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Everything posted by obidiah

  1. Most lifetime subscriptions actually mean the lifetime of the product.
  2. From what I've heard, Runescape is a game with more long term gameplay than many games. - thats part of the reason it's now the most succesful western market Mmog that was released before 2004 I can imagine in some of those games which offer lifetime subscriptions, their players wouldn't be that likely to stick around for 3 years, so the lifetime subsccription becomes a good deal for the company.
  3. Some people do seem to be taking a strangely aggressive stance on this thread. It's quite clear that F2P will get some updates from time to time so speculation on what they might be seems fairly reasonable. (I could get into the debate as to why this is - but I don't think this is the topic of this thread) As others have said there are holiday events coming up as the most likely answer.
  4. Yep it will carry on dropping till it hits street price - though I gather street price is dropping slightly in response to the exchange drop - so not sure where that will be exactly. I predict when it hits that level though it's going to bounce back up again a little bit. Party hats still have plenty of prestige - and lots of people prefer to buy on the exchange if the prices are anywhere near sensible as trading with players can be a pain and junk trading doesn't feel right to a lot of people. Buying while they're still dropping seems a bad plan, but I bet there's lots and lots of people waiting for them to stop and then they'll buy. It'll have been a long long time since you could pick up a party hat so cheap and easily and quite the opportunity. (either for investment or too keep)
  5. well what do you think they should have done? It seems a lot of people at the time thought farming should have been a skill where you 1)plant a seed 2)wait ten second for it to grow 3)pick the plant 4)go to step 1 I.e yet another grind skill where you stay at one spot and do the same thing over and over again for as many hours as you can bear to. Theres already plenty enough of that in the game. Go mining or woodcutting if you like that sort of thing. Farming requires a bit more planning and once you've done that planning you get to play another part of the game or even something in real life while your plants grow. In my opinion much more fun, much more variation than many other skills. Changing it from that would seem to me to be caving to the mindless masses who don't want to engage their brains to do skilling. I would object strongly if today they changed farming to the way that many were demanding around it's release.
  6. It seems to me that Dawkins main problem is that he seems to make sweeping statements that Religion is evil and dangerous and a bad thing- despite the fact that there are many many religious communities which are pretty much pacifist and far more concerned with charity and helping fellow worse off human beings. There are obviously extremists which cause a lot of problems in the world, but there's plenty of religious based charities which do a lot of good in the world. Sure extremists are quite clearly dangerous, but he's made comments tarring everyone with the same brush which seem to me prejudice rather than any sort of reasoned argument. Maybe he understands evolution and has good academic qualifications, but he doesn't seem to understand some of the people he's criticising at all. It is quite possible to state beliefs about something (including atheist beliefs) in a respectful way to those who disagree with you. - The bus messages seem fine to me, some of the statements Dawkins has made in the past are not. - I don't think his aggressive stance on things has helped anything, just like extremist followers of a religion don't actually help the standing of their own religion in the world. I find some of his statements quite hypocriticial. He complains that people have negative attitude towards atheists, while not being respectful of those with religious opinions. It does seem to me in certain demographics in certain parts of the world the tide is almost turning the other way in other regards of intolerance of beliefs. In that amongst groups of young people in certain Western countries it's not uncommon now for certain people to talk loudly about how they are atheists and what a load of rubbish religious people are while people who do follow religions sit there almost embarrassed to say well actually I believe in God.
  7. The argument for neither player eating is that it's better for both of you as you don't both waste all your food. However if I'm about to die due to not eating there isn't any benefit for me. At that point there's only a downside to not eating so I eat and I don't really care all that much if I'm wasting or saving my opponents food. I guess there's a small posibility that if I don't eat, then eventually people some people will start saying oh that's Obidiah he's honorable and doesn't eat, so I won't eat either - most people will continue to eat against me though. I'd die a lot and lose an awful lot of things just to get a better chance of a cheaper kill against a small percentage of the people I'm likely to fight, 184
  8. I have to say I'm not entirely sure what the medical effects of different amounts of cigarettes are. but from everything I've heard, smoking to relieve lifes general stresses is very much the road to a dependancy/addiction. It's very easy to build up in the association in your brain - oh dear I'm stressed time to have a cigarette and 1 or 2 could end up building up to more and more. I'd be very very wary about using stress as a reason to smoke.
  9. If you don't have religion then not a lot in the long term. At which point the aim is too live life in a way that is most enjoyable to you can before you die. With that mentality things which you do which give some impact on the world after your death were probably mostly done so that you could get respect and recognition while still alive and any impact after that is more a side effect. However I think many people even those who would consider themselves of a none-religious disposition sort of hedge there bets that there might be some sort of afterlife (even if it's subconciously - due to that fact that yourself suddenly not existing is not actually easy to imagine) - and so do end up caring about what happens because of them after they've gone. (sorry if that was straying closer to talk about religion that the original poster was hoping for) Edit: I suppose the other thing people care about is the impact that your life might have on surviving friends and family after they are dead. Hence many people do save an inheritance. The question at that point I suppose is, is there normally any spiritual motivation for people caring about that too?
  10. It would seem to me the deep wilderness would be a good place to pvp on the pvp worlds - that is the part of the world that is actually designed for pvp. Pking in Falador and Lumbridge is fun for the feel of a big crazy rumble with 100s of players at once - but deep wildy may well go back to being the home of the serious pkers. - which would seem fine.
