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Everything posted by obidiah

  1. There is still a place to send billing only related queries in the customer support section of the website.
  2. Have to say I take the more relaxed methods mostly. and jump around between methods of levelling a fair bit to keep things interesting. I will often try to chose to make products with my production skills which could be useful to level other skills. I've certainly ranged a fair bit with my own smithed arrows over the years. Sitting their and calculating it all out before you start may be more efficient, it sounds duller though. After 7 years of play I have 1763 skill total (which is lower than most other people I know who have played since before members existed), but on the other hand at least I haven't got burnt out on level grind.
  3. I feel this review is misleading in that it should say that you are reviewing Runescape free to play version at the very top. Members and free are very different beasts. The members quests are a lot more fun and there is so much more to do in members that it feels far less grindy and much more indepth I'd say that the free version is much less than 30% of the game these days. Though I'm quite surprised you'd subject yourself to 12 hours of game play a week for 2 years if you only think it's gameplay is worth 3/10 and that you find so simple that you doubt any more money is worth spending on it. 12 hours for 2 years is 1248 hours - thats a lot more hours than you can get out of a lot of the single player shop bought games. I am also quite shocked think that if you think that platform is irrelevant. Have you seen the standards that other review sites go by? A hand held game can get pretty good reviews while having fairly poor graphics - because that is what is standard on those platforms. Maybe the language is written in isn't so relevant, but That Runescape can be played through a browser is very relevant to a lot of peoples game playing habits - you can simply log into the game and play it from anywhere with an internet connection without having to wait hours for a download. Browser based really is a different platform to ordinary PC in my opinion. I also think that there is a little inconsistency in your graphics ratings in that you acknowledge that Runescape is fairly old and that graphics are kept a bit more basic so that they can run on most PCs - but then give it a 3/10 anyway. Then in your review of Doom you say that's old, but the graphics are good for it's time and give it a 7/10. I'm sorry but I think Dooms graphics are way worse than Runescape graphics. I would also suggest that one month after you've finally got bored of a game that you have been playing for 2 years is probably a time when you're feeling most negative about a game and thus not necessarily the best time to be writing a neutral review.
  4. Or they could make a weaker weapon for going in your offhand which would be weaker than normal weapons but would still have some good offensive bonuses. I like that idea. I think they could be called defenders \
  5. I don't really feel it's that heavily pushed - we've had something like one news post every 2 months. Face it this is the 21st century and companies are going to advertise their products to try and get them to do as well as possible. Plenty of companies continue to advertise their products even though most the people they are advertising too have already heard of them. When I see a coco cola advert I don't think "why are they forcing coca cola onto me. I already know enough about coca cola to make my own decision on whether to drink it or not." I guess that I see so much advertising and subjected to more irritating inyourface advertising, that I'm desensitised to a milder form of it like a news post on a website. I can understand how some people might be anti- any sort of advertising. To be honest I take more issue with the fact that you call the funorb games childish. As an adult member on funorb I think that couldn't be further from the truth. The funorb member userbase is generally speaking a lot more adult, pleasant and mature than the Runescape one. Your little kiddys wouldn't stand a chance against the high strategy used in a members game of arcanists once you're playing at any decent sort of rating level.
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