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Everything posted by 999134

  1. around 15-30k, only zammy are really worth much.
  2. Does anyone know exactly how 2007scapes IP system for first hit staking/castle wars flags work. Also is the accuracy/max hit forumla different for 2007scape -.-, running my stakes through simulations saying like 90% win chance, then losing them all. (High att/def low str from me, vs low att/def high str from them).
  3. Just a suggestion - Spend that cash, cash is getting less and less valuable.
  4. just because you don't care about the competitive side of the game doesn't mean no one else does. Why even have highscores by your logic...
  5. It doesn't have to be enforced heavily to stop the worst of the problem, just making it technically bannable will put off a lot of people, and will stop the top highscore spots going to them.
  6. We currently have the horrific system of allowing trading between games, this has created a variety of problems. - All top buyables ranks are just people swapping phats for 07scape cash. - RWT is basicly unbannable now in both games, you can just claim you are swapping for otherscape GP and be fine. - It is just as bad for the game as RWTing is, noobs get the best gear via basicly cheating. I cannot see any positive sides to allowing cross game trading.
  7. I have a feeling that by the time I do the quests and stuff all of that stuff will crash... Might just keep to level 2 clueing at cockatrices. Sold a pair of iron boots 40k lol. Few tips: Pub in seers village sells stew for about 20gp, it heals like 14ish and is great cheap food. You can sell bear fur stolen at ardy for 120gp ea to guy in vaarrock
  8. Just wow XD level 2 clue. Would be guthix though >.>, would be worth like 300k+ if zammy. Turned out to be worth about 15-20k each. Got this for them, happy with the trade.
  9. A lot of people need to go over themselves (this coming from me...) It was fairly obvious that this is want Jagex wanted all along, as it is the most logical option that works out the best for everyone, less and the game would be stuck/be too unpopular to be really good, and more and you would have tons of bots everywhere from the f2p thing. A lot of people enjoy 2007scape and don't care that much about Jagex, I also love how a lot of the people trying to tell everyone they are not having fun and should play eocscape instead, are people who complained when people told them how to play to get the best xp/hr. I am not sure what people expected out of Jagex and this poll, should they have hidden the poll on a page you can only navigate to with a secret code given out only to the most hard core fans? It is amazing what people will complain about. Also the point of pures to pk people risking higher gear I think is not going to work as well anymore, people just won't fight people risking less these days.
  10. May I ask how you beat Dragon Slayer? Just with a rune scimmy and some addy armor, was very close. go to around 8 minutes, the staking bit is more a joke btw for anyone interested :P no one actually staking much yet.
  11. Little progress picture Got black gloves atm and beat dragon slayer/a lot of quests giving good exp. Can get mith gloves now I have 30 range :).
  12. Huh? Date: 2013-02-26 22:30:00 Live Users: 53,122 [50.19%] 2007 Users: 52,714 [49.81%] Interestingly the numbers favor 2007scape as it gets more into peak times, if that's not proof of significant bot numbers what else is.
  13. That is all very well, but I would say at LEAST 10k+ could be more bots are in EOCscape at any time.
  14. He bought it with EOC gp but still... impressive they exist
  15. How did you get the amulet? bought it from someone in varrock for 8k
  16. Don't you feel sorry for Diango by now? Cut him some slack in this alt universe :P I just had a brilliant image of Diango moaning about how times have changed, and in his day people didn't need to pay for extra stuff. I think a lottery type system would work best for rares... Might upset some people as they think they deserve them for being RSC players, but it is the fairest way to give them out.
  17. Just found out, you can vote up to 3 times by changing your language then voting again. Haven't myself because I cba but still.
  18. After trying to organize a clan to start making yew longbows and alch asap I gave up and started to cry XD. Everyone just wanted to be a rcer, or just leech by "helping in other ways like training my combat up for pvm later". I am sure it is possible to form a group that could work together to make bank from alching early on, but not a day before 07scapes release.
  19. Bah, you're on to my cunning MTA plan. :razz: While those two items are the obvious, once the economy picks up, it will be far more profitable to grind Infinity Boots (best Magic stats in the game) as an endgame item. On the flip side, I think Crafting will be huge, so an obvious is just grinding out 70 or 80 with Flax & Bowstrings. :wink: I think Muggi's point is a very important one, stick to one goal. BUT, make it a goal that counts. Flax and bowstrings was always a lower level method because it is slow, you are spending a lot of time picking flax which gives no exp, then getting slow exp from stringing. You also profit, but it is neither the best exp or the best profit, and so it would be more efficient to do the thing that brings the best profit, then do cow hides or something.
  20. Interesting minor update, RSOF is starting to have extra sections for the forum added.
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