a member will also drive you to train all your skills and give you an extra reason to train hard as the reward at the end is definitely something to look forward to.

  2. If it were me, I'd wait three or four days, the price has fallen a little today but it will rise up towards and possibly past 42m fairly soon. Basically, I'd wait for the upper limit of claws to be at or around 42m and then put them in the ge for between 41.5-42m and wait for someone to buy them.

  3. Personally, I thought it would have made some people a little overpowered in PVP but I wouldn't mind that. The problem for me was when Jagex released an update that caused alot of people to spend millions on training a skill that theu have little other use for and then a few days later they remove this update. I can live with most updates tbh, I just don't like when Jagex start changing their minds and removing updates.

  4. Often. Unless im training or boss killing (which is rare tbh) I'm normally on a bh world whether alone or with my clan :)


    To those people saying they dont try it because they're not very good at it, I used to think the same, but it really doesn't take long to learn what to do and make some decent money. Just find a multi-pking clan and give it a go for a month or so :)

  5. It's funny how you all complain yet he didn't force you to click the link. :thumbdown:


    I didn't complain, I just gave my opinion. He posted the link on the thread for a reason, if he wasn't ready for feedback then linking it was a bad idea. In general people don't appreciate rushing vids and so he didn't get any positive feedback, but it's just a game, I'm sure he'll survive the lack of appreciation.

  6. Anything productive to say? If not then why reply at all.



    I agree with Toast. Here's a productive thing to say: quit rushing.


    Although I agree with you, saying that sort of thing is unlikely to make him stop. After watching the video I'd say you definitely shouldn't vid rushing, it really isn't particularly interesting and will likely annoy people that pk 'properly' (i.e. not just runing in and disrupting other fights etc). In terms of the 'honour pking' it really isnt honour if you're taking tele runes with you imo, I know you claim they're for teleing from mages but you really shouldnt take them full stop. About the level of actual pking, there are a fair few points where you ate when you didnt need to and would probably have done better had you not done so but overall it was fairly ok. I'd rate it 5/10 if I ignored the rushing/law runes in your invent, good luck in the future.

  7. [hide]

    apparently it wasnt :D out of nowhere i get this like 5-10 second lag.


    Anyway i think this is #4 ;D


    Nice ownin mate


    inorite :D


    i could almost make a full length pvp vid of me dropping claws :D[/hide]

    Funny thing is that your video of me downing you for dclaws has more views than your 4th pk video.


    Anyways, you should really avoid pvp. First time you lost dclaws(to me) you got raped, good game, but the others were just plain stupid.





    Meh bruno only speaks the truth. xD. n00b is just so pro at looosing claws its amazing. :)


    Perhaps n00b dies alot but bruno was being rude nonetheless. Until bruno actually starts pking rather than rushing level 110s whilst praying protect from melee constantly I don't think he should really be criticising anybody else's pking skills...

  8. apparently it wasnt :D out of nowhere i get this like 5-10 second lag.


    Anyway i think this is #4 ;D


    Nice ownin mate


    inorite :D


    i could almost make a full length pvp vid of me dropping claws :D

    Funny thing is that your video of me downing you for dclaws has more views than your 4th pk video.


    Anyways, you should really avoid pvp. First time you lost dclaws(to me) you got raped, good game, but the others were just plain stupid.



  9. Saw this pic linked in irc (from a top 100 player I won't name). Apparently he got it from a friend and I'm guessing it's related to the update Jagex promised about showing your total gameplay hours etc. What do you guys think, fake or legit?

    We could just ask were he got it.


    Is the player in the pic your friend, or is it of someone you don't know?



    Someone I know rather than a friend as such. When I asked where he got he simply said "friend" and I decided to not press him about it. As I said though he is a top 100 ranked player and doesn't seem the type to fake random stuff but who knows?


    With regard to the word 'interface' used in the title I believe it was a poor choice of wording, I don't think it would be an in-game feature, rather something you could access via logging in to the main website (like forums etc).


    Personally I do think that this is legitimate, it fits the style of the runescape website and I believe Jagex have promised us a feature telling us our total gameplay time and this looks like a good way of doing it, I agree with the person earlier who suggested that it looks as if Jagex are adding some kind of social networking element to runescape and I'm interested to see how it might turn out. I'm also wondering if the recent website login update is in some way connected to this potential new website feature, time will tell...

  10. 091024123919.png


    Saw this pic linked in irc (from a top 100 player I won't name). Apparently he got it from a friend and I'm guessing it's related to the update Jagex promised about showing your total gameplay hours etc. What do you guys think, fake or legit?


    OK, this feature has actually been found hidden away on the runescape website and it's members only, this link should work: http://services.runescape.com/m=adventurers-log/c=ydhgztBKe04/display_player_profile.ws


    Credit goes to tuggernongy for finding the actual url.


    162 hours play time personally :P

  11. 091024123919.png


    I dunno if this has already been posted on these forums but I haven't seen it.


    Where did you find that :huh: :huh: :huh:



    Searched all over rs page can't find it XD


    Was linked it over irc, who said it was from a friend. Sounds dubious I know but I reckon it's legit.








    Ask him where he got it from argghhhhh


    I think it's a leak rather than something from the actual site, could be a fake but I don't think so personally.

  12. I've spent a few evenings there now and it's not that great. The problem is, even if you're not using ancients, you spend a load of money on runes/food/pots etc and it's far more than you're likely to make back from a tourney where you pay 10k or something to enter. I reckon they should up the average price to enter to about 50k rather than 10k or whatever it is now.

  13. What is the best way to use them? I heard that the 350% bonus of the gilded altar and the 4x exp bonus of the gloves stacks if you use bones on your gilded altar in a PVP world, is this true? If so, where is the best place to bank to get more bones? If not, how should I use my brawlers? Also, how much experience can I get from a pair of prayer brawlers?




    Thanks in advance :)

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