  11. I feel it is a bit odd you are stating your speculations as if they are fact, rather than the speculations that they are. You'd have probably got less much less criticism if you'd called your thread. "Do you think Jagex is going to kill bouny hunter" I have no idea if they'll change bounty hunter or not, but I find it interesting that I generally heard from pkers that bounty hunter wasn't very good - yet if theres even a hint of danger that it might go - then suddenly there's some people calling it a great bit of content.
  12. I can sympathise - they are uber-rare to find and not the sort of challenge I'd set myself as it may just lead to frustration. 1 in 5000 from what I hear anyway. But it's basically all that's stopping me from achieving my aim of unlocking all the music in the game, so I have been at earth warriors a fair bit recently (I figure at least even if I don't get my challenge scroll they are good charm droppers for an easy to kill monster, so it's not a waste of time.) Am level 115 right now.
  13. But we're not just talking about items that cost millions! What about full rune sets? This is every armour, weapon and rare in the game, if I'm not mistaken. You are mistaken. It is not every weapon and armour in the game. Things which can be mass produced through skilling like rune sets aren't affected. As far as I can tell it's everything in the game that could be classified as a rare. (including barrows items and treasure trail items at the cheaper end of this definition)
  14. It's only the big expensive items which there aren't that many of in the game that have these small limits introduced. (basically the items that were easy to monopolise if you happen to be uber rich or part of an uber rich consortium) So you don't need to worry about most things having been changed - like smithed weapons and armours.
  15. I feel this article makes a huge false assumption in claiming that Blizzards testing allows for bug free releases. A claim they have a significantly better track record than Jagex just doesn't seem correct to me. World of Warcraft has had plenty of serious bugs and exploits. Theres been speedhacks, a plague bug, a "stat stacking" bug , duping. Plenty of their players have been banned for bug abuse too. Diablo II (a previous effort from blizzard) was plagued with duping and hack problems on the largest scale I've ever seen in an online game. Diablo's problems dwarf that of Runescape. Obviosuly games companies should do all they can to stop these things sneaking through, but it's harder than you might think for in house testing teams to explore things as thoroughly as hundreds of thousands of players.
  16. You can carry on mining after you have claimed your reward. I claimed my reward then managed to get 13 more stardust mining the very end of a star on another server.
  17. I considered a lot of the point of suggesting stuff was to get the game a little more how you'd like it. One disadvantage of crediting suggestions I can see is it can lead to bigger arguments as to who actually came up with the idea first. Quite often more than one person can come up with similar ideas. Right now arguments as to who came up with an idea are a little petty and a lot of people who have similar ideas would probably prefer to get on as they both actually want the same thing. But if the chance to get your name on Runescape becomes a factor, well a lot of Runescape players are very competitive, so arguments would spring up all over the place. There are various ideas I've seen in various places, but written up by different people. Even something like bank-tabbing I think I have actually seen around in various forms for years. It's been much better written up in more recent times, but I think the idea has been around a long time. I can just imagine all sorts of accusations of idea stealing and Jagex crediting the wrong person which would stop it being the nice community addition that it set out to be.
  18. Zanaris? Surely that is just a fairy tale;)
  19. Some guy who was clearly of his rocker, told me that if you look under all the trees in Lumbridge swamp then you will find a Leprechaun. Then you can take a magic branch into a magic shed in Lumbridge swamp, and be teleported underground to an underground magic farm full of talking animals. Then he started saying how it was all psychedelic blue and full of faeries and then I knew for a fact that the poor chap was completely doolally.
  20. Ooh all very interesting. Lol I think I used to look at the tops of hiscores a lot more back then. I recognise far more names on the old high scores than on the new hiscores. Cool to see some names on both.
  21. Highlanders I find your attitude poor - lots of people on this board are interested in seeing if the book is any good before buying it, and some people have been good enough to splash out and buy the book early to report back to everyone else what the book is like. I don't think it's appropriate for you to be badmouthing, because they chose to spend their money a little different to the way you would. (so far all signs point to it being a good book - every person I've seen who's actually bought it - is talking positively about it - which is even more promising when you take into account Runescape players reputations for complaining about things)
  22. Don't support - calling the things gp instead of coins. My opinion is it's just one more (small) step to making Runescape into the generic RPG and losing some of it's feel of unique.
  23. I think I will wear by valuable things today and wander about not lending them to everyone who asks in the politest possible way. :thumbsup: That'll help prove to people that the majority of the owners of these items simply aren't in the business of lending them to random people.
  24. Looking at the Runescape billing FAQ it says that the e-mail message you will have received on a failed payment, contains the following. "If however you were shown a "Payment Declined" message, then the payment below will NOT be taken from your card. As your recent payment attempts have been declined, this means that we have received no money and you will not be able to access members' worlds and features from your account. If your bank has reserved any funds as a result of these failed transactions, this will be returned to you within 4-5 working days, depending on your bank's processes." This means. If you don't have access to some of your money, then it's because your bank is holding onto it and not Jagex. There is other info which might help you in that FAQ, including the most common reasons that the payments will have declined. I'm suspecting from evidence you're showing here that you have a chronic case of skim reading and there is something on the membership form that you have misinterpreted and thus are continually filling in wrong.
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